.76kanshu. Under the faint blue light, a large dark red wooden long table is pressed against a black and white carpet, spread across the spacious and dark room. On both sides of the table, people in suits and leather shoes sit facing each other. There are men and women among them, some have just passed middle age, and some are already very old. They are either leaning on the red wood, or leaning forward and pressing their arms on the table. In the dimness, their Their faces were hard to see clearly because the darkness rendered their faces half-shaded.

The people here all have terrifying energy in the secular world. They either hold capital or have power. They should be blaming Fang Qiu on the podium or strategizing in the office. But at this moment, these When gathered together, there were enough people to shake up half of the world of order, but they sat around the square table of a few meters, their eyes filled with evil intentions, and the atmosphere became more and more oppressive as they remained silent. m.76kanshu. They seemed to be waiting for something... h Suddenly, a burst of footsteps came from outside the room. When they heard these footsteps, everyone subconsciously sat up straight and looked vaguely out of the corners of their eyes. He walked toward the door of the room. After a while, there were knocks on the door, which reignited the atmosphere in the room. After a brief exchange of glances, the middle-aged man closest to the door squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the person outside the room. The man said solemnly: Please come in. The next second, the wooden door opened, and a man wearing a black trench coat and meticulously combed hair walked in. His expression was indifferent, and he held a black Umbrella with a stamp under his arm. The silver pad with the logo had an indifferent look on his face. When he saw everyone in the room focusing their attention on him, he stepped forward, stood at the square table, then bowed slightly and said: Good afternoon, members of the Joint Committee. Good afternoon, Executive Officer Powell. He nodded to Powell, who was wearing a large black trench coat. The middle-aged man closest to him seemed to have some emotion in his eyes. He glanced at the pad in Powell's hand, and then asked in a deep voice: What's the matter? W stood up and faced the slightly oppressive eyes of the members of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee, Powell said coldly. Members of the Joint Committee, Speaker Ashford, I want information. Convey to you. m.76kanshu. Oh, Speaker Ashford. Faintly, there seemed to be a sneer from above the square table, with undisguised ridicule and disdain, despite the cover of darkness, But Powell found that person at a glance. Faced with the disdain in the other person's eyes, he suppressed the faint murderous intent in his eyes, then gently placed the pad on the square table, and said in a cold voice while adjusting it: As an executive, I shouldn’t say too much, but in this situation, gentlemen and ladies, please be more patient. After all, what follows is more important to you than Speaker Ashford. is important. After a few seconds of debugging, a burst of light blue light and shadow suddenly floated from the pad's screen. They turned into large and small squares, and then shrank and combined. - Dot and Dianping made up a human face, which was A very beautiful long-haired woman with tear moles under her eyes. Under this clear projection, her pair of snake eyes, which are not like human beings, look particularly strange and abrupt. The corners of her mouth are slightly raised, but the woman's eyes are filled with tears. The projection could not hide the indifference and indifference, and the moment this face appeared, the atmosphere above the square table finally became completely agitated. Miss Ashford... After a moment of silence, the middle-aged congressman who called Powell into the room finally spoke. He folded his hands, stood forward, and said in a deep voice to the woman in the projection: 'I haven't seen you for many years, and you are as radiant as when I left you. Really? There was a hint of kindness in her eyes that was not artificial but inexplicably cold. Alexa Ashford tilted her head slightly, looked around the people on the square table through the projection, and then smiled: Good afternoon, old friends, and a few new friends who are a bit unfamiliar. Although most of you should know me, it has been many years since I last met, so I would like to introduce myself again. The tone paused slightly. After a pause, a faint domineering air spread from the light blue projection. Alexa put away the smile on her face, with a queen-like look in her snake eyes. Facing the MPs around the square table, She said with an indifferent expression: I am Alexa Ashford, the current head of the Ashford family and the real leader of Black Umbrella. What kind of leader are you?! I don't admit it! As soon as he finished speaking, an old man raised his crutch and cursed at Alexis in the projection. He squeezed the wrinkles on his face and roared without grace: Even if that bastard Victor dies, ! We should also act in accordance with the rules set by the joint committee! In a few months, the new speaker will be elected! We need to decide on a new speaker according to the previous method! Black Umbrella is not Ashford The family's back garden! If Miss Ashford wants to promote her own ideas here, then come and participate in the election honestly! Otherwise

Mr. Persad. Before the frothing old man could finish speaking, Alexa spoke with a cold face. There seemed to be some power in her words, and she was still afraid of Chen just now. The old man who said the words closed his mouth instantly, and cold sweat kept dripping down his forehead. On the other side, seeing that the old man stopped talking, Alexa said to herself, Why is Mr. Persad so impatient? This is against you. The aristocratic demeanor you insist on, right? It's not your little girl's turn to teach you a lesson. The old man called Persad was about to defend something more, but heard Alexa say in a deep voice: Times have changed. Well, Mr. Persad, if you don't keep up with the times, you will be eliminated. So will you, and so will your arms empire that is entangled by the government of country A. The Cold War has long ended, but you have been unwilling to abandon your position. Will It is natural to get such a result. In an instant, Alexa grabbed his painful leg, and the old man felt like he was being strangled.


His eyes were as round as those of a chicken, and on the other side, Ah

Lexissa continued, I don't know, who are the people around this square table? What kind of promises have they made to you? They dare to let you risk your life and abandon your life and demeanor to be used by this dog. You are the first person to test my attitude, but there is no doubt that your choice is stupid, because I am also waiting for someone like you to express my attitude towards you. Speaking, Alexa said coldly :Powell, I don’t want to listen to the dead. “Understood, Speaker Ashford...” Bowing slightly to the light blue projection on the square table, Powell turned his head, with an indifferent expression, pulled out the silenced pistol from his waist, and pointed directly at The old man, who was dripping with cold sweat, pressed the alarm. The next second, with a soft sound, his brains splattered, and the old man fell straight to the ground. Seeing his former colleague being shot dead, everyone on the square table As if they didn't care, they knew that at this moment, there was a team of fully armed security forces at the door of the room. The delicate emotions in their eyes flowed again, - the congressmen looked at the blue projection again with indifferent faces. Alexa, and Alexa in the projection asked coldly: Now, do you know my attitude? Ashford discussed... After a while, the middle-aged man who spoke first The man raised his head, stared at Alexa in the projection, squinted his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: Do you have any suggestions for the work of the joint committee? Of course there are, and there are quite a few. The queen's disdainful smile bloomed again on her face, Alexa curled her lips and said: First of all, for the work of the joint committee, start with the elimination of redundant members...

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