In the hole-filled hall of the drying room, Li Yexing stood silently, staring ahead with the girls who were lying on the ground unable to move. At the focus of their sights, Victor seemed to be crazy - sometimes furious, sometimes laughing wildly, accompanied by The bloated exoskeleton and layers of muscles on his body fell off bit by bit, and Victor finally returned to his human appearance. With his naked body stained with blood and rotten flesh, Victor waved his arms randomly - layers of black mold kept emerging from his skin, and then fell off with the skin, until the skin healed itself at a high speed, and new thunder The bacteria grow again, over and over again, ad infinitum. Just with that understatement, like a tickle, Li Yexing planted two types of BOW in Victor's body. One was the series of molds that appeared in Resident Evil 7, and the other was the mold that appeared in Resident Evil 7. The T-fear virus in Resident Evil Revelations 2, the former will disrupt the infected person's brain and make the infected person see hallucinations, while the latter will react with the secretions produced by the human body when it is afraid, further damaging it. The infected person's brain has excellent self-healing ability, and the E-ray bacterium and the T-fear virus interact with each other, constantly tormenting Victor's brain that is constantly trying to repair itself, and making Victor fall into a hallucination that he can never escape. Finally, I don’t know how long it took, the alternating emotions on Victor’s face disappeared, replaced by a dull look, as if he was exhausted. He did not struggle, but fell to his knees directly on the ground, his eyes looking straight. He stared at Li Yexing, as if he was trying to tell whether Li Yexing was hallucinating. Catching the glimmer of clarity in Victor's eyes, Li Yexing tilted his head slightly and whispered: I'm really surprised that I can come out on my own. Shocked... Hearing Li Yexing's words, Victor lowered his head silently and looked at his chest. When he saw the purple-red severed hand still pulsating like a viscera on his chest, for some reason, There was no joy or sorrow in his heart, and he could no longer make any waves. In this environment of repeated torture, Victor finally realized that he could not defeat Li Yexing. .' The corner of Yu Yue's mouth curled up again, but it looked like it had lost its previous air and looked inexplicably miserable. Victor chuckled and said to Li Yexing, Those things just now are not something that BOW can do. They are real. The test of God, and I failed to pass this test, tell me, saint, for your current strength, have you also experienced the same torture? Victor, you are wrong, one kind of fungus matches one kind The virus can make you fall into hallucination forever. This is the power of BOW. In this world, BOW has infinite possibilities. Recalling everything he had experienced in the darkness, Li Yexing nodded and replied: However, one thing is right, no matter what you saw in the hallucination, my answer is yes, I have been through everything you have been through, and I survived it. As expected of...a saint. At this moment, Victor's eyes finally showed admiration from the bottom of his heart. When his reason, which had been torn apart by Li Yexing's power, returned, he couldn't help but chuckle in a low voice: Mr. Li, you are very pure, and I am still I can't really hate you. is) But I really hate you. Li Yexing said in a deep voice. Why? There was a hint of confusion in his tired eyes. Victor shook his head and said with a puzzled look, We all long for transcendence, but you succeeded, and Ge failed, that's all. , when we reach a height like ours, emotions like, dislike, love, and hate are just common things in the hands of mortals. Why do you hate me? Just because I stole your authority? No Li Yexing shook his head. He shook his head and said, That thing is not authority, it's just a hand. I, a person who doesn't even care about my life, will care about a hand.

Is that because of your character of retribution for sleeping? Victor nodded gently, knowing in his heart, and then said with a smile: That's right, a detached person must have a detached place, I am obsessed with what I have never done Something you have, and you cling to something you hold in your hands, so I get it. Kind of close, but still not right. Li Yexing said indifferently. Then... This time, Victor really couldn't figure it out. Looking at Li Yexing's indifferent face, he couldn't figure out the reason after all, so he put away the smile on his face. , and then said in a low voice: Mr. Li, please help me clear up my doubts. What the hell...have you calculated on Lisa? He glanced at Alexa lying on the ground with an embarrassed look on her face, Li Ye Xing raised his eyebrows and said, Because you hit my wife! With his mouth slightly open, Victor's expression fell into a dull state again, as if he didn't understand what Li Ye Xing was saying. After a long silence, the happy smile on his face The meaning finally completely disappeared, replaced by a trace of sullenness. He frowned and whispered: Mr. Li, you are still fooling me! I come from the Celestial Empire and seek life in Idonia. I have seven lovely girls, they are all my family, and in my family, family is above all else. He took a step forward and came to Victor's body step by step. In front of him, letting his shadow cover Victor, Li Yexing looked down at the King of Black Umbrella who was kneeling on the ground and listening, and then said coldly like a preacher, For them, I will give my all. Everything about them, including my worthless life, I have no value at all, but because I am loved by them, I have value.

As he spoke, Li Yexing frowned slightly, and then said to Victor word by word: As long as they are still behind me, I can do anything. Listening to Li Yexing's words, Victor's mouth grew bigger and bigger. He seemed to be completely unable to believe what Li Yexing said. It seems that we are destined to be unable to understand each other. After all, monsters are more like humans than you, and you are more like monsters than monsters. Mr. Victor, who has no blood and no tears. Seeing Victor's eyes almost filled with tears. Breathing out fire, Li Yexing shook his head. Then, he suddenly raised his broken right arm and thrust it into Victor's chest. After a stir, Li Yexing pulled his right arm out of Victor's chest. I saw only his broken arm,

It was restored to the original state directly, and the severed hand on Victor's chest that was beating like a heart was gone. Although I say I don't mind, I'm not used to leaving my things with others... Wiping off the blood on his right hand, Li Yexing said in a deep voice, I still have to get my things back. 0...hehehe...hehehahahaha0ha0ha...he sneered a few times at first, and then gradually turned into uncontrollable laughter. Along with the joyful smile, he returned to Victor's face again. He opened his arms to meet Li Yexing's gaze and said with a crazy face: It doesn't matter! I have seen the truth. I have seen your truth! I understand! I understand everything! Now! I only have one thing left. It’s not done yet! That means being killed by you! Being killed by you, the saint of divine law! With your own hands! Satisfy me! My saint! I am willing to convert to God and become the most sincere believer! I just want to be in this body according to time. Physical life can be ended by your own hands as a saint! Looking at Victor who fell into madness, Li Yexing just shook his head, then turned around and walked towards his girls step by step. No, no, no! Why?! Why, you can’t even satisfy my little request?! Don’t you hate me?! Then kill me! Kill me with your own hands!” Seeing Li Yexing walking further and further away, Victor’s eyes There was unconcealable anxiety in his heart. Just when he was still about to shout something, Li Yexing turned around and said coldly: I'm sorry, just because I hate you, I won't kill you. I want you to do that. Your body has been turned upside down by my hands - it's not me that's going to kill you, but the pain of the flesh festering from the inside out.

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