What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-45. The macho man’s dream is broken

Soon, everyone took their seats. As the controller of Huanya International Trade, Alexa naturally sat behind the desk in the middle of the office, while Li Yexing sat on the sofa next to him. He sat on his left knee and looked at Tililith, and on the right Tililian sat on his knees, and the petite girls with silver and blond hair lay in his arms together, saying nothing. Tililian, who usually seemed a bit noisy, also seemed a lot quieter, and Li Yexing Behind her, Rita was stretching out her hands wrapped in black lace gloves, gently rubbing Li Yexing's shoulders. Miss Griffith... After a long while, calling this title that made him feel full of contradiction, Li Yexing frowned slightly and said: I think, as the head of the Ashford family, it is hard to travel. Miss Ashford needs the massage from the head maid of the Ashford family more than I do. After hearing Li Yexing's words, Alexa's face immediately showed a hint of displeasure. Just when Li Yexing thought that this Ashford When Miss Ford was finally about to get angry because her maid was upside down, she heard Alexa frown slightly and say: My dear, I called you wrong again! So, is this what you are dissatisfied with?! It's okay, sir... On the other side, Rita, who was standing behind Li Yexing, was massaging and explaining softly: The time I can spend with you is shorter than the time I can spend with Miss Ashford. There are too many, so in this short time, I hope to do something for you.

Feeling the relief coming from his shoulders, Li Yexing squinted his eyes slightly and felt a little dazed. For some reason, a strange sense of déjà vu came to his mind along with a sense of dissonance. Then, suddenly, the scene changed! The office decorated with snow-white walls and roses suddenly shrank and turned into a beautifully decorated home-style living room. The sofa under him became a boss's chair. Tililith and Tililian were still sitting on his knees. , Rita was massaging herself day by day, but Kanan appeared out of thin air on the sofa in front of her with her legs on the coffee table. Hitomi Mikishima was walking towards her with an apple in her hand. She was sitting at the office table and frowning slightly. Bai Muqing, who was writing a book, and Alexa, who was sitting on the other side of the sofa with her legs crossed, wearing a long black dress. Although they were doing their own things, as Li Yexing raised his head, they They all cast their own glances at Li Yexing. ls suddenly broke into a cold sweat, and Li Yexing's breathing suddenly became rapid. When he calmed down, he saw that he was still in the snow-white office, and everything he saw at that moment seemed to be just a dream. There was a trace of panic and exhaustion in his eyes. Li Yexing turned his head and saw Alexa browsing through the documents with a slight frown. Bai Muqing, who had entered the office at some time, was looking at her honestly. Standing by the desk, Rita was still massaging, never stopping, Ti Lilian buried her face in Li Yexing's chest. She seemed to have fallen asleep due to the exhaustion of the journey. . Li Yexing smacked his lips lightly, and shook his head slightly, thinking that he seemed to have had a strange nightmare. Seeing that no one around him noticed his strange behavior, he lowered his head vaguely, but he bumped into caught Ti Lilith's sight. Tililith did not speak, but her eyes revealed inquiry. It's okay. Seeing that Alexa was still working, Li Yexing whispered, Maybe it's because I slept too late yesterday, playing games for a long time, and playing with the simulator for a long time... Game? Hearing the game, Tililith seemed to be interested. She asked softly: What game?' Resident Evil 2 Rεmake. Li Yexing replied in a low voice: The one who just got hurt this year feels like Not bad...Resident Evil...2.remake...it happened this year... Repeating Li Yexing's words, Tililith straightened up slightly, put her arm around Li Yexing's neck, and then With somewhat surprised eyes, he placed his forehead on Li Yexing's forehead. Miss Tililis, you... For the first time, he came so close to those angelic eyes and looked at the thin but moist and pink lips. Li Yexing's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Just when he could not hold back anymore When Nao. went up, he heard Tilithis whispering: Ye Xing is so weird. He obviously doesn't have a fever, but he is talking nonsense.

