What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-52. The macho man’s great healing technique

Looking at Li Yexing, feeling the indifference in those snake eyes, the anger and confusion on Victor's face disappeared little by little. When the curvature of the corners of his mouth aroused again, he once again let out an uncontrollable laugh, as if He had fallen into some kind of madness, and Li Yexing stood silently in front of Victor, staring at the laughing Vito, until Victor's expression suddenly twisted with pain, and then he held his stomach and spit out a big mouthful of mixed food. He was bleeding with black blood from the broken pieces of his internal organs, and then collapsed to the ground. Even though he was bleeding from seven holes, he still curled up the corners of his mouth and kept twitching. Seeing that Victor could no longer laugh, Li Yexing turned around and swept He passed the girls who were lying on the ground unable to move. After a moment, he quickly stepped forward and came to Alai

At this moment, although Alexa looked pale, she did not seem to have suffered any serious trauma. Her physical condition should be the best among the girls. So Li Yexing knelt down and asked Alexa in a low voice. : “Can you contact someone outside?

The communicator was broken in the battle just now, but I think it won't take long for the security forces from each branch to arrive here. With a smile on her bloodless face, Alexa looked at Li Ye Xing's pair of snake eyes were as big as hers, and then she whispered, Compared to this, my dear, is there something that you should explain to your sisters?

The exploration and doubts in the eyes of his girls were all visible. Li Yexing shook his head gently and said to Alexa:

I can't explain it, and I don't understand what's going on. Well, it seems that after this is over, we need to do a comprehensive physical examination for you. He sighed softly. Li Yexing stretched out his hand, He helped Alexisa up, and when Alexisa trembled and supported her legs, she gently shook her head, and then whispered: Let go, stand up...

Are you sure? Feeling Alexa's weight on him, Li Yexing said a little uncertainly. Oh, I'm not such a fragile girl... There was a hint of coldness in the curve of the corner of her mouth. The queen of the Ashford family seemed to be back again. There was a hint of stubbornness in her orange snake eyes. She gently He reached out and pushed Li Yexing away, and then her body went limp. On the other side, seeing that Alexa was about to fall after pushing him away, Li Yexing hurriedly stepped forward to support Alexa again, and at the same time lowered her head. He scolded: Don't force yourself.

Staring at Alexa's side face, Li Yexing thought for a while, then his heart changed, and he whispered to Alexa: Lisa, look at me. Huh? Hearing Li Yexing's words, Ah Lexissa turned her head subconsciously and saw Li Yexing gritting his teeth, biting his lip directly, and then said to

After a moment of confusion, Alexa narrowed her eyes slightly, and weakly wrapped her arms around Li Yexing's neck. After a moment of hugging, Alexa looked into Li Yexing's eyes, her face slightly red. Panting: My dear, although it is very romantic to talk about it after the war, it seems inappropriate to put it here.

Don't talk about that. Ignoring the shame on Alexa's face, Li Yexing asked in a deep voice, Now, are you feeling better? Better means After hearing Li Yexing's words, Alexa smiled slightly. She was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized something. She loosened her arms around Li Yexing's neck, staggered back two steps, and then she discovered that a heat was gradually filling her body, although Yiri was a little weak. , but standing up is no problem.

This is... This time, Alexa was really surprised. She was just about to ask Li Yexing what was going on, but she saw Li Yexing turned his head directly and lay on his back.

With a silent understanding, she gritted her teeth, turned over, stretched out her broken arms and said expressionlessly to Li Yexing: Yexing, give me a hug. She held Tililith in her arms and said super The wound between her lips had not yet healed and touched Tililith's lips. As the blood was sucked from her lips, the exoskeleton and excess muscles on Tililith's arms and shoulders began to fall off, revealing the stained lips again. With her snow-white skin covered in bloodstains, Tililith took the initiative to leave Li Yexing after a moment, and then whispered, “Good breasts.

0.. Li Yexingxian laughed twice. He didn't know how to explain it. Just when he was slightly embarrassed, he heard Tililith whisper: Tililith will rest for a while. Yexing will go to breastfeed the rest. People. Yeah nodded to Tililith, Li Yexing gently placed Tililith on the ground, let her sit among the rocks, and then turned around

He ran towards Tililian quickly. This time, he didn't talk nonsense. Before Tililian could act coquettishly, he hugged Tililian and hugged her directly. With the sound of flesh and blood tearing, each piece of flesh was ripped apart. The tentacles began to wither like plants and fell off to the ground, and Tirilyan's cloudy and bloodshot heterochromatic eyes once again bloomed with a mixture of blue and purple.

Li Yexing picked up Tililian and placed him next to Tililith. Li Yexing let go of his arm, but Tililian was still in Li Yexing's arms. His eyes were full of grievances and seemed to not want to leave. When he saw Li Yexing In a dilemma, Tililith hugged Tililian's neck and let Tililian lean against her. At the same time, she nodded towards Li Yexing, as if to say: Don't worry, I'll be there for you. . Exhaling softly, Li Yexing stood up and ran towards Rita and Bai Muqing, who also fell to the ground and were still stuck together. When Li Yexing leaned down, before he could speak, he spoke. , Rita came up with a smile, and pulled out with the faint sound of water. After a while, Rita was completely separated from Bai Muqing. She sat on the ground, gently covering her chest and said: The core seems to have been repaired. Yes, sir, it’s incredible.”

, Li Yexing would definitely play tricks on her, but now, Li Yexing didn't want his girl to suffer even a moment of pain, so he leaned down and pressed on Bai Muqing's lips, with strength

As her consciousness was restored little by little, Bai Muqing subconsciously raised her arms and wrapped them around Li Yexing's neck. Just when she was about to turn over and push Li Yexing to the ground, Li Yexing forcibly separated from Bai Muqing, then quickly raised his hand and gently He gently pressed Bai Muqing's lips to stop her from talking again.

Do you feel better? In order to distract Bai Muqing, Li Yexing asked in a low voice. Sing. Knowing that Li Yexing was treating seriously injured girls in this way, Bai Muqing held back and said, It's not enough. I felt the urge and nodded reluctantly.

Don't worry, let's take a long vacation when this thing is over. He smiled and touched Bai Muqing's short black hair, then quickly stood up and ran quickly to Hitomi Inkishima on the ground. At this moment, Hitomi Inkishima seemed to Before she could figure out the situation, she saw Li Yexing leaning down and said subconsciously: Wait a minute, Mr. Yexing. Is this treatment?

Without answering Hitomi Mikishima's question, Li Yexing once again bit the lip that was about to heal with his teeth, and then blocked Hitomi Mikishima's mouth. Soon, Hitomi Mikishima began to squint his eyes and gasp, until his breathing began to become rapid. , Li Yexing parted his lips, and then asked in a low voice, Are you feeling better?... Supporting his arms, he sat up with difficulty. Hitomi Mikishima pressed his ribs, and then said with a slightly red face: It should be You can move around now, Ye Xingjun

Seeing Li Yexing's magical rejuvenation, Kanan tilted his head, vomiting blood and squirting at the corner of his mouth and said: Boss, are you going to change from a mercenary to a military doctor? Shut up, you idiot, hold it in your mouth! Frowning slightly, before Li Youxing could put his lips to his, Kanan started to kiss him until the exoskeleton all over his body, mixed with bits of flesh and blood, fell off bit by bit.

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