- A word full of love is enough to heal all the pain. Li Yexing really didn't expect that one day, this sentence would get a new interpretation from him.

In less than five minutes, the serious injuries were basically healed, and the girls with only minor injuries stood up one by one. They had only lost too much blood and had almost no internal content.

The traumatized Alexa has basically returned to normal. Her body is still haunted by the faint feeling of loss of strength, but it does not seriously affect her actions. Alexa, wearing a broken black combat uniform, walked step by step in front of Li Yexing. , with a rather complicated expression. What's wrong? Seeing that there seemed to be some emotion hidden in Alexa's orange snake eyes, Li Yexing asked with concern: Is there anything else that feels uncomfortable? No, I still shook his head gently, Alexa whispered: I just find it difficult to accept. What is difficult to accept? Li Yexing asked in a low voice. Everything that has happened in the past few days. Her eyebrows were lowered, and the strong queen in the orange snake eyes There was a hint of wavering in her breath. After experiencing these turbulent days and nights, Alexa rarely exposed her weak side in front of Li Yexing. She whispered: Everything is beyond me. Whether it was what happened before, what happened to the sisters, or what happened to Victor... As she said that, Alexa raised her head slightly and stared at Li Yexing's pair of orange-red snakes that were almost the same as hers. Hitomi, and then whispered: And... dear... your matter. Seeing the wavering and uneasiness flashing in Alexa's eyes, Li Yexing was about to speak out to comfort him, but heard Alexa suddenly say First question: My dear, are you still the one I know? Night travel is night travel. Before Li Yexing could answer, he saw Tililith, who had also finished breathing, walking over with Tililian's support. Hong Bao

With determination in her stone-like eyes, the silver-haired and red-eyed tyrant girl nodded to Alexa, then turned to look at Li Yexing and said, However, everyone needs an explanation.

That's it! What was that just now?! It's so cool! On the other side, supporting Hitomi Mikishima whose ribs have not been completely repaired, Kanan's face was full of tears. She waved with one hand and said: 'That's it! That one, swipe it! It turns into a black shadow, the super fast one! Isn’t it exactly the same as the annoying father of Jack’s cub that I met in Malvia before?! And the one with glowing eyes! If only you had been earlier Using these skills, we were beaten so badly in Malvia!

No wonder your husband was so resistant to the physical examination before. Stepping on cyan rubber high-heeled shoes, Rita's expression was also a little complicated. She whispered: Does your husband still have such power hidden in him? More like a monster. Monster, if it weren't for concealing your strength, you would have been able to take care of us all by yourself during that conflict a few years ago. With a faint chill between his brows, Bai Muqing said coldly: Wild dog, we are in the same room. We have lived together under the hat for so long, and you risked your life in several battles, which made everyone worried. Thank you for hiding it from us.

Ye Xing didn't hide anything from everyone. Ye Xing always felt that he was an ordinary human being. Seeing that the girls all looked complicated and even a little angry, Li Yexing was about to explain, but Ti Lilith who was listening to him said expressionlessly: A few years ago , Ye Xing also had a tantrum because Ti Lilith and Rita concealed the results of Ye Xing's physical examination... After saying that, Ti Li Lisi fixed her eyes on Bai Muqing, and then whispered: That's Xiao Bai Gang The days after entering the house. Hearing Tilith's explanation, Bai Muqing did not reply, but turned to look at Rita. Seeing Rita's serious expression and nodding, Bai Muqing breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that she had not been concealed or deceived. He said: 'I knew it. With the intelligence of a wild dog, how could it be possible to hide it from me?' But this is really strange. Tillillian scratched her cute little nose and tilted her head, her eyes He cringed a little and said, The perverted brother-in-law is actually so powerful that it feels so scary. Yes, Mr. Ye Xing is a bit too strong. Recalling Li Yexing's series of exaggerated abilities that went beyond the realm of living things during the battle just now, Hitomi Mikishima whispered: This feeling is as if Hitomi and I are not in the same world. For some reason, even though they had won the battle, the atmosphere suddenly became depressing. The girls' eyes were wandering and they remained silent. , Faced with this situation, Li Ye was obviously confused and even at a loss, but Tililith knew very well what the girls present were thinking. There is no doubt that these girls are very strong, far beyond human common sense. As a core member of this monster family, Li Yexing's strength is closer to that of humans. In other words, although they don't say it, the girls subconsciously Thinking that he is both Li Yexing's partner and protector, but now, when the person who was supposed to be protected suddenly becomes so powerful that it is almost incomprehensible, when the original family relationship and relationship model are affected by the terrifying power displayed by Li Yexing. And when the impact hit the girls, they began to feel uncomfortable. To put it simply, when their own strength, and even the combined strength of everyone, still could not overwhelm Li Yexing, the girls lost their sense of security. Excessive worry... She pursed her lips and muttered in words that only she could hear. Tililith, who wanted to help Li Yexing break the awkward atmosphere, turned her head and faced Li Yexing, who was looking more and more confused. He said expressionlessly: So, it's time for Ye Xing to explain to everyone one by one. Why does Ye Xing become like this? Moreover, the eyes have become very strange... Huh? Eyes? He subconsciously raised the eyes that he had recovered. With his right hand, he touched his eyes and face. Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly and said, What's wrong with my eyes?

Ye Xing-kun's eyes have turned orange. Hitomi Mishima replied softly: It looks like a snake's eyes. Orange? Snake's eyes? Li Ye Xing was startled for a moment, and then looked around. Alexa next to her said: Aren't these the same as Lisa's eyes?

That's right, the eyes have become couple-sized ones. On the other side, it changed instantly.

Understanding Ti Lilith's intention, Alexa immediately squeezed out a smile and then squeezed into Li Yexing's body as usual and said with a chuckle: My dear, this is really gratifying. I do. I think it’s better if the wild dog’s eyes remain as they are.” Bai Muqing turned her head and said a little unhappy: “The monster-like eyes don’t match the wild dog at all...” Rita thinks it doesn’t matter.” Drawing a smile again, Rita tilted her head slightly and said: As long as it belongs to Mr., Rita will like it no matter what it becomes. That's right! The boss is the boss! Why do you think so much?! Patted hard. He patted Hitomi Inishima on the shoulder and made Hitomi grit his teeth. Kanan grinned and said, Besides, these eyes are so cool, okay! What do you think, onee-sama? Seeing all the girls falling inexplicably, After discussing Li Yexing's eyes, Tililian turned her head and asked Tililith in a low voice.

It's a boring topic. Feeling the revitalized family atmosphere, Tililith whispered: But, just don't hate it.

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