When the tears dried up and the noise was muted, the girls could only open their mouths slightly and widen their eyes, letting the tears dry on their cheeks. Even though they desperately tried to move their limbs, Tililith still couldn't move. She, who was closest to Victor, could only watch in despair as Victor held up the spear made of bones and arrogantly picked up Li Yexing's impaled body while laughing maniacally and spitting out incomprehensible bytes. The beauty of the past few years was shattered like a mirror, and Tililith, whose fighting spirit was completely shattered, could only look at Li Yexing's body in vain, even if her reason told her that it was all meaningless, but she still He kept pouting his lips and calling softly: Night Walk. Night Walk. Move...Move. Night Walk...Move.

As if hearing Ti Lilith's futile prayer, Victor stopped his twisted and weird movements. It tilted its head, squeezed its misplaced eyes, and looked at Li Lisi. After a moment, it suddenly grinned. The corner of its mouth was curled up, desperately squeezing out meaningless bytes. After a long time, Ping finally managed to cobble together a sentence that was barely comprehensible and let the saliva flow down. It twitched its facial muscles and said with a strange smile: Night travel. Night travel...walk. Hehehe... In front of you... Hehehe. He sentenced Li Yexing to death with twisted and malicious words. Seeing Tililith no longer praying, the light in her eyes gradually Disappeared, the twisted smile on Victor's face became brighter and brighter. Just when it was about to say a few more words to completely destroy the will of the monster girls, suddenly, a familiar and cold voice sounded in Victor's ears... What do you mean, where is your female horse? A dead female horse thing? Although the sound was not loud, it was like thunder on the ground. When they heard the familiar swear words from Zu An, they fell to the ground. The eyes of the monster girls who could not move instantly lit up, as if they were afraid. That familiar foul language was just an illusion. They hurriedly turned their heads and focused their attention on the direction of the sound. Victor, who was closest to the sound, froze suddenly. After a while, he stiffened his neck and turned little by little. Looking over his head, he saw Li Yexing, who was picked up on the bone spear, staring at him with a pair of orange-red eyes like snake eyes. Handsome, the pain really hurt... After a while, he Li Yexing let out a sudden breath of cold air as it penetrated his chest. He raised his left hand and held the bone spear under Victor's dull gaze. He lowered his body from the bone spear and let the blood splash on the floor. The moment he left the bone spear, the hole in his chest began to be filled with dense blood-red granulations at a speed visible to the naked eye, until the muscles and skin regenerated and returned to their original state. Gently put his left hand on on his neck, and then turned his neck, making a sound like a bone exploding. Li Yexing, who was supporting his body on one leg, looked at Victor expressionlessly and coldly, and then suddenly raised his fist, only to hear a muffled sound mixed with a sonic boom. , Victor's chest exploded instantly, and the exoskeleton and flesh were mixed together and splashed wantonly. Victor flew out like a cannonball with the sweeping wind, and hit the wall hard. Suddenly, gravel and rubble were scattered everywhere. , large cracks spread like spider webs, Victor's body that was mutilated by Li Yexing's punch was pressed directly into the wall! Gan's mouth was open, and the surprise and astonishment in his gray eyes could not be added, Rita Already speechless, Bai Muqing, who also witnessed this scene, twitched his facial muscles slightly, pursed his lips and said in a daze: .It's been a big ups and downs... Although I don't know what happened, Lord Ye Xing was not only not dead, but also... Become super strong! Lying on his side on the ground, Hitomi Mikishima's eyes were full of joy. Kanan, who was lying in the corner, was so excited that he couldn't help raising his hands and shouting: 'Boss! Cool! Cool cool cool cool. Cool, cool, cool! Ah! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

Raising her small fist desperately, Tililian, who was also lying on the ground, waved it feebly while shouting excitedly: What! Isn't the perverted brother-in-law super strong! ! ! The firepower after resurrecting from the dead! Open up! Where did the comic protagonist come from? Unlike Kanan and Tililian who were overly excited, and Rita and Bai Muqing who were shocked beyond measure, Alexisa took in all of this and chuckled. She shook her head and said: You are the walking miracle, my dear. Lying behind Li Yexing, looking at Li Yexing's hot back, Tililith seemed to be unable to believe her eyes, she seemed to be talking in a dream. Li Yexing asked in a low voice: Xingxing...is it really a night trip? is Well, it's me. He turned his head and looked at Tililith, whose eyes were darkened. Li Yexing's eyes were filled with distress, and he Supporting his body and kneeling on the ground with one neck, he gently pressed his forehead with Tili Jingsi's forehead, and then said softly: I'm back, Tili Jingsi felt the warmth coming from her forehead. Familiar with the temperature, light finally lit up from Tiililith's eyes again. Then, driven by an unknown force, Tiililith, who was already unable to move, hugged Li Yexing and burst into tears. , just like a child who returns to his family after being lost, Don't cry, don't cry, Tililith doesn't cry, I'm back, and this time, he won't leave again... Rubbing Tililith gently On Si's forehead, Li Yexing whispered softly, comforting him. However, at this moment, he heard a muffled sound from behind, and Victor, who had been embedded in the wall, finally fell back with a large piece of rubble. On the ground, looking at the back on the dirt road, its eyes were full of surprise, but more importantly, it was surprise. Sage, saint... I really can't die easily... I was quickly repaired by Li Yexing. The flesh and bones were smashed to pieces, while Victor moved his arms, he grinned and said: Come on, Emperor Zhong. Sorry, Tililith, there is still an idiot here to take care of it. An outsider broke the relationship with his wife. Li Youxing's snake eyes, which were indistinguishable from Wesker's, flashed with a cold and cold murderous intent. He left Tililith's embrace and grabbed the broken leg beside him with his left hand. , rejoined the broken leg to the wound under the hip cover like a screw, and then stood up, lightly tapping his feet, getting used to the feeling of having the broken leg restored.

Feeling weird, she smiled and whispered to Tilithis: Don't worry, I can handle this bastard. Now, like the other girls, let's take a good rest. Well! Her ruby-like eyes were shining, Tililith nodded vigorously. Okay, I originally wanted to comfort my cute little ones one by one, but Mr. Victor is obviously a little confused about the style. He bent down and wiped the joint of the broken leg. The blood stains revealed the intact skin. Li Yexing turned around and raised his eyebrows slightly. Facing Victor's excited gaze, he shook his broken right arm and said with a sneer: Just right, I also have a pen. I have to settle the account with you. Let's not mention the matter with your right hand. You, you piece of shit, beat my wife while I was away, right?!

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