What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-49. The True Eyes of the Macho Man and the Evil King

In front of Li Yexing, Victor transformed himself into an invulnerable hedgehog monster. It banged on the ground hard while roaring like a wild beast. Except for the spines on its body, this shape was similar to that of Resident Evil 6. The C-virus chrysalis monster Raider is very similar. It seems that your understanding of your power can only be limited to your understanding of me. You talk blasphemy, but you can't jump out of the established logic at all. In the short confrontation, Li Yexing has already based on his own The essence of power has successfully figured out the details of Victor. If the prediction is correct, Victor may only be able to use the power of T virus, T. Veronica virus, C virus, Ouroboros virus and las PI ags parasite. And the use of these powers was mostly learned from those monster girls, but Li Yexing is different. Out of his understanding of the world, Li Yexing at this moment is the embodiment of the weird world of Resident Evil !With the gushing steam, the cracks between the exoskeleton opened up layer by layer, revealing bright red flesh and blood. Then, - tentacles formed by black and red condensed together quickly formed, like crazy spear-like thorns. They were moving towards Li Yexing very fast, almost difficult to catch with the naked eye, but they couldn't hit Li Yexing, just because Li Yexing's dodge speed was faster, almost as fast as that Albert Wesker! -Bian He moved back and tried to approach Victor from the flank, while dodging attacks like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix. In front of this flood of attacks, even Li Yexing couldn't help but frown slightly, even though he had Wesker's speed means that he can evade almost all long-range attacks, but at this moment Victor is like a fortress. Li Yexing can only dodge and cannot get close at all! Now, new coping methods are needed! The images of countless monsters are like playing A slideshow flashed through Li Yexing's mind. Looking at Victor's small eyes hidden between the exoskeleton, Li Yexing kicked the ground fiercely and quickly distanced himself from Victor. Although it was not enough to escape Victor's attack range, But it was enough to slow down the speed of Victor's tentacles. On the other hand, when Victor saw this, he immediately rushed towards Li Yexing with all four limbs. However, before it could get close to Li Yexing, he saw Li Yexing standing still, with a gap between his skin. Purple mist continued to seep out, and then he raised his left hand and gently pulled down the eyelid of his left eye with his middle finger. At the same time, he shouted with a look on his face: The True Eye of the Evil King!... Wang. Hearing Li Speaking of Ye Xing, Victor was slightly stunned. Before he could use his increasingly confused brain to figure out what Li Ye Xing was doing, suddenly, a dazzling white light radiated from Li Ye Xing's eyes, like an internal light bomb. Invading the entire space instantly, his vision was filled with this dazzling white light. Victor groaned subconsciously, covering his eyes while staggering back two steps. When he released the heavy claws covering his eyes again, Victor was stunned. . In front of it, there were actually ten Li Yexing standing side by side! What kind of wounds! What kind of stains! What kind of clothes! What kind of expressions! As if not even a hair was missing! For some reason, Victor’s A word suddenly popped up in his chaotic mind: shadow clone! Just when Victor was still trying to figure out the situation, suddenly, the ten Li Yexing moved in exactly the same posture! They pressed down The center of gravity, expressionless, came straight towards Victor at exactly the same speed. Seeing this, Victor felt a trace of fear in his heart. In panic, it - - while retreating -

Suddenly, Victor finally realized something. It changed its attack method and thrust its tentacles at completely different angles and speeds. Sure enough, just as Victor thought, all Li Yexing made exactly the same move at the same time. After a dodge movement, several tentacles actually passed through Li Yexing's body! It was an illusion! Only one of them was real! In an instant, Victor understood Li Yexing's little tricks. The mist emanating from his body is some kind of neurotoxin, which can be combined with strong light to produce hallucinations!... Clever! Not worth mentioning! Understanding the principle of Li Yexing's attack, Victor let out a wild beast-like roar. , it retracted its tentacles, hammered the ground crazily, then suddenly opened its arms and puffed up its chest. Suddenly, terrifying blue arcs of electricity spurted out from it, sweeping in all directions. The electric arc tore through everything around it like a snake, passing through phantoms one after another, until the ten Li Yexing raised their left fists in front of Victor at the same time, and then disappeared. All ten were actually hallucinations! None of them were real. goods!

This time, Victor was really stunned, and the panic in his heart became more intense. He twisted his bloated body, and kept looking around while staggering and mouthing, Where are you? ?where?

Below! Following the whispers in the array, Victor was slightly stunned and then lowered his head subconsciously, only to see black worms spurting out from the cracks all over the field under his feet, condensing rapidly, and in mid-air. They re-aggregated into Li Yexing, and then, a thin burst of electric light with a faint blue color instantly enveloped Li Yexing's body. Facing the electric light, the five fingers of Li Yexing's left arm formed into a palm, like a blade, and fiercely He stabbed the flesh between Victor's exoskeleton.

A crackling sound suddenly sounded, and around the place where Li Yexing was stabbed, the hard exoskeleton began to rapidly unravel, break into pieces, and sparks kept coming out, as if there was some invisible force tearing them all apart, and then , Li Yexing kicked Victor's chest, and before Victor's heavy claws hit him, he used a gorgeous backflip to distance himself from Victor, and landed perfectly. Hoo is using the hallucinogenic ability from the final B0S5 of Resident Evil Revelations as a deception, using the title from Resident Evil 5

The power of the tail snake virus penetrated into the ground and carried out a sneak attack. After using the electromagnetic shield of Morpheus, the final B0SS of Resident Evil Gunslinger Souls 4: Heroes Immortal to break through Victor's defense,

The slightly tired Li Yexing finally exhaled a breath, raised his head, and once again laid his eyes on Victor's face. Li Yexing sneered and said, 'Beheaded. What are you talking about? This level. The attack only... Victor, who was grinning and not aware of the seriousness of the problem, was about to laugh. Suddenly, everything in the scene disappeared, and Victor fell into darkness. Victor was stunned again. What is this? What happened? Or was it an illusion? Suddenly, another white light filled Victor's sight. Then, the white light dissipated. In the darkness, tens of thousands of Li Yexing, dressed in black clothes, rushed toward it expressionlessly. The same little trick, Saint, will it still work for you? Victor roared again, and it repeated its old trick, trying to destroy Li Yexing with arcs. However, the next second, it was stunned, because those arcs did not

It squirted out just like he thought. What's going on? The language center returned to normal again. Victor lowered his head in confusion and looked at his arms. He saw that the exoskeleton had long been gone on those arms. They were as smooth and white as before. , slender, and the place on Victor’s chest where Li Yexing’s right hand was closed has long been empty.

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