.76kanshu. Disheveled, red-faced, and smelling of alcohol, when all the girls in the office focused their attention on Li Yexing, Li Yexing finally plucked up the courage to shout out the words that he had never dared to talk to a girl. The truth they told. For a moment, the office fell into an eerie silence. .76kanshu. looked at the TV screen and then at Li Yexing. Tililith had finally given up on her three hundred consecutive victories. She carried Tililian, who was sitting on her lap, to the sofa, and then Her little feet wrapped in white stockings were inserted into the plush slippers. With a few snapping sounds, she trotted all the way to Li Yexing, then hooked her arms around Li Yexing's neck and connected her forehead to Li Yexing's. Li Yexing's forehead was pressed together, feeling Li Yexing's warm nose that smelled of alcohol. She turned her head and said expressionlessly to the strange-looking girls in the office: I don't have a fever, Ye Xing just drank. too much. Hearing Ti Lilith's words, the girls were instantly relieved. whi No, no, no, you don't seem to understand, I am from another world, I actually... The girls who saw themselves were so fucked by themselves. The truth he told with determination was dismissed as drunken nonsense. Li Yexing was about to defend, but he heard Hitomi Mikishima, who was kneeling on the yoga mat, frowning and whispering: Ye Xing-kun, okay... Oh? Oh. Hearing Hitomi Mikishima's low complaint, Li Yexing remembered that he hadn't closed the door yet, so he returned to the entrance and closed the iron door of the office. When he returned to the office, he was about to say what he just said After all, I relived the summer all over again when I saw Bai Muqing walking up quickly with high heels and a cold look on her face. She grabbed Li Yexing by the collar and sniffed Li Yexing vigorously. Her wine-red eyes instantly Filled with anger. What's going on with you?! Didn't I tell you to drink less?! You smell of alcohol again! What's going on with those guys under Casimir?! What's going on? Yes, why is the smell of cigarettes so strong?! She put her plain white hand into Li Yexing's jacket pocket and took out the empty cigarette case. She shook it slightly, her face became even more angry, and she tightened her grip. Frowning his eyebrows, he said angrily: All of it?! Why haven't you made any progress?! Only half a pack came... Being scolded by Bai Muqing, Li Yexing subconsciously wanted to defend himself, but then, he Then he realized that the topic seemed to be going in a strange direction, so he put his hands on Bai Muqing's shoulders, motioning Bai Muqing to calm down, and said urgently: Also, what I just said... Yes, yes, yes , The boss is from another world, I know, I know. Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, Kanan twitched her hands and seemed to find Li Yexing's joke boring. She tilted her head and faced Li Ye Xing chuckled and joked: Even if you say that your eyes can emit light, I won't find it strange... Wait, it seems that it can really emit... That's what I'm telling you! My perverted brother-in-law must be a heterosexual. People from the world! He stood up abruptly, stepping on the sofa with his bare feet, Ti Lilian pinched her waist in an arrogant manner, turned up her little nose and said: I have said it so many times, but no one believes it! Second Miss, As a lady, please don't step on the sofa. A forced smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Rita gently picked up Ti Lilian and placed her on the sofa again. Then, she turned her head and looked at Li Yexing, her graceful expression He smiled and said: Sir, you are really right. Don't blame Miss Bai for being angry. You drank too much. So, I am really from another world. It seems that the hardest part has already been done. Because of the revelation, Li Yexing, whose brain was soaked by alcohol, began to speak eloquently. He turned his head and said anxiously to the girls in the office who were looking at him: In fact, this world is a world of games! I come from outside the game world. In our side, this world is a game called Resident Evil! It was developed by Ka0kongsi! I was just

