As the girl who has spent the longest time with Li Yexing, Tililith has always had a silent understanding with Li Yexing. At this last moment, the two of them used a trivial trick to successfully deceive Killer. God, Victor, who tried to fake his own death, was completely pinned to death on the gravel-filled ground. Once upon a time, Victor could be considered a handsome man, but now, he has become a big puddle of brown flesh, roughly stuck to the ground, like a piece of shit that was thrown against the wall. After emptying out the last ammunition of the God Killer, Li Yexing threw it away, and then quickly ran towards Tililith who was lying on the ground and looked the most serious. It has to be said that Tililith looked at this moment. She went up in a miserable state, her whole body was charred and black smoke was rising, her left arm's giant claws were full of cracks, and her right arm was completely shattered. Looking at Tililith like this, Li Yexing felt as if a huge boulder had been pressed against his chest. , the pain was so painful that it was difficult to even breathe. Crouching in front of Tililith, Li Yexing was a little at a loss. Facing the fallen girls, he didn't even know what he could do for them. I'm sorry, Li Yexing whispered, I'm late...

Tililith is fine, she just can't move. As if aware of Li Yexing's embarrassment, Tililith squeezed out a feeble smile and murmured softly: Go and see the others. After all, there was still nothing he could do for Tililith, so Li Yexing could only tear off the sleeves of his hospital gown. After helping Tililith tie up her injured right arm, Li Yexing leaned down and touched Tililith's forehead. He gave a gentle kiss, then quickly turned his head and ran towards Tililian who was not far away. Perverted brother-in-law, this hurts so much. Unlike Tililith, when he saw Li Yexing, he ran over. , Ti Lilian immediately began to cry out in pain, with a hint of crying in her tone. Looking at the broken and scorched tentacles extending from Ti Lilian's body and her bloody right arm, Li Yexing hurriedly squatted down. , while gently stroking Tili Li's head, he whispered: Keep on holding on, I will find a way. As he said that, Li Yexing gently touched Ti Li Jing'an's forehead just like he did with Ti Lili. After pecking, he pulled off the other half of his sleeve and tied Tililian's bleeding right arm tightly. Then he stood up under Tililian's aggrieved look and went straight to Kanan who was slumped in the corner. Can you still withstand it? Li Yexing squatted beside Kanan and asked in a low voice. I have a cigarette in my pocket. Without answering Li Yexing's question, Kanan tilted his head and whispered. Li Yexing understood. He quickly found half a box of crumpled cigarettes from Kanan's pocket that was pierced by bone spurs, and then took out a cigarette that was almost cut off. After stuffing it into Kanan's lips, Li Yexing took a lighter and quickly put it into Kanan's lips. He lit it. Damn, I can stand it this time. He took a hard puff of the cigarette, and then coughed violently. Despite this, Kanan still stubbornly bit the cigarette holder, as if he was afraid that Li Yexing would find out. She was coughing up blood. When the rise and fall of her chest subsided slightly, she squeezed out a smile and said, Hitomi's condition is not good.

Li Yexing was startled and quickly stood up and went straight to Hitomi Chishima. When he came to Hitomi Chishima, Li Yexing saw that half of Hitomi Mishima's ribs had been completely broken, and large patches of blood appeared on his skin. There were bruises and hematomas, and blood even flowed out from the cracks between the skin. Ye Xing... Seeing Li Ye Xing stop next to her, Hitomi Mikishima had a wry smile on her face. She said softly, I'm sorry, I couldn't hit the page. I've embarrassed Ye Xing. What did you say? ! There was a hint of blame in his tone, but more of it was heartache. While stroking Hitomi Mishima's black hair, Li Yexing whispered: I do it for you. That's really, really good. Even though she was seriously injured, Hitomi Mikishima still squeezed out a heartwarming smile, as if she was comforting Li Yexing. At the same time, Li Yexing's face was still anxious, and he stretched out his hand to move Hitomi Mikishima. He reached Kanan's side, but when his hand reached mid-air, he stopped again. Almost all of his side ribs were broken, and Li Yexing was worried that his inappropriate behavior would aggravate Hitomi Mikishima's injuries. Don't worry, Yexing-kun, I It's just... it's inconvenient to move around. After all, I am also the next leader of the Mikishima group. Don't underestimate the roots of the Yakuza! Enduring the severe pain all over his body, Hitomi Mikishima smiled playfully, and then said softly: Go and see Miss Griffith and Miss Bai. I'm afraid their situation is even worse than mine. Hold on a little longer. After all, there is nothing he can do for Hitomi Mikishima at this moment, Li Yexing decided. , turned around and ran towards Rita and Bai Muqing. It wasn't until he ran to the side of the two of them that Li Yexing understood what the bad situation in Hitomi Mikishima meant. At this moment, Rita and Bai Muqing still maintained a fused posture, but It looked particularly weird. They shared the same lower body, but the body began to split from the waist, and they turned into the upper bodies of Rita and Bai Muqing. Then Bai Muqing covered them together with the changing black mucus. Although there is no pain in the expressions of the two people, this look is really heart-wrenching. I'm sorry, sir, for letting you see this ugly look. Despite their efforts to control their bodies, those things that emerged from the split area are still there. The tiny red flesh buds were still squirming crazily. Seeing that the posture she had concealed in front of Li Yexing was completely exposed, Rita's face was ashen. Bai Muqing's reaction became even more intense. Facing Li Yexing's gaze, she turned her head. Gritting his teeth, he said with a cry: Don't look at it! This look is so ugly! How could it be like this? Li Yexing asked anxiously, with distress between his brows and eyes. While merging with Miss Bai. Under the circumstances, the connection between the cores of Miss Bai and I is partially damaged... Rita pursed her lips and whispered: It can neither be completely fused into a body nor completely separated. Before Miss Bai and I repair the core, I'm afraid. I have to keep this look forever... is And my body doesn't obey my orders, I can't move at all... Bai Muqing on the side frowned slightly and said: The blow just now was too fatal, being stabbed in the core with a high-temperature sharp weapon. Yes, if Rita hadn't been here, I would have died... Each situation was more complicated than the last, but Li Yexing was helpless. Under Rita's gentle urging,

Under the insincere urging of Xiu and Bai Muqing, Li Yexing could only give each of them a kiss, and then ran towards Alexa who was lying on the ground. Unlike the other girls, Alexa didn't look injured, but her face was ugly. This was the reason why Li Yexing finally took care of Alexa. On the other side, Li Yexing ran away with a worried look on her face. Coming over, Alexa forced a smile and said: Don't worry, honey, I'm not injured, I'm just a little exhausted.

I understand. Thank you for your hard work, Lisa. Li Yexing, who had a certain understanding of the characteristics of the T-Veronica virus, did not speak any more. After careful inspection, he confirmed that Alexa's body After it was confirmed that there was no serious trauma or any new injuries, Li Yexing leaned down and whispered to Alexa: Let me help you up first. I just cleaned the laboratory inside. We can go and rest for a while. Will... Sing'. She blinked at Li Yexing, indicating her acquiescence. Alexa was about to extend her hand to Li Yexing, when suddenly, in her sight, a black shadow stood up silently. . The snake pupils wrapped in orange-red irises suddenly shrank, and Alexa's eyes suddenly widened. She opened her mouth and before she could shout out the words be careful, she heard a muffled sound of I, Li Yexing He was knocked away and hit the ground heavily.

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