What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-61. Daily life in the macho agency

.76kanshu. The green jade finger was decorated with light pink nails, as white and flawless as jade. It gently slid across the pad screen, exited the three-dimensional communication, and then slowly closed next to Boss Qi's armrest, wearing a black Wearing a long skirt, Alexa slightly squinted her red snake eyes, her expression no longer as cold as before. She pushed out the fullness of her chest, lifted the breasts behind her, and made a sound while stretching her waist. He hummed happily, with a girlish look on his face. .76kanshu. Gently pushed the flaming golden hair behind her ears with her fingertips, Alexa turned her head with a slightly raised corner of her mouth, and saw Tililith sitting on her knees in front of the desk. Ti Lilian was sitting on the sofa with Kanan, Rita was standing in the center of the office holding a tray with a porcelain cup of black tea, and Hitomi Mishima was wearing her old kimono, kneeling on a yoga mat. With a sword gleam in his eyes, Bai Muqing sat at his desk with his legs crossed, holding an information book related to business management in his hand.

The girls present were all looking at Alexa. For a moment, there was silence in the office. Facing the girls' gaze, Alexa just smiled. She turned her head and spread her arms on the armrests of the boss's chair. He went up and looked behind him with a slightly sideways look, and saw Li Yexing leaning against the wall by the window of the office, standing still with his hands intertwined. Is it over? Seeing that Alexa no longer spoke to the pad, but turned her head to look at him, Li Yexing asked in a low voice. Well, it's over. She nodded at Li Yexing lightly. Alexa turned around, smiled at the girls in the office and said, It's over, sisters. Damn it. ! It’s done! It’s just like chanting sutras!” With Alexis’s words, the atmosphere in the room was detonated again. Kanan grinned and picked up the handle on the coffee table, turned his head and looked at Ti Lilith. Excitedly said: Come on! Miss! Go, go, go! Go. Taking the handle from Tillillian's hand and starting to operate it again, Tillili stared at the TV screen and said expressionlessly: War machine, Three hundred consecutive wins, eight games left. m.76kanshu.

Go, go, go! She gently shook her little butt that was pressing Tili Jingsi's thigh. Tili Lian, who was lying in her sister's arms, had obviously entered the state of heaven. She was leaning sideways and hugged Tili Jingsi's neck. While shaking her arms excitedly, her heterochromatic eyes were shining brightly and she said: Sister, you are super strong! You can't lose at all!

After all, several handles have been broken. He looked at Tililith with a slightly squinted look, and with a smile on his lips, Kanan whispered: The only thing that can prevent the eldest lady from spelling out the telegram is a malfunction of the handle. 0303. Everyone must be tired after playing the game for so long. Rita gently placed the tray on the coffee table. The corners of Rita's mouth curved in an elegant arc. She chuckled and bowed slightly to Tililith and said: Let’s have a cup of red jelly to refresh ourselves before continuing the game. Placing a cup of red tea on the coffee table, Rita picked up the tray and walked slowly towards Hitomi Chishima. After placing a cup of black tea behind Hitomi Chishima, she stood for a moment. Then he leaned slightly and asked, Miss Mikishima, forgive me for disturbing you, can you really meditate like this? Actually, you can't. After a long while, Mikishima Hitomi couldn't hold back her cold and serious expression, as if As if she was discouraged, her upright body slumped down. After drinking the red wine handed to her by -0 Rita, she narrowed her naturally sharp eyes and said with a slightly red face: Ah, it smells so good. Sherita. This is what it should be. Seeing Hitomi Mikishima, who was sipping black tea and looking so soft and cute, Rita's heart was filled with happiness for no reason. In addition to this happiness, she couldn't help but be a little curious. He asked: Speaking of which, I remember that Ms. Mikishima's home had her own dojo. Did you think about it there before? Both the dojo and the yard are fine. Look at the cherry blossom trees and listen to the sound of water. I can always feel that my heart has calmed down. With his eyebrows lowered, revealing a touch of doubt and regret, Hitomi Mikishima said softly, But, ever since my body became like this, for some reason, I can no longer think about it. , once a person stops, his heart will be particularly restless. At this time, sparring with Miss Bai and Yakou-kun will actually make him feel much more relaxed... Shura. He pursed his lips and spoke softly in a voice that Hitomi Mijishima couldn't hear. Smiling and sighing, Rita shook her head, picked up the tray again, and then bowed slightly to Hitomi Mikishima: In this case, I won't fight Miss Mikishima's Wu Xiang. Forget it, Wu Xiang or something like that. , I have no chance with me anymore... After drinking all the black tea, Hitomi Mikishima stood up and smiled at Rita as if to explain himself: Although I always feel a little ashamed of the teacher who taught me the way of swordsmanship,... this is also There's nothing we can do about it, right?' Yes, there's nothing we can do about it. Smiling at Hitomi Mikishima, Rita turned around and walked towards Bai Muqing step by step. She put a cup of Hongrong on the He stood on the corner of the office desk, then leaned down and whispered to the side of Bai Muqing's face. At the same time, he smiled and blew hot air into Bai Muqing's ears and said, Miss Bai, your glory. Son of a bitch, you are a woman full of perverted thoughts... A hint of disgust appeared in the corner of her eyes. Bai Muqing subconsciously turned her head. When Rita was about to leave with the tray, she suddenly waved at Rita again. He waved and said in a low voice: Wait, Rita, come here. Wh? There was a hint of surprise and curiosity on her face. Rita, who had not gone far, returned to Bai Muqing's side. She put the tray on At the desk, she leaned down and looked at Bai Muqing, with a hint of questioning in her gray eyes. On the other side, Bai Muqing looked sneaky. She glanced at Li Yexing by the window in a vague way, and then said with a vague expression She took out her mobile phone from her sleeve, opened the lock screen, and clicked on the shopping app. She blushed slightly and brought the screen to Rita's face, and then asked in a low voice: How about this? whl This is... watching


The translucent black silk in Bai Muqing's mobile phone screen is sexy

Rita was stunned by the sling, the rich summer lily pattern and the more hollow black lace. Express your opinion, Rita. Although her face was slightly red, Bai Muqing's eyes looked stronger for some reason. She leaned forward and almost put the phone into Rita's mouth, while whispering to Rita. Said: You are so perverted, you must know these things better than me, right? I think Mr. will like it. After a moment of confusion, Rita smiled and nodded and said, However, if you don't plan to wear this, If you want to wear it out, I recommend you consider it... There are openings on the top and bottom... ..There are openings?! As if receiving some cultural shock, Bai Muqing suddenly widened his burgundy eyes. , the artificial indifference was completely missing from her eyes, only shock remained. On the other side, Rita smiled and took out her mobile phone from the valley, while opening the web page, she smiled at Bai Muqing and said: Forget it. , I will share the URL with you directly. On the other side, with her fingers decorated with black nails, she tremblingly opened the URL shared from Rita. Looking at the dazzling array of sexy lingerie on the phone screen, Bai Muqing's face became even redder. She quickly As he slid down the screen, he panted slightly and said, Isn't there nothing happening here?! Shan

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