What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-57. The disappearance of the macho power

His expression was so painful, and his screams were so piercing. Seeing Li Yexing's eyes almost bursting with blood, all the girls surrounding Li Yexing panicked, and they rushed forward. Just as he was about to check on Li Yexing's condition, he heard Tililith standing aside, who had already finished Crown of Crime with Li Yexing, saying with an expressionless face: Night Walk, so boring, such a bad joke. After being exposed by Ti Lilith in public, Li Yexing's expression immediately changed back to his original expression. Under the surprised eyes of the girls, he scratched his head and said with a fairy smile: I think this time is quite suitable for playing this. Suitable for a ghost!!! Although I don't understand what Li Yexing is playing, but seeing that Li Yexing can still be calm and calm after scaring everyone, he has experienced ups and downs repeatedly in a few days. Bai Muqing was finally furious. The pretended indifference and coldness on her face disappeared, replaced by undisguised anger. She quickly kicked off her high heels, raised her legs, and stepped on Li Yexing's thigh through the quilt. Then he pinched Ruo Li Yexing's ears, tearing them apart and angrily saying: You bastard! You damn bastard! .... Do you want to scare us to death?! Sir, this is too much. On the other hand, seeing Li Yexing being taught a lesson by Bai Muqing, Rita rarely stopped her. Even though she still had a smile on her face, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Rita was also a little angry. You're just kidding me, I'm not very good at it. Mind. After scratching his head, Kanan ignored Li Yexing's look for help, turned his head and said in a low voice, But, boss, you are going a little too far.

It’s just that everyone’s nerves were tense before, and now they are making jokes like this.” As a close-fitting little cotton-padded jacket, Hitomi Mikishima also did not choose to defend Li Xing. She frowned slightly and said: “Yakou-kun, I don’t understand at all. Everyone. Kill the perverted brother-in-law! Ice Cube Girl! Kill the perverted brother-in-law! With her head raised and her little nose turned up, Tillillian pursed her lips and said with displeasure: Really! How dare you scare me! Look at me!

I understand, dear, you just want to liven up the atmosphere, right? With a faint smile on her lips, under Li Yexing's expectant eyes, Alexis stroked her cheek and smiled: However, considering In the future, I will live in harmony with the sisters. I choose to refuse to protect my dear. Li Yexing hissed in pain as Bai Muqing pulled his ears back and forth. When he heard Alexa's words, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said: Are you afraid? If they are angry, aren't they afraid that I will be angry? Aren't you afraid, my dear? There was a hint of coquettishness unique to an innocent girl in her smile. Alexa tilted her head slightly, making a pitiful look, blinking the orange-red snake. Tong said: My dear, you won't blame me, right? Okay, okay! I was wrong! I was really wrong! Before his ears were about to be torn off by Bai Muqing, Li Yexing raised his hands and faced his own The girls made the first act of surrender in their lives. Seeing Li Yexing raise his hands above his head, Ti Lilian immediately became energetic. She said excitedly: 'The perverted brother-in-law is also from F country! Review! On the other side, Bai Muqing didn't seem to calm down. Although the strength of his hands was The pressure decreased but she did not let go. She frowned and said, Wild dog, what's wrong with you? Ah... - Do you have to say it? His expression became a little embarrassed. Li Yexing turned his head and said as if asking for help. He cast his eyes on Tili Jingsi, but heard Tililith say expressionlessly: Just because Tililith can tolerate everything that Ye Xing did, doesn't mean that everyone can. If Ye Xing is wrong, he is wrong, and he should apologize. When he looked around and saw the angry yet fearful looks in the girls' eyes, Li Yexing knew that he had made too much of a joke with his bad jokes. It was obvious that everyone was frightened.

I'm sorry... With an apology on his face, Li Yexing lowered his eyebrows and said: After all, I have experienced such a battle before and experienced so many life and death situations. I am really happy to see you all again. I am very happy. Incredibly, I even got a little carried away, so I failed to take into account everyone’s feelings and hugs.

Tsk, I really can't do anything to you, wild dog. Seeing the apologetic look on the man who was as smelly and hard as a rock outside, Bai Muqing felt distressed after all. She let go of her hand and removed the black man who was stepping on Li Yexing's belly. Silk feet were inserted back into the high heels, and then she leaned down and blew gently into Li Yexing's ear while asking with a cold face: Does it hurt? It hurts. Li Yexing nodded and murmured in a low voice. Said: I feel like I'm about to be ripped off. Then take a longer note... Her cold wine-red eyes showed an imperceptible tenderness. Bai Muqing opened her lips slightly, took Li Yexing's ear into her mouth, and then gently After licking it and feeling Secretary Ruo's gentle caress, Li Yexing couldn't help but squeal with pleasure. So, let's get back to the topic. Seeing that the excitement subsided again, Alexa clapped her hands gently, attracting the other girls and Li

Ye Xing paid attention, and then said to Li Ye Xing in a deep voice: 'The power you exerted when fighting Victor has disappeared, right? , Li Yexing retracted the smile on his face, raised his right hand, and while looking at the palm of his right hand, he said in a deep voice that he couldn't do it anymore, and he felt as if he had returned to the way before. It's strange, is this kind of power still effective? Rubbing her chin gently, Alexa fell into deep thought. She frowned slightly and whispered: Indeed, if there are restrictions, the use of this kind of power will not work. It does seem a little reasonable, but this limitation is highlighted by the time limit. I really don’t know how to explain it. It's a pity, it's such a pity... Seemingly resenting Li Yexing's strength, Kanan muttered in a low voice: The boss was so handsome that day, killing everyone, with invincibility written all over his face. I actually think This is pretty good. Her mood seemed to be getting better. Hitomi Mikishima smiled and said to herself: Although the stronger Yagaku-kun is, the better, but if it turns out like that... it will still feel a little strange... Indeed. Bai Muqing nodded, with a cold expression, The wild dog is actually stronger than me. This

I won't accept this kind of thing. That's right! Pulling down her blue eyes with gradually changing colors, Tililian stuck out her tongue and said, I don't want my perverted brother-in-law to be better than me!

It doesn't matter to Rita. Ge's loving gray eyes stared at Li Yexing. Rita tilted her head slightly, gently held her cheek and smiled: Sir is still sir. No matter what he becomes, Rita will never change him. Mr. Unreserved Favor. Seeing his monster girls express their feelings one by one, Li Yexing blushed slightly, covered his mouth and turned his head, avoiding the girls' eyes. Damn it! You guys are too sweet! My teeth are about to fall off. He coughed twice and cleared his throat. Li Yexing turned his head and put away the smile on his face. He glanced at Alexa and then turned his head. Speaking of which, since this is the OBE branch, why didn't I see Director Casimir? Hearing Li Yexing's question, suddenly there was no sound in the ward. Seeing that none of the girls answered, an ominous premonition suddenly arose in Li Yexing's heart. He couldn't help but frown and said, No. He raised his hand and gently rubbed the bridge of his nose. Just when Li Yexing thought that Director Casimir had died gloriously in the line of duty, suddenly he heard a series of familiar shouts coming from the corridor outside the ward. Boss Li! I'm here! I'm here!

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