The scene in front of them happened so suddenly that even the girls could not react immediately, let alone Li Yexing, who had his back turned to the attacker. Li Yexing was hit by the sudden attack with his left arm, and was sent flying straight away, hitting the wall of the hall hard. When his body fell back to the ground, a strong wind mixed with the stench of rotting corpses hit his face, and it was too late. Li Yexing stood up and rolled to the side. The next second, the thick tentacles slammed down like iron bells, knocking the gravel on the ground and scattering it in all directions. Using inertia, he staggered to his feet, his expression distorted by the pain. As the hematoma emerged from his skin little by little, Li Yexing drooped his left arm and gritted his teeth. Then he turned his head sharply, only to see Victor transform into On the large puddle of mud, a tentacle as thick as an ancient tree was twisting crazily, as if dancing. The main body of the tentacle was blood red, exactly the same as Rita's tentacle, with a large number of black worms mixed in it. , as if to imitate the fusion of Rita and Bai Muqing, and now, they are roughly united together, as if they have learned Ti Lilian's method of using tentacles! Before Li Yexing could stand still, the terrifying The converging tentacle launched its attack again. It compressed its body, and then suddenly extended like a spring, attacking Li Yexing at a speed that was completely inconsistent with the bloated body. The previous explosion on Queen Veronica's Island had not yet healed, and there was still a slight pain in his right leg. Coupled with the severe pain from his left arm, Li Yexing's condition had almost fallen to the lowest point, even though he was still there. He tried to avoid the tentacles for the first time, but was still caught. With his body bound by countless red flesh buds and black worms, Li Yexing lifted it up high and then slammed it to the ground. Suddenly, gravel flew everywhere. Under this huge impact, Li Yexing's bloodshot eyes widened and he spit out a large mouthful of blood. Seeing Li Yexing struggling to get up, the large group of strange converging tentacles began to shrink, condense, and deform crazily, until Ping gathered into a human form, and then

The rapidly formed bones propped up the chaotic body, and the pale skin grew again with purple blood vessels. Then, there were the necessary layers of the exoskeleton. In just a few breaths, the familiar face appeared. , appeared in Li Yexing's sight again. Victor, a handsome man covered in biological armor and with short gray hair, looked indifferent and stared expressionlessly at Li Yexing who fell at his feet. Facing Li Yexing's eyes full of hatred and confusion, he murmured He pursed his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't. As if he was eager to say the words that were stuck on his lips, Victor's lips moved more and more quickly, and meaningless syllables began to pop out continuously, even The muscles on his face began to squirm unnaturally. As the muscles squirmed, Victor's short silver hair that had just grown began to fall off crazily. Then, the corner of Victor's mouth suddenly tore open, revealing the uneven row of hair. With his teeth and ferocious curves, his facial features began to shift and their sizes began to change. After a few seconds, they completely lost the appearance of a normal human being. As the face became extremely distorted and uncoordinated, Victor was finally able to speak. Said: Sage... Wu... is very interesting... I almost... died. I really thought... After saying that, Victor raised his head and let out a strange and pleasant laugh. You bitch, you bitch, you didn't manage to kill the God Killer. After the initial shock disappeared, Li Yexing's eyes were instantly filled with anger. Because... I have... surpassed God! Zhang Opening his arms and raising his head, Victor chuckled and said, That posture is like bathing in the gods.

Gritting his bleeding teeth tightly, Li Youxing bowed and, unable to rely on his arms, forcibly supported his body. Then, he roared and raised his handless right arm, facing Victor's His face was smashed hard. Facing Li Yexing's attack, Victor did not dodge, but waved his arms lightly at Li Yexing. The next second, Li Yexing felt that his body had lost support and fell to the ground again. on the ground. Caught off guard, his head hit the ground hard. Suddenly, even his hearing began to become blurry. He seemed to hear the heartbreaking cries and curses from the girls, but he could not fall down. , because when all his girls are unable to move and can only be slaughtered, he is the last barrier between Victor and the girls. Even if the sky falls, he must stand up! But he can't stand up anymore Looking at Victor's sword arm that was constantly bleeding and exactly the same as Kanan's, Li Yexing, who was lying on the ground, turned his head and saw a broken leg lying quietly next to him. , it seems that the knee should not be cut. Even though he couldn't see his bloody wound, Li Yexing knew that his leg had been cut off. The pain began to invade his right leg from the neck down, biting the nerves like crazy. Li Yexing looked pale and was sweating profusely, but he gritted his teeth and didn't even hum, because his girls were still looking at him. He wanted to Protect them, so he will never show weakness in front of Victor! the same as...after all...karma...

