At half past six in the morning, when the garden bell rang, Li Yexing habitually stretched out his hand from the warmth of his nest and picked up his mobile phone. He squinted his sleepy eyes and turned to the rain bell in a daze, and then retracted it. In a light blue quilt.

It's a pity that there are not so many don't want in the adult world. After only a few tens of seconds, but it seemed like centuries of struggle, Li Yexing finally escaped the gravity of the bed. He struggled to crawl out of bed, He stepped on the cold floor with his bare feet, then inserted half of his feet into his slippers. He looked at the ice flowers on the window and the city outside the ice flowers. He turned his head, drooping his arms and body, as if he was in mourning. He staggered out of his bedroom. In the bathroom, facing the mirror, Li Yexing brushed his teeth and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was slightly longer, his naked upper body was slightly thin, and his chest muscles were not so obvious. Below are the less obvious abdominal muscles. Above the abdominal muscles, the scar engraved on the abdomen is particularly conspicuous. This scar changed Li Yexing's current life. He brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth. Li Yexing turned on the faucet, bent down, let the cold water accumulate in his palms, and then slapped it on his face. After washing his face, he seemed much more awake. , when his brain started running at high speed again, he fixed his sight on the shampoo next to the sink. Although he always kept his residence tidy, in fact, Li Yexing was a lazy dog, the kind who was too lazy to wash his hair... Squeezing the shampoo into the palm of his hand, smearing it on his head, and after scratching for a while, Li Yexing started again Bending down, he turned on the faucet and let the cold water wash over his face.

Damn, he's so cold...

After putting on simple casual clothes, he turned around and left his rental house. After walking down the old corridor with a faint smell of urine, Li Yexing hugged the cold

In the air, looking at the streets filled with pedestrians and the old man doing Tai Chi downstairs, I felt refreshed. A new day is about to begin. Riding on the electric bicycle, staring at the cold current passing through the street, as the buildings on both sides of the street began to get higher and higher, there were finally more cars blocking the road in front of him. Mr. Li Yexing, a small citizen, touched his frozen hair, and then waited while waiting. At the red light, I turned my head and looked at the tall building with a whole glass curtain wall in the distance. Even in Tongcheng City, where there are many tall buildings, that tall building still looks very conspicuous.

Huanya International Trading Company, that's where Li Yehang works. Suddenly, a strange feeling came over him. Li Yexing covered his nose and sneezed lightly. Gee, the winter in Haicheng is really cold. It is obviously a coastal port city. Wait, the winter in previous years did not seem to be so cold. The strange thing was not entangled in this unusually cold temperature. Li Yexing tightened his clothes. clothes, when the red light turned green, he followed the Mercedes-Benz next to him and started to drive.

Although it was said to be far away, it was actually not that far. In less than ten minutes, Li Yexing's battery car was parked downstairs of the conspicuous building. He looked at the few scattered cars downstairs worth hundreds of thousands, or even more than one hundred thousand. Wan's car, he consciously parked his battery car under a tree far away, and then looked at the time on his phone. It was exactly half past seven. Li Yexing tightened his tight clothes and walked towards the building of Huanya International Trade Center. Different from national enterprises that promote good fortune, as a real foreign enterprise, Huanya International Trade has always followed a strict hourly working system, and the overtime pay is extremely high. Therefore, in principle, Li You don’t need to come so early for a night walk.

Walking into the slightly deserted hall, the receptionist at the front desk was still preparing. When she saw Li Yexing walking into the hall, she slightly-H card and then her face turned slightly red, Good morning Yexing-kun. Good morning, Ms. Qijima Looking at the receptionist in uniform with long black hair at the counter, Li Yexing smiled politely.

Then he turned his head and walked towards the corridor on the other side. However, before he had taken a few steps, he heard the receptionist saying in Japanese urgently: Wait! It seemed that the receptionist didn't want to. End the topic early. Thinking of this, Li Yexing stopped, then turned around, silently staring at the receptionist. I have to say that she is indeed a very rare person.

Beauty, tall, with black hair, she also looks soft, but for some reason, Li Yexing always feels that there is a sharpness hidden in her eyes, like a sword light. Probably because of this name, Hitomi Mikishima The woman is a Japanese woman, to be honest, no one can refuse the invitation of a beautiful girl, not to mention, Li Yexing received a lot of attention from the other party when he first joined the job. Li Yexing's senses about this Qiandao girl are quite good, and he always Feeling inexplicably friendly, after classifying it as a professional skill of a receptionist, he chuckled and asked: Is there anything else?

That. He muttered on his lips, with a hidden shyness in his eyes. Hitomi Mikishima muttered in Japanese in a low voice: Tonight, Yogyuki-kun, do you have time?

Huh? Li Yexing, whose Japanese was stuck at the level of anime and Japanese movies, asked subconsciously, No, no, no, it's nothing. Shaking his head vigorously, Hitomi Mikishima squeezed out a shy smile and said, Yexing You still have something to do, right? We'll talk about it next time...

Seeing that Hitomi Mikishima obviously had something to say, Li Yexing thought about it and decided not to dwell on it anymore, so he turned around and went straight to his place of work.

Turning the door handle and pushing the door open, I saw in the clean and tidy lounge, a fresh, beautiful, but slovenly girl with a single ponytail wearing a security uniform, leaning on the sofa without any image, and saw Li Yexing Entering the room, she was slightly stunned, and then a hint of joy appeared on her face. Good morning, Kanan. Li Yexing waved to the girl, and said with a polite smile. Oh! It's the boss! Quickly Pulling back her legs that were resting on the coffee table, the girl known as Kanan turned over and got off the sofa, then quickly ran towards Li Ye. After hooking Li Yexing's neck, she clamped it hard His arms then grinned

He said with a smile in his slightly off-key Chinese: You are so dedicated, you always come so early.

After all, this is the job I paid for with my life. Taking advantage of the warm air brought by the heater, he took off his coat in front of Kanan without hesitation. Li Yexing opened his employee wardrobe and took out a black security uniform. , and then put them on himself one by one, and after changing his clothes, Li Yexing straightened the clothes and said to Kanan casually: You can get off work. I guess the night shift must be quite tiring, and you are still I'm a girl... Don't underestimate me. I'm from the army, although I'm not a serious member. He smiled and pulled up the hem of his security uniform in front of Li Yexing, using his abdominal muscles to prove his strength. , Kanan said with a smile: Besides, my shift application has been approved. From today on, you and I will work together. Think? Hearing Kanan's words, Li Yexing was slightly stunned, then turned his head and said: Is Secretary Bai so easy to talk to? Of course she's not easy to talk to, but for some reason, she agreed happily this time. Kanan shrugged and said, What? You don't want to have sex with me? During work hours, I Don't smoke or drink. Li Yexing said expressionlessly. Shout, no... Kanan turned his head and muttered in a low voice.

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