.76kanshu. After a while, the punishment was over. Li Yexing gently placed the somewhat limp Rita on his office chair, then turned his head and looked at the girls around him. It seemed that he was used to the atmosphere in the office. So the girls didn't seem to care, they just glanced at Li Yexing and Rita - one glance and then turned their heads, and each of them started to focus on what they were doing again, except Alexa who stared wide-eyed. Her eyes, orange-red snake pupils, were full of interest. It can be seen that everything happening here is quite novel for this wealthy lady who never leaves the house. I'm going for a walk. She leaned down. , nudged Rita on the forehead, Li Yexing turned around and said to the girls in the office. m.76kanshu. Want to smoke again? - When Li Yexing said he was going out, Bai Muqing subconsciously raised her head with a slight frown. No, I just want to take a walk, that's all. He shrugged at Bai Muqing, and Li Yexing stepped forward, crossing the gap between the coffee table and the sofa. The moment he passed by Kanan, Kanan used his hidden sleep With one movement, he stuffed half a pack of cigarettes into Li Yexing's pants pocket at a very fast speed. Even though they had a tacit understanding and their expressions were as usual, Kanan and Li Yexing's little moves still failed to hide from Bai Muqing's eyes. It's just that this This time, Bai Muqing didn't make a sound. She just focused her eyes on the book in her hand again, and then sighed inaudibly. Not only Bai Muqing, but all the girls could see that Li Yexing's current mental state was far from what he saw. He went up so well. After experiencing all this, he is tired and anxious. He still has things hidden in his heart and is unwilling to say them out. In this case, a little indulgence will be good for Li Yexing. Don't drink too much. When Li Yexing put on his coat and prepared to go out, Bai Muqing whispered, but she couldn't hold it back after all. The movement of putting on the coat stopped slightly, Li Yexing turned around and looked at Bai Muqing, Seeing Bai Muqing staring at the book in his hand, he moved again and put his arms through his sleeves. Li Yexing silently nodded to Bai Muqing. m.76kanshu. Opened the door, stepped out of the office, and turned on the TV The sound of gunfire was isolated behind him. Li Yexing put away the slightly forced smile on his face and turned his back to the iron door of Ruo Office alone. With a trace of composure, he faced the people on the street of Lopulus. Han Qing silently raised his hand, and then lightly snapped his fingers. Just like countless previous attempts, when he fought against Victor, the terrifying violence flowing in his blood vessels did not respond to him. Without speaking, Li Yexing tightened his coat tightly and stepped onto the street. Winter had not yet entered, and although the streets were not covered with snow, it was still cold. Without the protection of the heater, even the shining sunshine could not After the biting chill dissipated, there were many acquaintances on the street. Some of them would just glance at Li Yexing from a distance and then avoid them. Others would say hello to Li Yexing warmly. Whenever this happens, Li Yexing will squeeze out a smile and wave, making the other person look stunned for a moment. After all, in the eyes of Lopulus people, Li Yexing has never been the kind of person who would smile and say hello properly. People. As Li Yexing stepped into the alley, the sunlight was completely swallowed up by the shadows. Li Yexing retracted the lower half of his face into the stand-up collar of his black coat, and walked forward alone until he stopped at the door of a bar, watching the madness The bar's sign was slightly faded due to neglect. He pushed open the glass door and walked straight in. Just like the last time he came, the bar was cleaned cleanly. Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, Li Yexing explained Opening the top two buttons of his coat, exposing his neck and chest in a black short shirt, he sat in front of the bar counter, tapped the counter lightly with his fingers, and then asked Hank, who was wiping his wine glass on the other side of the counter: What about the rest?

Still busy with matters at the European branch and at the headquarters. The Ashford family has come back and turned the already turbulent situation into a mess. At least in my opinion, these are a mess. You who are at the center of the storm should know better than me... Putting the spotlessly polished wine glass on the cabinet, Hank turned his head and looked into Li Yexing's eyes. He said solemnly: I've known you for a long time. You are a troublesome character, but now, I find that you are far more troublesome than I imagined. Why are you still here? Without answering Hank's words, Li Yexing asked himself: Aren't all your team members busy? Why are you still waiting in the bar? Because I know you will definitely come. . Picking up a bottle of whiskey from the counter and filling it up for Li Yexing, Hank said in a deep voice as if he was feeling something: Besides, children have to mature, and I can't always tell them what to do. . Without saying a word, Li Yexing picked up the whiskey and drank it silently. It seems that you are troubled, Mr. Li... He picked up the bottle of whiskey again and filled it up for Li Yexing. Hank poured it out of the corner of his mouth. With a hint of a smile, he asked in a low voice: Family discord? It's very harmonious. It's very harmonious. He took out the cigarette that Kanan had hidden in his pocket and lit it with a lighter. Li Yexing was deeply moved. He took a breath and let the white mist come out from his nostrils. After a moment of silence, he raised his head again and asked Hank in a low voice: Mr. Death, you once had a family of your own, right?

Happy. Thinking of his family, Hank's face showed a touch of softness. He tilted his head and smiled and whispered: After all, family is the most beautiful thing in the world. When you are in trouble, you are always there. You can only rely on your own family. Brother wuh, Hank couldn't help but sigh softly. He turned his head again, looked directly into Li Yexing's eyes and said: It's a pity that for me at that time, money It was really a fatal thing. At that time, I had experienced the demise of Umbrella and the Ashford family, and I was too depressed. So, my wife took my daughter and left.

It's okay, actually I'm fine. There was a trace of relief on his face.


Ke chuckled and said: 'My wife is leaving me.

I haven't married since then, and my daughter now has a good job. Now, I can always send money to my family regularly, and I can also talk to them on the phone. Apart from the fact that I can't easily go back to country A, I think my Life is like going back to the old days. That's not bad. You love your family very much, Hank, and I do too. After drinking all the wine in the glass again, Li Yexing raised his head and said to Hank in a deep voice: So, you have deceived you. Family? Cheated. Against Li Yexing's expectation, Hank admitted it directly and openly. He chuckled and said: Until now, my wife doesn't know what I was doing back then. job, she always thought I was just a security guard for Umbrella Company, after all. I make money by killing people and dealing with monsters. I can't do this kind of thing with my wife and daughter. whl you How do you think they would react if you told them everything about you then and now? Li Yexing continued to ask. I don't know... Filling a full glass of wine for Li Yexing again, Hank raised his arm, raised his chin and said, I never consider things that won't happen.

Do you think this concealment is worthy of your family? Li Yexing continued to ask. Mr. Li did not answer Li Yexing's question. Hank frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: I always feel that today You are particularly aggressive

Yeah. Turning his head and looking at the world outside the frantic bar glass, Li Yexing took a deep breath of his cigarette, and then murmured in a low voice, Maybe...

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