What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-54. Behind the macho man, the shadow reappears

Perhaps it was because everyone wanted to put their deepest worries behind, so when Li Yexing asked the question about his eyes, the girls' conversation completely turned to the sky. Seeing that Rita was about to change the topic from Li Yexing Ye Xing's combat power leads to Li Ye Xing's civil war ability and Bai Muqing is always ready to assist from the side.

Listening to the intensive gunshots in the corridor outside that had spread into the facility, Li Yexing whispered, Our war is over, so no matter what, we should wait to discuss it after we leave here. Yes, The war that belongs to us is over, but the war that belongs to me is not completely over yet. Black Umbrella will soon welcome their queen again. Now, there is only one last question left in front of us. He frowned slightly After a while, Alexa turned her head and looked at Victor who was not far away. She said in an indifferent tone: How is he going to deal with it? Following Alexa's words, Li Yexing and the other girls invariably His eyes turned to the culprit of all this turmoil, the Speaker of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee - Feotian Victor. It must be said that Victor at this moment is no longer - a state of embarrassment that can be described. He is hunched over and curled up. On the huge black Umbrella logo that is full of gravel and cracks on the floor of the hall, his body is constantly slapping his forehead, and his skin is severely ulcerated. Between the mutilated skin, body fluids are constantly flowing out, accumulating wealth. Under Victor's body, they adhered to Victor's flesh, pulling out light yellow threads mixed with blood, which looked sticky and disgusting. There is no doubt that without Li Yexing's strength as a support, this body with holes in it has reached the extreme eye. Even if it is left alone, Ketuo will die completely before long. What are you going to do about it? After taking a look at Victor, who was almost exhausted, Li Yexing turned to Alexa and whispered: Although I plan to let it go, the choice is still yours. After all, this is is your revenge. My revenge has been completed by your own hands, dear... There was a hint of disgust in the red snake eyes. Alexa turned her head, not wanting to look at this old rival again, she lowered her head. The voice said, Just do what my dear said, let him fend for himself in pain. Soon, the security of other branches will

The troops will attack here, and I will tell them to collect the body of this bastard. He does not deserve to live, let alone die with dignity. Are you really just going to let it go? On the other side, Bai Muqing seemed a little hesitant about Li Yexing and Alexa's decision. She frowned slightly and said, Maybe it's because I couldn't kill this guy before. , I feel that Mr. Speaker will be in trouble even if he survives for one second longer. What Mu Qing said makes sense. Li Yexing rubbed it and thought about it, then turned to Tililith and asked: What do you think? Dispose of it. Tililith said expressionlessly: No trouble will be left behind. Do you need me to come? Two thin arm-like blood-colored tentacles stretched out from behind. Rita asked with a slightly folded brow, looking at her embarrassment. With an expression on her face, Li Yexing said, Rita seemed to dislike Victor as being too disgusting and didn't want to touch Mr. Victor. Forget it, I'll do it myself. Shaking her head at Rita, Alexa finally decided Execute his old enemy with his own hands. Can you? Frowning slightly, Li Yexing whispered with concern: Lisa, your body has already been said, I am not such a fragile woman. He dismissed it with a smile. Li Yexing's doubts, Alexa gently placed the plain white catkin stained with a trace of dust on Li Yexing's hand that was caressing her shoulder, and then pushed it away little by little. When Li Yexing stopped blocking her, She put away the smile on her face and walked towards Victor step by step. When she was beside Victor, she looked at the man who was crouched on the ground and could not even recognize his appearance due to the deterioration of his body. She silently said Raising her hands. About to bury her enemy with her own hands, Alexa thought she would have a lot to say. After all, she had fantasized about this day countless times, but when this fantasy was really going to come true, Alexa Lexissa suddenly felt a little bored. She found that now she had everything she really desired. As for the person who once

There was no emotion in her heart, just as if she was about to crush an ant. Alexa looked indifferent and waved her arm directly, releasing the flame. Suddenly, Victor, who was burned by the light blue flame, let out a heartbreaking cry. Howling miserably, when all reason and sanity disappeared, he could only die like a wild beast without dignity. Gradually, the wailing disappeared, and Alexa did not stop, but silently used her own power to roast him. She did not retract her arm until Victor turned into a large piece of crumpled charcoal.

Let's go. She kicked the large piece of coke to pieces. Alexa walked towards Li Yexing and the other girls and whispered: Go and receive the spoils of victory. Go and declare to Black Umbrella. Tell me about my return. A relieved smile finally appeared on his face. Li Yexing turned around and walked out of the hall. He stretched his arms and said with a chuckle, Now, Black Umbrella. It's really going to become a family business. Oh, it's true. How do you want me to explain this to BSAA? As he said this, Li Yexing's eyes darkened, his body went limp, and he fell to the ground. is\u003eThe hall fell into dead silence again. “Night travel!” Perverted brother-in-law! “Sir!

Boss! Wild dog!


In the blink of an eye, the girls' panicked screams and screams filled the entire hall again. They rushed towards Li Yexing, and then hurriedly checked Li Yexing's physical condition.

In his arms, Tililith's arm was resting on his pillow, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was asleep. Surrounded by the girls, Li Yexing was carried out of the hall. It will not take long for them to meet up with the security forces of various branches and the Huanya armed forces who have penetrated into the facility. Along with the girls and Li After Ye Xing left, the hall fell into silence again, and it seemed that only the

There were faint bursts of gunshots. Suddenly, with a soft sound, the iron bars blocking the ventilation ducts on the dome of the hall fell down and hit the ground heavily. Then, a hook lock hung down and went straight to the cracked ground, followed by a burst of There was a sound of zipping, and a rather strong man wearing a mercenary combat uniform fell down. A black strip of cloth and combat uniform covered the horrific burns on his face, and his golden back was meticulously cared for. The man walked through the dim hall, stepped on the hot ground, and came to Victor's large pile of roasted meat. Before the coke, and then stopped. But... the treatment was clean enough. Looking at the black fragments scattered on the ground through his sunglasses, the mysterious man twitched his lips and said: It's worse than William. This way of death is quite suitable for you, Feotian. .ls\u003e As he spoke, the man leaned down, gently picked up a small piece of coke with tweezers, and put it into the sample bottle hanging on his chest. At the same time, he whispered: However, if that mercenary is really powerful, At this point, - small pieces of coke, should be enough. After collecting Victor's sample, the man stood up and returned to the hook. When he was about to leave, he turned back for the last time and glanced at Victor who had been broken into pieces. Behind his sunglasses, a red light passed by. One of the biggest shadows in the Umbrella era - Albert Wesker raised the corner of his mouth and said: Then, let's meet again, old friend. With the sound of the zipline, Wesker's voice rose rapidly and disappeared into nothingness. in the hall.

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