What? He frowned slightly, and Li Yexing suddenly felt that something was wrong. The one that caused damage this year is obviously Dinosaur Crisis 2 R∈mak∈. Facing Li Yexing's doubts, Tililith explained in a low voice: The process is so short, Tililith just cleared the game yesterday. No, Dinosaur Crisis is Dino Crisis, Resident Evil is Resident Evil, Dino Crisis This IP is almost dead, how can it be remade? At least in the short term, it will definitely not be heavily profited, and, I can't even Dino Crisis I have never heard the news that Dino Crisis will be remade, how do you I don't know why, a strong feeling of anxiety arises in my heart, Li Yexing subconsciously raised his voice, but when he bumped into Ti Lilith's voice again Li Xing was stunned when he saw the sight. The sense of disobedience began to accumulate, and it seemed that something was loose. Everything around him began to shake, like a TV with poor signal, flickering with light snowflakes. , invisible, a force began to spread, oppressing Li Yexing who was aware of the sense of disobedience, but no matter how oppressive it was, the sense of disobedience in Li Yexing's heart still became heavier and heavier, until it broke through the threshold, and suddenly, his sight The restlessness in the room disappeared, leaving only Li Yexing with a distorted look. What happened just now? Wait, this atmosphere is so strange... The voices became so loud, why didn't anyone pay attention? Rita still During the massage, Alexa was still working, and Bai Muqing was still standing stupidly, as if she hadn't heard Li Yexing's words at all, or in other words, it was as if Li Yexing's words had been blocked!

Suddenly, the sound of a key turning the door sounded, and then the office door was pushed open, revealing the snowy street outside the door and Kanan wearing a black jacket and holding a hand in his mouth. Yan, grinning and humming a strange tune, walked in. Behind her, Mijishima Hitomi

Wearing a white cotton-padded jacket, he had two knives, one long and one short, on his waist, and he was holding a bag of ingredients in his hand. Oh hiss! I'm back! He walked into the office carelessly and threw his black leather jacket on the sofa that appeared out of thin air. Kanan had an unrestrained smile on his face and waved directly to Tilithis. :- Let's play games! War Machine! I...I'm back... On the other side, after locking the door, Hitomi Mishima smiled and subconsciously whispered in Japanese. It's so noisy. It seems Awakened by Kanan's movement, the sleepy Tililian straightened up with her eyes closed. She glanced at Kanan, then retracted her head into Li Yexing's arms, and whispered softly. : The silly big dog is really... On the other side, Tilithis released Li Yexing's neck, raised her head and said to Rita who was behind Li Yexing: Rita, Ye Xing looks so weird. :Resident Evil game. .What...Huh? It wasn't until Tililith called, that Rita responded like an awakened robot. She tilted her head slightly, with a hint of confusion on her face. Resident Evil game? Sir, This is not a good idea. is Resident Evil game? There was also a trace of confusion on his face, and Kanan said with a subtle expression: Boss, do you want to touch the monster? Why don't you go back to the room? Haha. , Wild dog, are you confused? On the other side, Bai Muqing at the office table sketched a cold smile, and said softly and mockingly: After the Raccoon City incident, zombie-themed cultural and entertainment works can almost only be... I saw it on banned websites and the dark web. How is it possible to make it into a game? However, my dear, I did come up with a good idea. Touching her chin gently, Alexa chuckled and said: Wait for the legalization process of BOW. If the promotion is successful, maybe our Huanya International can also get involved in the entertainment industry, gradually lift the ban on prohibited themes, and reap the first wave of market dividends

Accompanied by the discussion that only Li Yexing could not understand, the office shrank again and turned into the hallucinatory living room before. The girl DO0 was chatting and discussing, looking extremely enthusiastic. Until a moment, all the girls turned around together. They turned to look at Li Yexing and asked in unison: What do you think we think?

No. That's not right.. Facing the girls' eyes full of expectation and admiration, Li Yexing shook his head in panic. The subconscious resistance in his heart broke through the invisible pressure, and the accumulated sense of disobedience was already Completely unable to make money, Li Yexing looked at his computer in a daze. He saw that the computer was full of icons from the Resident Evil game and various emulators. Suddenly, everything in his sight seemed to be broken. Cracks bloomed like glass, and then shattered like a mirror.

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