What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-64. A macho man blows himself up

.76kanshu. Turned on the dim chandelier in front of the counter, letting the weak and warm light fall down the top of his head, illuminating the only customer in the bar today. Hank picked up the bottle and filled the wine glass on the table, and then He raised his head and silently stared at Li Yexing sitting in front of the counter. He had to say that the Li Yexing today was completely different from the Li Yexing he knew in the past. He had obviously won a difficult war, but for some reason, Li Yexing Ye Xing's expression was particularly gloomy, exuding a faint sense of low pressure all the time. 3886 Kanshu Novel Network It seems that the trouble you are encountering comes from your heart. You have something to hide from your monster girl 1... With a faint smile on his lips, Hank took out the vice As if he had come over, he chuckled and asked, If it's not convenient to talk to your family, would you mind talking to me?

mind. Li Yexing replied in a deep voice. Okay. Looking for trouble, Hank shrugged, and then asked in a low voice: Do you think you should tell your girls about this? I don't know. Li Yexing shook his head, with a hint of confusion in his expression. Don't know? His brows furrowed slightly, and Hank subconsciously leaned forward and continued to ask in a low voice, If you tell me about this, What impact will it have? What's the worst result? I don't know... Li Yexing shook his head, and then said with some uncertainty: The destruction of the world? Then you'd better stop talking. It didn't seem to bother Li. Ye Xing took his words seriously, Hank chuckled and shook his head. Without saying anything, Li Ye Xing picked up the wine glass, drank the wine in one gulp, and then lit a cigarette for himself again. On the other side, Han Ke Ze took the wine bottle and poured the last wine in the bottle into Li Yexing's wine glass. Under the light, two old men with their families behind them faced each other across the counter, as if they had something hidden in their hearts. Mountain

After a while, Hank took down a bottle of whiskey from the wine rack behind the counter again. He opened the lid and placed the bottle on the counter. Then he poured himself a glass, picked up the wine glass, and tilted his head slightly. He nodded and asked Li Yexing: Cheers? No reply, just silently picked up the wine glass in front of him, and after clinking glasses with Hank, both men raised their necks and drank the wine in one gulp. All. m.76kanshu. To be honest, Li, do you trust your monster girls? After filling up their wine glasses again, Hank tilted his chin on the counter and asked Li Yexing with a slight frown. Of course I trust you. Li Yexing took a deep breath from the cigarette, turned his face to the side, exhaled the white mist, then squinted his eyes, and while watching Hank with the corner of his eye, he whispered: They They are both smart and independent, and they know what to say and what not to say. If you tell your secret, will the way you get along with each other change? Hank asked in a low voice, shaking the wine glass in his hand gently and drinking it all in one gulp.

Maybe, maybe not. After drinking all the wine in the glass with Hank, Li Yexing added with lowered eyebrows: Actually, I think... it shouldn't be. Then I don't understand. .. With his eyebrows slightly raised, Hank poured wine for the two of them and whispered in a low voice: From your description, I always feel that it shouldn't be a big deal. What are you struggling with?

Brother, Hank put the wine bottle on the counter, and then continued: And if it is really a complicated matter, just hide it in your heart. Sometimes principled concealment can be more protective than no reservations. Each other, right? I think so too, but everyone has the desire to reveal secrets, and they all want to tell the little secrets in their hearts to the people closest to them, don't they? Li Yexing twitched the corners of his mouth, and poured the wine into the cup. He drank the wine in one gulp, then smoked a cigarette and said: What's more, my girls are waiting for me to give an explanation. I don't know whether I should tell the truth honestly or in front of the pile of humanoids in my house. The lie detector made up a lie. It seems that sleeping in the same bed with a bunch of bows is not as easy as I thought... Hank muttered in a low voice. Really, I don't think they will mind if I do it for I make up lies one after another to answer them. Even if they know that I am lying, they will pretend to believe me, and then they will tacitly agree with each other and regard my lies as the truth. After all, they are all considerate girls. Lying on the table, watching Hank fill up the wine glass in front of him little by little, Li Yexing, who was slightly tipsy, inserted half a cigarette into his nostrils, and then said angrily: But, you don't think this is very good. Is it strange? I told them a lie to fool them, and they all knew that I was lying. Even so, they still nodded and said to me, Oh, so that's true, and then never mentioned it again. Deep Taking a deep breath, letting his nasal cavity be filled with a hot feeling, Li Yexing pulled out the cigarette butt that had entered his nostrils, and then murmured in a low voice: I trust you, and they trust me. In this case, What should I do? Can I tell them a lie that can be easily exposed by them with peace of mind? Hank gave me some advice. I can't give it... Hank replied directly: You need to leave space for each other in life. I He would not fall in love with a lie detector. Without saying a word, Li Yexing drank the wine in his glass silently, while Hank quickly refilled it for him. Just like that, Li Yexing smoked one after another. Smoking, drinking cup after cup, no more words, and Hank, who was unable to provide any constructive suggestions to Li Yexing, simply stopped talking. The two remained silent until Li Yexing found out that the man coming from Kananwei Half the pack of cigarettes was smoked by myself. Is the grasshopper gone? Li Yexing shook the empty cigarette case, and Hank subconsciously said: I have more here. No need. He drank the wine too quickly, and Li Yexing was completely drunk. He picked up the glass, Under Hank's surprised gaze, he poured the whole glass of whiskey back into the bottle. Then, he picked up the bottle and drank the remaining half of the bottle in a breath. He poured the bottle heavily. Smashed it on the counter, with a look between his eyebrows - Silk Dan


Light and fierce, as if he wants to go to the battlefield

A veteran who fought for his life, Li Yexing stood up unsteadily, raised his hands, mistakenly stuffed the second button of his coat into the eyelet between the collar, and then said to Hank in a cold voice, Let's go! He made his decision. Is it over? Hank asked with a chuckle. It's over. Li Yexing replied in a low voice, and then he turned around and ran straight to the door of the Crazy Bar. Mr. Li, let me take the risk... Looking at Li Yexing's back, Hank raised his hand, He greeted me with a subtle expression: You seem to have buttoned the wrong button.

Without replying or looking back, Li Yexing just raised his hand to indicate that he understood. The next second, the glass door was pushed open, leaving Hank alone in You Bar.

When the cold air hit his cheeks again, easing the smell of alcohol, Li Yexing felt a hint of clarity in his mind. But then, this faint clarity was dissipated by the smell of alcohol. Li Yexing stared, relying on the feeling after drinking. Feeling like floating in the clouds, he suddenly stepped away and headed straight to his office, because his expression was too ferocious. Fortunately, this time, Li Yexing didn't mind.

Because he walked very fast, it didn't take long for Li Yexing to return to the door of his office. He took out the key, randomly inserted the key into the door lock, and then walked directly into the office without changing into slippers. Looking at the seven monster girls in front of him, feeling the warmth in the living room and the faint fragrance of the girls, he suddenly raised his head, raised his voice and shouted: Old wives! I, I am Li. !I have something to say to everyone. Actually, I am from another world!

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