.76kanshu. Standing in the corner of the desk, Rita and Bai Muqing whispered to each other and discussed something in a low voice. The former leaned against Bai Muqing's ear, with a faint smile on her lips, but there was an unnoticeable trace in her gray eyes. Bai Muqing's face was flushed, and she nodded from time to time while staring at the phone screen. Although her eyebrows were covered with cold disgust, her wine-red eyes were full of excitement. She took all this in her eyes. , Li Yexing, who was leaning by the window, raised his eyebrows slightly. It always felt like the maid and the secretary seemed to be discussing some dangerous topic... Are you curious? My dear? Just as Li Yexing was entangled with Rita and Bai Muqing. While they were discussing something, Alexa stood up directly. She squeezed herself against Li Yexing's body as usual, and then enjoyed the body heat from Li Yexing through her thin black dress. While leaning into Li Yexing's ear, he chuckled and whispered: Dear, I can hear what Miss Griffith and Miss Bai are discussing. m.76kanshu. whl tell me? Feeling the faint hot flash brought by Alexisa's unique hoarse voice, Li Yexing chuckled and whispered. No! Suddenly he loosened his arms around Li Yexing's waist. Lisa took two steps back on her high heels, smiled sweetly at Li Yexing like an innocent girl in love, then turned around and walked straight towards Rita and Bai Muqing. She picked up the black tea on the tray and sipped it gently. 10, then leaned down, put his head between Rita and Bai Muqing, and said with a smile: Let me have a look. Oh! This is my dear, do you like this style? The chat with the good sisters was lively. , leaving the master aside, isn’t this completely forgetting the responsibilities of a perfect maid?” Looking at the last cup of black tea on the tray from a distance, Li Yexing did not get close to it like Alexa did. He turned his head , looking around at the office that had accompanied him for the entire spring and autumn, and the monster girls in the office who had accompanied him, he couldn't help but slightly raise the corners of his mouth. m.76kanshu. Not long ago, Alexa sat in Li Yexing's exclusive office chair and completed the guidance on the follow-up work of Black Umbrella through a remote conference. If nothing else, with Victor's death, those who were forced by Victor Gathering together with interests, the remnants of the old era with evil intentions will be completely separated. There are only two choices left for them, or learn to be like the supporters of the Ashford family. To serve the dominant Black Umbrella, one must either give up on everything in Black Umbrella, pack up and get out. Without eliminating all those former betrayers, Alexa has already made her own concessions, and, she I am not worried that someone will leak the secret of Black Umbrella, because the existence of Black Umbrella involves too many forces, and no one dares to take this risk. As for why Alexa wants to hold this video conference in Li There is no reason for this to be in the night office instead of her own castle. When she was in the European Department, Alexa had complained that Queen Veronica Island would undergo long-term repairs. , Li Yexing didn’t think much about it at the time. He just thought it was Alexa’s complaint about not being able to provide a suitable physical vacation place for Li Yexing and the girls. Until the helicopter took off, Alexa did not take the Harman Butler. Li Yexing realized the seriousness of the problem when he chose to sit in the same helicopter as Li Yexing. I said it, my dear. Sitting opposite Li Yexing, facing Li Yexing's surprised gaze, Alexa tilted her head slightly, smiled at Li Yexing and said, Queen Veronica There is no room for people to live on that side of the island. During this period, I can only stay on your side temporarily. There are no free rooms... Li Yexing said subconsciously. It doesn't matter, I can squeeze in a room with my dear. The corner of his mouth The hooked arc disappeared in an instant, and Alexa blinked her orange-red snake eyes, pitifully, Do you mean, dear, you hate me? Why... Li Yexing was about to open his mouth to argue, but saw Alexa He turned his head, hugged Tililith's arm and shook it gently while crying: Miss Tililith, dear him. He will not want me after he eats more than I do! whl

On the other side, despite Li Yexing's expression becoming more and more subtle, Tililith just raised her head silently without speaking. She opened her ruby-like eyes and stared straight at Li Yexing, as if It was like killing Li Yexing with his eyes. Okay, you two stop acting... Li Yexing raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender twice in one day. Li Yexing was a little entangled and said: From my perspective, I definitely hope that Lisa can live with us. Together, but, you see, we really don’t have any free rooms here. Even if we move to a new house, it will probably take a lot of time to renovate it. During this period, you can only share a room with others. For those who have been living in a whole building with a housekeeper, For you in the castle, wouldn't this be too unfair to you? No. Alexa shook her head and said: I feel like being able to stay in a warm and small space with my sisters. Quite novel.

What about the servants? Li Yexing continued to ask: We can't let Butler Hanyan stay with us, right? Isn't Butler Haman busy with things on your island?

I'm here, sir... Before Alexa could reply, Rita on the side chuckled and replied: Don't worry, although Housekeeper Harman is a very outstanding person, I don't think I will. Losing to him, Miss Ashford will definitely feel at home with me here. Rita, I used the wrong word. Tililith said expressionlessly: Miss Ashford is not a guest, but a family member.

Ah, I'm sorry. After Tililith pointed out the mistake, Rita immediately bowed slightly and said: This is my fault. I am obviously apologizing, but there is no apology on my face. Not only that, Li Yexing can even see clearly Rita is smiling!


She doesn’t even try to hide it!

Li Yexing leaned on the back of the chair and casually slipped Tililian beside him into his arms. Then, while stroking Tililian's blond hair like a cat with a fixed object, he said with an expressionless face: Since you If you don't mind, then squeeze in a room with me.

I wish I could. Alexa responded with a chuckle. In this way, Alexa temporarily moved into Li Yexing's weather-beaten Erqi mansion, and shared a room with Li Yexing. It was just past noon, and the golden sunshine shined warmly through the window on Li Yexing's back, looking at the girls gathered in the office. Li Yexing shrugged, he supported his body, and was about to prepare. After going out for a walk, I saw that Rita had finished her sweet talk with Bai Muqing. She came to Li Yexing with a tray, and said with a hint of embarrassment in her eyebrows: Sorry, sir, because of my indifference. The black tea prepared for you is a little cold. If you are not satisfied, I will make you another cup immediately. Before Rita could finish her words, Li Yexing picked up the teacup on the tray and took a sip. -0, then looked at the Hongrong in his hand and whispered: Isn't this just right? As he said that, Li Yexing raised his neck and drank all the black tea. Sir, you really saw Li Yexing After drinking up the black tea, the embarrassment and apology on Rita's face disappeared, replaced by the faint love in her eyes. Rong is okay, but leaving me alone for a long time is also a fact. She put the teacup on the On the desk next to him, Li Yexing lowered his head, looked into Rita's eyes, and whispered with a serious expression: I want to punish you. * Then, how will Mr. punish me... He gently put the tray down. At the desk, Rita's face showed a trace of fear, but her flushed cheeks and gray eyes gradually dispersing mist told Li Yexing that Rita had entered the state. w No words were needed, Li Yexing spoke directly He stretched out his hands and hugged Rita's waist, and then pressed his lips against Rita's soft exclamation.

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