When everything around him shattered with the sound of exploding glass, Li Yexing felt his feet go empty. Then, his body suddenly sank. It felt like falling from a high altitude, and the speed was getting faster and faster, tearing crazily. Li Yexing's nerves felt like they were drowning in the deep sea, crazily blocking Li Yexing's breathing. At this moment, Li Yexing had no time to care about the dripping and painful scenes after breaking through the false and peaceful blockade. , like a crying and wailing Du, was crazily thrust back into Li Yexing's brain, and then played back and forth like a revolving lantern, watching the beloved girls fall, and looking at the beam of light above his head that was getting further and further away due to his fall. Li Yexing stared at his bloodshot eyes and let out a hysterical roar. His expression was as ferocious as a cornered beast. Then, Li Yexing fell to the ground. It was obvious that his body had been violently collided, but there was no pain at all. Everything under his feet and around his body was dark as far as he could see. Only the top of his head in the distance was still shining with a faint light. However, he had obviously stopped falling. , but the light was still getting farther and farther away from Li Yexing, and there was no time to breathe. Li Yexing struggled to get up and jumped desperately, as if he wanted to return to the position of the light. However, his efforts were in vain, reflected in In the dark pupils, the bunch finally disappeared. His legs weakened and his will seemed to have been defeated. Li Yexing jumped to sit on the ground, staring blankly at the darkness in front of him without saying a word. It wasn't until the wet feeling slid across his face that he subconsciously swept it with his fingers. Then gently take it into your mouth. Salty.

Am I crying? Am I so cowardly? ... The expression on his face suddenly became ferocious. Li Yexing knelt in the darkness and punched the invisible ground hard. , punched again, until the pain was about to tear his arm apart, he stood up suddenly and wiped the tears from his face. You're crying, you girl! Li Yexing! Cursing his cowardly self loudly, Li Yexing gritted his teeth and his eyes seemed to be burning with flames. He took a step forward and shouted angrily: Your The girls are still waiting for you! They are still waiting for you to save them! To protect them! As the strides got longer and faster, Li Yexing flew through the endless darkness. , he doesn’t know where this is, nor where the direction from 2 will lead, but he knows that there is no point in standing still, even if there is only endless darkness waiting for him ahead, he will keep running forward. , until he returns to his girls! When the world loses its sound and light, and time becomes meaningless, Li Yexing doesn’t know whether he ran for a second or a century. Who can accompany him? , only his breathing became heavier and heavier. Finally, after an unknown amount of time, his physical strength could no longer support him. With a black eye, Li Yexing fell to the ground. His legs no longer obeyed his command. female horse's

After just a moment of stagnation, Li Yexing started moving again. He stretched out his hand, dragged his two legs that were almost unconscious, gritted his teeth and crawled towards the darkness ahead, until there was no skin on his fingers and the white bones were exposed. , until the dripping blood stained his palms red, and his fingers began to deform. He raised his head, hoeed his chin hard on the ground, and then continued to move slowly with his chin. What's the point?

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded from behind, and it was Li Yexing's own voice. Then, a series of footsteps came from behind, getting closer and closer, until they stopped beside Li Yexing, and Li Yexing did not. Without looking at him, he glanced at the jeans and sneakers he had worn in his previous life with the corner of his eye. He continued to move his body hard while gritting his teeth and said: What? I want to take your body back. ?Sorry, I haven't finished it yet. I still have to protect her.

My body? No, that's yours... The legs beside him took steps, and the voice belonging to Li Yexing followed him like a shadow: And now, your body is dead, you had a chance to escape, They will buy time for you at all costs. I can't escape. Li Yexing, whose chin was scratched and started to bleed, said with a stubborn look on his face: They need me! No one of them is better than you. Strong, if they are defeated, what ability do you have to protect them? The voice sneered at himself: You have had the right to choose twice. The first time, you had the opportunity to escape and let them drag you away. Live with your enemies, but you didn't. For the second time, you had the chance to start over like a normal person, to live with the girls you love and love you again, but you gave up. That was Fake! Li Yexing said fiercely: No matter how beautiful the dream is, it is just a dream! I can't escape them and live by my own imagination! If you choose to stay there, then for you, the world in that game is A dream. The voice chased and taunted: There were two forked roads in front of you, but you took the wrong one. Now, you have no chance, and you only have one way left to go... That's the girl who saved me! His breathing became heavier and blood was sprinkled in the darkness. Li Yexing dragged his frayed clothes and flesh while moving his body - and asked with a cold snort, You bastard , why do you always give me negative energy? Are you really me? Unfortunately, I always thought that we were the same person.

