What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-48. The appearance of a macho man

Let's not mention the matter with the right hand. You bitch, you beat my wife while I was away, right?! Along with Li Yexing's cold words mixed with biting murderous intent, there was a strange and crazy feeling. The breath suddenly burst out from Li Yexing and spread to the surroundings. Victor, who was at the center of the breath, felt as if his neck was stuck, and even breathing began to become difficult. Hey, hey. Hey hey hey. Under the heavy pressure from the predator, Victor grinned the corner of his mouth that almost tore off the entire head. His already uncoordinated face became especially twisted and ferocious because of this smile, accompanied by the rapid growth of Granule quickly repaired the wound. It lowered its center of gravity slightly, and then said with a strange smile: Holy... what a tangled thing... really... As soon as the words fell, Victor suddenly got angry. He lowered his body suddenly and opened his mouth. The arms of different lengths opened their mouths wide and spat dark green liquid towards Li Yexing like a leaky fire hydrant. The liquid immediately turned into a blazing flame the moment it encountered the air. , with the dry high temperature scorching the ground, it quickly slid towards Li Yexing. Facing this terrifying high temperature, Li Yexing frowned subconsciously. He could avoid this flame, but once he avoided it, this flame The flames will burn Tililith who is unable to move. Can we only force it? Quickly making a response strategy, Li Yexing's brain began to move violently. Various monsters from the previous Resident Evil games The characteristics and abilities played in his mind like a slide show. In just a moment, he found the answer he wanted. He curled up the corner of his mouth and rushed forward with the rich flame, At the same time, yellow-brown mud secreted crazily from his skin, covering his whole body in just a few seconds. Chaos, the final BOSS of Chris' line in Resident Evil 6, has been specially debugged by the C virus in his body to resist various extreme environments. , the pupa shell can withstand Alexa's fire, and it is perfect to use it to resist Victor's flame attack from T_Veronica! Facing Victor's shocked face, Li, who was wrapped in mud, Ye Xing braved the blazing fire and rushed directly in front of Victor. Even though the chrysalis shell was burned into bright red due to the high temperature, he waved his left fist and punched Victor's mouth that was spitting fire. The sharp teeth shattered together with the click sound of the mandible. A spark exploded in Victor's mouth, and then his whole body flew out directly and fell hard to the ground. He was still on the ground. As Victor kept rolling, Li Yexing raised his left hand expressionlessly and punched himself hard on the chest. With a muffled sound, the bright red pupa shell all over his body shattered, revealing the body under the pupa shell. Yin learned from Bai Muqing and rebuilt the pure black combat uniform with the power of Ouroboros.

Maybe you are indeed very powerful. You know a lot. After all, you were once a scientific researcher. He took a step forward and slowly approached Vic who was struggling to get up.

, Li Yexing said coldly: But to be honest, I don't think your understanding of this world and this power is better than mine. Hey, hey. Pulling off the broken chin, revealing The tongue hanging in the mouth, like a piece of rotten meat, Victor got up and tilted his head in order to look at Li Yexing at eye level. It seemed to want to say something, but because it had no chin, it could only utter something meaningless. The syllables of the clue, and then, the arms suddenly changed, and in the blink of an eye they turned into two ferocious giant claws condensed with flesh and blood. Is it the T virus this time? Facing the tyrant Victor, Li Yexing He closed his eyes gently, and in a daze, he seemed to feel that the pulse in his chest had become stronger. Three hearts of different sizes were exerting force at the same time, materializing the power from the depths of his thoughts, and then transmitting it to his limbs. Bai Gu, feeling the unprecedented sense of fullness, Li Yexing grinned again, with a touch of contempt in his eyes. This time, the smile on Victor's face disappeared. As a man who successfully climbed to the top of Black Umbrella, Victor has never He didn't care about the contempt of others because he knew that the people who despised him either had nothing to do with him or they would pay the price for their own unwiseness. But for some reason, when that contemptuous look appeared on Li Yexing's face, he felt Extremely furious. This is the second time today that Victor has become angry. The first time was because Li Yexing sacrificed his life to deny his ideas, and the second time was because Li Yexing's contempt denied his power! Die! Saint! Two bone fragments of different sizes proliferated rapidly and turned into a new chin. Victor roared with his chaotic and rough voice. He raised his giant claws and took heavy steps, like a real tyrant. - rushed towards Li Yexing as usual, but facing the rampaging Victor, Li Yexing just raised the corners of his mouth, spread his legs slightly, and assumed a fighting posture. The next second, the heavy flesh and blood giant claws were filled with terror The wind pressure hit Li Yexing fiercely. Facing this powerful and heavy blow, Li Yexing's eyes suddenly flashed with light. He twisted his waist and evaded it with a flexible sideways glance. He kicked off Victor's heavy blow, then kicked off the ground, leaned forward, and pressed into Victor's arms. He used the torque from his waist to strike hard with his right uppercut on Victor's jaw. Suddenly, he just regenerated. His jaw was crushed again, and Victor subconsciously stepped back, wanting to use the giant claws belonging to the tyrant to fight back, but unexpectedly, Li Yexing didn't give him a chance to fight back. He clung to Victor while furiously attacking Victor. He kept pumping his fists and sneered with the sound of bones constantly breaking: You are an office worker, and you want to rely on those claws that can't be used at all to fight with a hired man who is crawling around on the battlefield. Soldiers fighting hand-to-hand? Is your brain broken?!

As the words fell, Li Yexing suddenly spun around and whipped his whip leg hard on Victor's temple. As the eyeballs of different sizes shot out due to the sudden increase in intracranial pressure, seven holes sprayed out. The bloody Victor flew out again and hit the wall hard. Suddenly, rubble fell off the cracks in the wall at any time, splashed out, set off waves of dust mist, and knocked Victor away.

Victor's Li Yexing didn't stop. This time, he didn't plan to give Victor a chance to breathe.

! Before he could fix his head after overtaking Victor, Li Yexing dodged into the dust mist and headed straight for Victor. However, before he could get close to Victor, the flow of the dust mist seemed to have changed! The orange-red snake pupils suddenly shrank, Li Yexing's body suddenly exploded - a cloud of black mist, dodging the incoming black and red at a speed that was fast enough to avoid bullets. Then, a cloud of black mist exploded in the smoke and dust, dodging the incoming bullets. , and then the tentacles danced like whips, accompanied by the muffled sound caused by the ground being continuously knocked and penetrated and the agitation caused by Li Yexing's crazy escape, the smoke quickly dissipated in the violent airflow, and was revealed again From the postures of the two of them, it can be seen that Li Yexing is still Li Yexing, but Victor has turned into an even weirder monster. It has short lower limbs, a bloated upper body, and its arms are as thick as giant trees, and then like the arms of a gorilla. Hanging on the ground, not only was it wrapped in an exoskeleton with cracks, but the exoskeleton was full of ferocious bone spikes! After finding that he could not defeat Li Yexing in hand-to-hand combat, Victor simply turned himself into a An invulnerable hedgehog!

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