What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-41. A strong man acts bravely when he sees justice

Looking at himself in the mirror again, Li Yexing fell into silence. For some reason, he always felt that this security uniform seemed to have a slight sense of violation, just like this unprecedented cold winter in Haicheng. Moreover, what the hell is this silver wolf head? Compared with the badge on the security uniform, it looks more like the logo of an Eastern European security contractor. So handsome! Standing behind Li Yexing, he looked at Li Yexing's security uniform. Kanan smiled and said: Boss, you and this outfit are really

, it makes me feel like a girl. Girl's heart? Do you have such a thing? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said solemnly: Also, don't call me boss, it's not good if Secretary Bai hears it. Oh! By the way! Secretary Bai! Hear it! Li Yexing's words made Hanan subconsciously make a fist with her right hand and lightly hit the palm of her left hand. She said with a delicate expression: I will forget it if you don't tell me. Secretary Bai asked you to find her.) \\Before half past one . He took out his mobile phone and glanced at the time. Seeing that it was not past eight o'clock, Li Yexing took out his communicator, put it on his head, and said casually: Secretary Bai didn't reply last night.

No, I just spent the night in the office. Kanan shrugged and said: Ah, that overtime monster, I definitely can't stand it if I make me work like her. 7. Really, isn't she afraid of death from overwork? No answer Regarding Kanan's question, Li Yexing opened the office door and said casually: I'm going to see Secretary Bai. Go, go! Kanan waved his hand, with the gloating smile on his face accompanied by the sound of the door closing, and was locked in the security room by Li Yexing. That's right, Li Yehang is a security guard and is responsible for the security of the Asia World Trade Center. It stands to reason that in Huanya International Trade, even if the security position does not have extremely high requirements for academic qualifications, it is still not something that a street stall barbecue wage earner like Li Yexing, who dropped out of high school, can get into. For Li Yexing, entering Huanya International Trade Co., Ltd. The process was quite bumpy, and even a little bit of a mistake. One day, when getting off work from the barbecue stall, Li Yexing took a shortcut to return to his rental house early and took a dark alley that he rarely walked. As a result, in the alley, he encountered an attempt. The pervert had evil intentions towards the lost girl. As a righteous citizen, he rushed forward. The pervert fought bravely. Even though he was stabbed, he successfully killed the pervert by relying on his experience accumulated from fighting in his school days. Knocked to the ground wildly. As he slumped in the alley clutching his injured abdomen, Li Yexing had only one thing in his mind... As a female horse, I'm afraid I won't be able to go to work tomorrow and my job will be lost... Of course, Li Yexing acted bravely. He was hospitalized. Naturally, his parents were extremely distressed about his injury, but Li Yexing would never forget the look of relief in his father's eyes. He stroked Li Yexing's head vigorously, and then whispered: To grow so big, you can do a lot of work. Then, the development of the situation was beyond Li Yexing's imagination. One day, just like every other day, Li Yexing was lying on the hospital bed, scrolling through his mobile phone in boredom. Suddenly, a man in police uniform opened the door and walked in. Enter, and then, there are - a large group of burly men in suits and sunglasses wearing communicators. Black, white, and yellow people gathered together and formed a formation. One by one, they had blond hair and wore long black skirts. The woman came in with two petite girls. As soon as she entered the room, the silver-haired little girl rushed forward and hugged Li Yexing. Although she did not speak and had no expression on her face, the couple The strange red eyes seemed to be shining. Looking at the girl's beautiful angelic face, Li Yexing recognized at a glance that this girl was the girl he saved in the alley that night! On the other side , a touch of embarrassment appeared on his face, and the police officer who entered the door first lowered his attitude and said: Miss Ashford, he is the young man who saved Miss Tilly.

The high heels clicked on the ground, making a clicking sound. The blond woman walked up with another petite girl, watching Li Yexing quietly, and Li Yexing, who was hugged tightly by Tililith, also subconsciously Watch the woman. Really, thank you very much! The Ashford family will never forget your kindness! Suddenly, the woman bent down and bowed to Li Yexing, and beside her, another petite blonde The girl stuck her head out and looked at Li Yexing, then Gao Gao said with a raised nose: You are the one who saved Sister Tililith? What, you are so ordinary.

For some reason, Li Yexing felt an inexplicable sense of disobedience when he heard this blond girl with twin ponytails call Tililith. What followed was a useless polite conversation. During the conversation with the blond woman, Li Yexing learned that the tall woman was named Alexa Ashford, and the short blond girl was named Ti Lili. Ann Ashford, like Ti Lilith, they are both sisters of Alexa Ashford, and this Ashford family seems to be an old aristocrat from Europe. In short, they are very rich. Very rich. So, why would a child from a rich family run into a dark alley in the middle of the night? It's so inconsistent... Faced with her sister's savior, Alexa looked extremely enthusiastic, and she was eager to Being able to repay Li Yexing made Li Yexing feel the sincerity from the Ashford family. After forcibly moving his eyes away from Alexa's stunningly beautiful eyes, he moved the words to her mouth. After swallowing it with the body, Li Yexing ignored the whole box of U.S. dollars that Alexa brought and said by mistake: I want a stable job. Suddenly, Alexa's expression became subtle On the other side, thinking that Alexa was in trouble, Li Yexing hurriedly said, The salary doesn't have to be too high, just be stable. If there are holidays, then it will be higher.

That's it? After a while, Alexa asked with some uncertainty. That's it. Facing the curious looks of Tililith and Tililian, Li Yexing nodded. In this way, Li Yexing entered the company under the Ashford family, namely Huanya International Trade, and became a famous Glorious security. No, rather than being a security guard, it is better to say that he is wearing security uniforms.

However, considering that Li Yexing was parachuted down from the top in an emergency, almost no one would be dissatisfied with Li Yexing's behavior. Here, Li Yexing has a new social circle, such as Qian Dao, the receptionist at the front desk. Miss Hitomi, it is said that she is the eldest lady of the Japanese mafia family. She ran away because she did not want to inherit the family business. Another example is Kanan Mafal, who was a bad friend to Li Yexing. According to her own boast, she once He once led an anti-government force that was active in the Middle East, but later because all his subordinates were wiped out, he gave up the job. Of course, in addition to the two of them, there was another person who could barely be included in Li Yexing's social circle. , but Li Yexing didn't really want to contact her, because for Li Yexing, this person was a big trouble! With a soft ding sound, the elevator door opened, and Li Yexing walked straight inward along the corridor, Until he stopped in front of an office wooden door and looked at the sign that read Ether Bookstore on the wooden door, he took a deep breath -05. Then he knocked lightly on the office door. Please come in. Immediately, the familiar voice came from the office.

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