Come on, no, maybe this is not difficult to understand... As he said that, Li Yexing stopped. He finally turned his head and looked at the man who looked down at him, who looked exactly like him, except for his hair. The slightly longer man then said one word at a time: There is no meaning in a person's life. You have to give it meaning by yourself. Now, I have a meaning to live. I will live to protect my girls. Go down! Live to love them! Live to protect them! Live to prevent them from being sad! No matter what, I have to live! I can’t die! Even if this is hell! I have to get out! Then go back Come to them! Well, I really can't understand overlooking the cross

Li Yexing, who transcended time and space and exchanged bodies with himself, was wearing regular clothes and had slightly long black hair, and said with an expressionless face: After all, the way I get along with those stupid women in my family is different from yours. Hearing the other party's words, Li Yexing, who was lying on the ground, was stunned. I'm not surprised that you would make such a choice. Li Yexing, who was lying on the ground, shrugged. Ye Xing turned his head and looked at the deep darkness in the distance, and then whispered: After all, we have all made choices, we have all chosen the most difficult path, and we have implemented it to the end.

I...heard the words of the long-haired Li Yexing. Li Yexing, who was lying on the ground, subconsciously thought that the other person was only talking about him and himself. But the next second, he was stunned. He saw in the endless darkness, Figures appeared one by one. They all had the same face as Li Yexing, but their clothes and temperament were completely different. Even their bodies were slightly different. They looked at Li Yexing lying on the ground, with something in their eyes. Appreciation, teasing, ridicule, or encouragement, but without exception, their eyes seemed to see their past selves. Now, stand up. Facing the gazes of all the Li Yexings, the long-haired Li Yexing said solemnly. If I could stand up, I would have stood up long ago! Li Yexing cursed in a low voice: It's not like you can't see, Before I could finish my words, I saw long-haired Li Yexing kicking me hard, knocking Li Yexing who was lying on the ground to the ground. At the end, he didn't forget to ask in a cold voice, Pretending to be disabled?

You bitch. With anger in his heart, Li Yexing stood up suddenly and was about to punch the long-haired Li Yexing. Suddenly, he froze

Really stood up!

His eyes were instantly filled with uncontrollable surprise. Li Yexing lowered his head and looked at his hands. At this moment, those hands were brand new. There were no signs of injury? This time, do you understand? He looked at Li Yexing's eyes. There was finally a trace of playfulness in his eyes, and the long-haired Li Yexing lightly snapped his fingers. In the next second, in the darkness, a throne wrapped in purple and red flames rose from the ground, and the long-haired Li Yexing sat upright. On the throne, with an evil smile on his face, he looked down at Li Yexing and asked softly: Do you remember who we are? We are... Li Yexing. Looking up at the man who was surrounded by chaos. Li Yexing, the long-haired Li Yexing who was supported by the throne, said subconsciously. Then what? The long-haired Li Yexing tilted his head, raised his chin, and continued to ask. The time traveler... Li Yexing replied in a low voice, For some reason, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in his mind. So, what do they call us? The light in his mind became more and more violent, sweeping through the neural network and connecting Li Yexing's thoughts. Finally, Li Yexing got After receiving the final answer, all the negative emotions in his eyes were swept away, replaced by the familiar gloom and harshness. He raised the corners of his mouth and replied with a sneer: We are...the fourth natural disaster!

Following Li Yexing's answer, a burst of intensive snapping of fingers sounded in the darkness, and then, thrones of different shapes rose from the ground, taking countless Li Yexing up to the sky. At the end of this throne, At the front, the man who had swapped bodies with Li Yexing asked the final question: Since there is only one way left for you, what are you waiting for? Go, myself, and let those who don't know the heights of the world Aboriginals, feel our authority and power over the world! Oh, you mysterious bitch laughed and scolded himself from another world. Li Yexing raised his right hand, lightly snapped his fingers, and was instantly A throne made of bones, flesh and blood, and ferocious eyeballs rose from the ground. Li Yexing sat on the throne, instantly surpassing all the thrones in front of him, as if riding a rocket, straight up into the dark sky, accompanied by As he got closer and closer to the dome, finally, the light reappeared and became more intense until it enveloped Li Yexing's whole body. Bathed in this light, the figures of the girls flashed back in his fantasy. These were Li Yexing and the monster girls. In the sea of ​​memories they created together, Li Yexing's eyes, wrapped in these memories, were full of determination after overcoming decadence and confusion. He whispered in a deep voice: Wait for me...

Wait for me, Tililith lsWait for me, Rita.Wait for me, Kanan...Hold me, HitomiWait for me, Tili Zhi'an.isChe me, Mu QingWait for me, Lisa... I'm back!

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