Ye Xing, don't say any more. In fact, Ti Li Lisi already knows... She gently covered Li Ye Xing's mouth and signaled Li Ye Xing to be silent. In Li Ye Xing's expectant eyes, Ti Li Lisi said expressionlessly: 'After all, Tililith is a magical girl who can observe changes in the world line. Yakou, who possesses the power of a king, came to this world from high latitudes to save the magical girls. Tililith knows this... Although it's generally true, but I always feel that we are not talking about the same thing. Looking at Tililith's eyes that seemed to be sizing up the second disease, Li Yexing struggled and said: I am really from another world! You believe me! Believe me. !Ah, it's hopeless, you wild dog. Bai Muqing raised her hands to cover her face. Bai Muqing took two steps back in despair, then turned sideways and whispered: I shouldn't have let you go out alone. Forget it. Come on, I'll do it. Finally, as if she couldn't stand it anymore, Alexa left the office chair. She stepped on her high heels and let her thin black skirt follow her steps lightly on her delicate and white long legs. Swinging, she quickly came behind Li Yexing. She gently pushed Li Yexing's back and pushed Li Yexing towards the bedroom while saying softly: Okay, my dear, you are drunk, go to bed early. Right. 3886 Kanshu Novel Network whl Lisa, I really...'I know, dear, you are from another world, right? There was a hint of perfunctory in her tone, Alexa pushed Li Ye Xing chuckled and said: Come on, my dear, tell me about the things in the other world. Do you also have three meals a day? Along with Alexa's bizarre questions, what is the office? The door was opened, and Li Yexing was pushed out. His voice still echoed in the corridor of the office, until a moment later, a faint snoring came from the corridor through the wall, and Alexa left Li Yexing. room, returned to the living room, and after closing the office door, she raised her head, put away the smile on her face, and said to the other girls in a deep voice: Dear, go to bed. Hearing Alexa's words, the office fell into silence again. Rita and Hitomi Mijishima's smiles, Kanan's subtlety, Ti Lilian's look and Bai Muqing's sullen expression


Angry at disappearing without a trace in an instant.

Today, everyone has forgotten everything Ye Xing said and pretended not to have heard it. After a while, the expressionless Tililith said in a deep voice. Isn't it wrong to forget? He stood up and left his yoga mat. Hitomi Mikishima frowned slightly and said: Yakou-kun's drinking capacity. Very good. I'm afraid I won't forget what he said to us today. If we pretend not to hear it... We didn't pretend not to hear it. Kanan shrugged his shoulders and said, We treated everything he said as drunkenness. What nonsense? Who would talk about other people's drunken nonsense every day? Although wild dogs are stupid, they are not that stupid. Gently rubbing the bridge of her nose, Bai Muqing's pressure seemed to increase again. She frowned slightly and whispered: Miss Tililith can detect lies. The wild dog knows this better than anyone else. He obviously told the truth, but everyone took it as a joke, which is the biggest joke in itself. However, if what my dear said is true... his expression became a little complicated, Alexa turned her head, looked out the window of the office, and sighed in a low voice, It's really, really... a bit hard to accept.

Following Alexa's words, the atmosphere in the office suddenly became depressed again. For a moment, all the girls were silent, because if this world is just a world in a game, does that mean that the girls present 1 All the happiness and misfortune I have experienced were all set in advance by the system called the world. Is this important? After a while, Tililith suddenly raised her head and asked. Facing the surprised gazes of the girls, Tililith's mouth curved in a rare light arc, and her ruby-like eyes were full of warmth. She said softly: Tililith doesn't care where Ye Xing comes from, She doesn’t care what the world is like. Tililith only knows that Yexing saved Tilili and stayed with Yexing. Tililith is very happy. Therefore, no matter where Yexing comes from or where she goes, as long as Yexing is in Tililith That's enough. Are other things really important? As expected of you, Miss. After a while, a faint smile bloomed on Rita's face again. She bowed slightly to Tililith and said: You are right, miss, as long as you are with your husband, other things are not important at all. So, why do you tell us such a thing? Kanan scratched his head, grinning and said: In the past How you live your life will be how you live in the future. 1. Isn't this good? I don't want to get entangled in those complicated things... Because after so many years, everyone wants an explanation... Hitomi Mikishima whispered: Maybe it's because we put too much pressure on Ye Xingjun. He obviously has family, but he can't share his secrets with his family. It must be very hard for Ye Xingjun. It's something that can't be helped! He said towards the sofa. After squeezing, Tililian hugged her neck and whispered: ubbsp; The truth will always be revealed. My perverted brother-in-law cannot fool everyone for the rest of his life with a lame excuse. So, is it our fault in the end? Bai Muqing rubbed her temples helplessly. Bai Muqing sat on the chair, looking a little tired. She said softly, Because this love comes too naturally, so we all Failed to take into account the emotions of wild dogs. Tsk, as a woman, she does have enough

Failure... But it's okay, I still told my secret after all. Turning her head, looking at the corridor where snoring could be heard faintly, there was a hint of tenderness between Alexa's orange snake eyes. , she said softly: fSo, focus on the present. Happiness and love are the only things we can't live up to. We are not gods after all. Since we can't escape the framework of this world, why not enjoy this happiness and love within the framework? What? With the girls relieved, the atmosphere in the office became active again. Outside the office, on the side of the corridor, in the dark room, as if hearing the girls' words, Li Yexing, who was lying on the bed and snoring, had a smile on his face. It evoked a faint smile, and that smile was full of happiness and satisfaction.

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