What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-58. Confession of the hunky father-in-law

Accompanied by familiar shouts from outside the ward, the automatic door opened again, revealing Casimir's mean face. He stretched out his hands and kicked his legs as hard as he could, as if he wanted to rush into the ward, but the secretary-in-charge stood helplessly behind him. Jia Liya pulled his white collar like a chicken, pushed up his black-rimmed glasses and said: Director Casimir, please pay attention to your image.

0 Ha! Taking advantage of Jialiya's inattention, Casimir used the golden cicada to escape from its shell. He took off his white coat and went straight to Li Yexing on the hospital bed. However, before he could take two steps, he Then he discovered that the girls guarding the hospital bed not only had no intention of giving way, but even had a hint of hostility in their eyes.

7 Then...ladies and gentlemen...Mrs. Li? Xian smiled and took two steps back. Casimir tugged at the corners of his lips and said: Excuse me, can you let Mr. Li and I talk alone for a while? I see the girls are not indifferent. Casimir moved, and glanced at Tillillian, as if hoping that his lovely little daughter would be accommodating. However, contrary to his expectations, this time, Tillillian rarely followed his wishes, and faced him. Facing Casimir's eyes, the girl with double ponytails with heterochromatic eyes turned her head, pursed her lips, and pretended to whistle. Seeing that there was no way to go through Tillillian, Casimir's expression became more and more embarrassed, and he again Turning her head, she looked at Tililith on the Tiilillian Trial, with a confused look on her face: Miss Tililith, from a rational point of view, you should allow Mr. Li and I to talk alone. In the face of Casimir's request , In the end, Tilisilis did not reply, but just turned her head to look at Li Yexing. Seeing Li Yexing nodded, she opened her ruby-like eyes, looked deeply at Casimir and then expressionless. Said: Let's go. After saying that, Tililith stepped forward and walked out of the room. Tililith took the lead, and all the girls looked at each other, and then left the ward one after another, but whenever they When passing by Casimir, she didn't even give him a good look. Rita even whispered coldly: Director Casimir, I'm staring at you. Following a burst of footsteps, the automatic door of the ward closed again. At that time, only Li Yexing and Casimir were left in the bright and clean ward. It looked a lot emptyer. Standing opposite the hospital bed, Bo Li Casimir, who was scrutinizing the night walk, could only show a polite yet embarrassed smile. He scratched his head and smiled, as if hoping to dispel the embarrassing atmosphere just now. It was not until he realized that he was doing useless work that he was completely discouraged. .

Hunched over, the smile on his face was replaced by sadness. Casimir took weak steps and sat down on the hospital bed next to Li Yexing. Pulling himself together, he stared at the dark circles and the tiredness in his eyes, and said a little depressed: It's no wonder they don't trust me. I heard from your girls that in the end the weapons failed to come in handy and almost killed you. Right? Strictly speaking, it can't be considered useless. Li Yexing shook his head slightly and said: It's a very useful weapon, and the effect is very obvious, but it can only be used away, which is not enough at all. Because I The original design was to kill the target completely within three rounds, and the remaining two rounds could only be regarded as spares. Casimir inserted his fingers into the messy hair and rubbed it vigorously. Casimir whispered: Five After all the attacks, I couldn't kill that guy. Mr. Li, can you tell me about the situation at that time? I want to know what kind of effect the God Killer had on Victor. It seems like my girls are doing something wrong. I didn't tell you, did I? Li Yexing tilted his head and asked. That's right. Squeezing out a helpless smile, Casimir whispered: Their tone is very tight. Honestly, it's not like I can't tell you about your ridiculously powerful final killer weapon, but there are some things that I'm very concerned about... The corners of your mouth are slightly raised, and there's a faint murderous look in your eyes. Li Yexing said in a deep voice: After all, the startup sound of your final killer weapon really shocked me. I knew... The smile on his face became more and more bitter, and Casimir shook his head and said: I'm not afraid to tell you, that thing is used to deal with you, but now it seems that, let alone the expected three shots, it's just Even if you can't completely kill BOW who only has some of your characteristics, it's a bit too wishful thinking to use God Killer to kill n. Why? Li Yexing asked in a deep voice: I thought we The cooperation between us is very pleasant. The cooperation between us is indeed very pleasant, and I also attach great importance to the cooperative relationship with you... Director Casimir replied solemnly: As for why without the help of the God Killer, Don’t you understand that I still killed Speaker Victor? Hearing Casimir’s words, Li Yexing fell silent. On the other side, not paying attention to Li Yexing’s silence, Casimir spread his hands and said to Mr. Li, I sincerely disagree I hope that the existence of this weapon will have a negative impact on the cooperative relationship between us, but I want to say that the existence of this weapon is necessary and is the insurance of this world. Your existence is really too dangerous. If one day you If you are tired of playing and want to destroy the world, what should humans do? If one day, your power goes out of control, what should humans do? A few years ago, I conducted cloning research on your blood samples, hoping to I mass-produced your highly active body fluids, and the result of the experiment was that I barely peeked into the tip of the iceberg of your secrets from outside the door of the door of truth. Since then, most of the research on you by the first agency has basically Everything was frozen, and even the data were destroyed together. Since then, I have been preparing this weapon. His expression became extremely solemn, Casimir looked into Li Yexing's eyes, and said to Li Yexing in a deep voice: 'I I never want you to realize your true nature by some chance. In the eyes of many insiders, you are the shackles of those monster girls, allowing them to live like humans who are far more than human beings. But I know the real situation. Those monster girls are your shackles, because of them, you can live like a human being. Speaking of this, Casimir sighed softly, and he whispered, I beg you to understand.

I, I am not asking you to forgive me, I am just telling you from a human perspective, why I did this. Now, it is your turn, Mr. Li, as a saint, how do you plan to deal with it? What about me who disobeyed God’s will?

Staring into Casimir's eyes that contained determination and stubbornness, Li Yexing thought for a moment, then gently snapped his fingers and said: - Thousands of dollars. Understood, I will commit suicide now. Casimir looked sad. said. Wait! Just ten thousand dollars! Seeing Casimir climb onto the bed and take out the hanging rope from his pants pocket, Li Yexing said urgently, Your life is worth ten thousand dollars! Not even worth it?! Haha, just kidding. As if he was relieved, Casimir had a smile on his face again. He stuffed the rope back into his pocket, then crossed his arms and said: But, to be honest, I still I thought you were going to kill me. Even if you don't kill me, you would still make a lot of embarrassing demands. That's no big deal... Li Yexing stood up and put his arm on his knees through the quilt. He pursed his lips and said: I am a mercenary, a very expensive mercenary. Then I will do a life-threatening business, and then I will give you a friendly price, which is about ten thousand US dollars. Mr. Li. He stared blankly at the light. Saint, Casimir couldn't help laughing, he shook his head, and then whispered: It seems that my worries are a little unnecessary, Mr. Li, you are really an incredible person.

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