Mortal! Looking at Li Yexing who was lying on the ground with one leg missing and still trying to get up, Victor kicked Li Yexing lightly. Suddenly, the sound of broken bones came. Li Yexing had his ribs broken by the kick. It flew out again and hit the ground heavily, splashing a large amount of smoke and dust. Even so, Li Yexing still gritted his teeth and remained silent. As expected of a saint, he is stubborn... enough. He couldn't. Hearing Li Yexing wailing and screaming like an ordinary mortal, the joy on Victor's face finally disappeared, and there was finally a trace of color on the twisted facial features, as someone who had stolen the authority of God and possessed the power of God. As a god reader, Victor was eager to torture Li Yexing and make him scream, in order to prove that saints are as fragile as mortals, and then prove how absurd God's vision of selecting saints is, but the perseverance shown by Li Yexing exceeded Its imagination. If this continues, Li Yexing will be beaten to death. If that happens, he will not be able to prove a

A glimmer of light flashed in Qie Zhi's eyes, and the corners of his cracked mouth were slightly raised again, as if he had thought of some good idea. Victor's face was once again occupied by joy, and in front of Li Yexing, he turned around He turned around, leaving Li Yexing behind, and then walked towards Tililith step by step. At this moment, Li Yexing's expression finally changed. You...these Step by step, he got closer to Tilithis, until he stood in front of Tilithis. The blade arm in Victor's hand quickly changed and turned into a ferocious bone. Spear, it turned its head, looked at the wide-eyed Li Yexing, and said happily: I... good... you can understand... your... No finally looked like Occupied by fear, Li Yexing opened his mouth slightly and shook his head gently.

Hey hey hey. Facing Li Yexing with a pleasant and strange smile, Victor stopped looking at Li Yexing at all. Instead, he focused his eyes on Ti Lilith, facing the red gaze full of hatred and sorrow. , it aimed at Tililith's eyes, and then slowly raised the spear in its hand. Goodbye, Miss Bao... Victor said with a strange smile. The next second, the spear tore through the air and penetrated fiercely.

Facing the cold light, Tililith's eyes flashed with despair. She knew what Victor wanted to do. He wanted to see Li Yexing's fragile appearance. But Tililith knew very well that Li Yexing would not do it. He who shows weakness will not show weakness no matter what kind of torture he encounters...Fi Therefore, Victor wants to kill the person Li Yexing loves in front of Li Yexing, and it is foreseeable that the girls present , no one can escape this fate, they will be killed one by one in front of Li Yexing. Thinking of this, Tililith closed her eyes and silently waited for death to come. Suddenly, the sound of flesh being penetrated sounded from above the head, and then, warm liquid was splashed on the face. The expected death did not come, but Tililith suddenly realized something. Her heart was instantly filled with fear, but she could not avoid it, as if she was unwilling to accept the fact that she had expected. Her forehead trembled in fear and she opened her eyes, only to see that the person standing in front of her was Li Yexing's back with a bone spear pierced through his chest! She could no longer lift her hands and could only watch the spear piercing her. On his own chest, Li Yexing, who was driven by the obsession to protect the girls, even if he lost both arms and a leg, could still crawl to the girls with Bima's bloody chin, and then lean on The only remaining leg jumped up to block the attack for his girl, but now, he really couldn't do anything. Facing Victor's frightened eyes, Li Yexing vomited blood, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, Victor. I will do anything to protect my girl. The everlasting smile on his face finally disappeared, replaced by a burst of anger. Bi Li Yexing denied the meaning of existence with his life. Victor's lips began to move crazily, as if he wanted to curse, but he couldn't. It could only spit out meaningless characters. Finally, after realizing that it was too angry to speak, it finally let out a roar that was indistinguishable from a wild beast, and at the same time, it suddenly raised its arms and was about to be beaten by itself. The penetrating Li Yexing was raised high, as if he was showing off, and as if he wanted to prove it. However, even though Li Yexing was still dying, he could no longer move and could only be hung up like a rag. As his body grew colder and his vision became blurry, he vaguely seemed to hear the cries of the girls. Sorry, everyone, it’s over. I can’t protect you anymore, and I can’t continue to love you. I’m sorry, Tilili. I’m sorry, Rita. I’m sorry, good brother. I’m sorry, Hitomi. I’m sorry, kiss my sister-in-law. I’m sorry. , Mu Qing

Sorry, Lisa. Sorry. Along with the gradually blurred cry, his consciousness fell into darkness. Li Yexing finally closed his eyes.

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