What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-66. The story of the macho man is not over yet

.76kanshu. Guo, 1 Huadun, outer residential area, - In a narrow rental house, the light blue curtains are printed with yellow and green star patterns, blocking out the sunlight from the window. On the wooden floor, there are large bottles of Coke and empty bottles were placed together, and they were placed randomly beside the bed. On the bed, there were large snack bags and crumbs mixed with words, surrounding the petite girl sitting beside the bed, her body wrapped in a light blue cup. surrounded. m.76kanshu. The colorful nails are dotted with slender fingers, jumping back and forth on the buttons of the Xbox controller. Along with the TV in front of me, there are bells ringing, and the sound of lollipops being chewed comes from the quilt. Later, the girl's operation became more and more impatient. As her grease-stained fingers accidentally slipped from the handle buttons, the character she was operating was blasted to pieces by the shotgun E from the future. . Ah, I lost. Ah, I lost... Looking at the settlement screen on the TV screen, the girl under the mattress trembled slightly, as if she was brewing something. The next second, the wireless controller was hit hard. It hit the wall, and the ejected batteries and broken parts left another dent on the wall. The girl raised her hand and roughly inserted her fingers into her hair, scratching frantically. The side of his head yelled hysterically: I don't accept it! I can't bear it at all! What the hell is on the other side?! Is it a monster?! What the hell is that t-lith?! This thing looks like the development code name of Tyrant! Right?! This guy broke the handle when I was trying to get my phone number! Also, what’s going on with that alas?! Anionic surfactant?! Who would come up with such a weird name?! I Are you really playing video games with Bow?! As she said that, the girl lowered her head suddenly, and her body began to tremble continuously. After a while, she inserted her fingers into her hair again and yelled: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I can't calm down at all! Damn it! Damn it! Go to hell! Go to hell! Just when the girl was complaining like crazy, suddenly, there was a sound of turning keys from behind. Suddenly, the girl under the quilt stopped making any sound. She turned her head slightly, took out a silenced pistol from the quilt at her waist, and pointed it directly at the door of the room. After a moment, when the room was pushed open, the girl decisively buttoned it. Trigger. With a soft sound, the bullet came out of the chamber, tearing the air and the black afterimage, leaving a bullet hole in the wall. It's really dangerous. Stand in front of the door, keeping dodging the bullet. The man with blond hair and a black suit pushed up his sunglasses and pulled up a black mask to cover the burns on his face. He stepped on black leather boots and stepped directly into the dim and In the small rental house, while approaching the girl, he said in a uniquely magnetic voice: Zhenvelia, is this how you treat your adoptive father? whl What are you afraid of? he took back the pistol and wrapped it under the quilt. The girl said angrily: If it was you, I would definitely be able to hide away. If it wasn't you, I'd kill him. You don't think it's your biological father's side? The man in sunglasses asked with a chuckle, He was about to come to the girl's bedside. Suddenly, a strange feeling came from under his feet. The man was slightly startled, and then he raised his feet and lowered his head. Before his feet, there was a sticky person lying tightly. There was a pink double-headed stick gun with strange liquid, and the stick gun still had the shoe prints he had just stepped on. Glancing at the large pile of quilts wrapped around the girl on the bed, the man frowned slightly and used obscure movements. He kicked the stick gun under the bed without leaving a trace, then glanced at the TV screen and the extra dents on the wall. He bent down, picked up the battery that flew out of the handle with his hand wearing black leather gloves, and turned his head. He whispered to the girl: Lost again?

Three hundred consecutive losses! The girl immediately became furious when she mentioned the game. She grabbed her hair hysterically and said, Isn't this too weird?! Why do I have to meet the same group of people for three hundred consecutive rounds? ?! Is the online mode of this game completely deserted? !..76kanshu. As he said, the girl raised her hand, pointed at the TV screen with her index finger decorated with bright green and shouted: 'Wesker! Go! Help me get rid of those two guys with strange names! Get rid of them! Get rid of them! w I'm just your adoptive father, not your servant. Looking at the two imaginative names on the screen, Qian An Albert Wesker, the biggest shadow of the Brera era, frowned slightly. It shouldn't be such a coincidence, right?

Forget it, it's just a game. Right now, there are more important things to do. Pushing up his sunglasses again, Wesker turned his head and said in a deep voice to the girl hiding in the quilt: Ovelia, I When I came back this time, there was something more important to tell face to face... After a slight pause, Wesker said in a deep voice, your biological father is dead. Huh?! Really?! After hearing what Weeks said, he was called The Ovelia girl was stunned for a moment, and then she straightened up, even with the blanket, which made her look a few centimeters taller. It's true... Isolated by the mask, Wesker's voice sounded a little dull, dull. Even Wesker didn't believe that the sound was actually coming from himself). To be honest, as an inhumane villain, Wesker always felt that he no longer had such a thing as emotions. He forced himself out of the magma under the protection of the remaining Ouroboros. When he swam out, his mind was filled with revenge and hatred. Until Wesker knew that he actually had a child...

Not long after Wesker fell into huge self-doubt, he took over Ninvilia from an acquaintance. To a certain extent, Ninvilia seemed to make up for Wesker's years as a healthy man. There was some emotional vacancy. Unknowingly, Wesker had even become accustomed to subconsciously thinking about the other person. It was precisely because of this that when he pronounced the death of the other person's biological father on the girl, Wesker was somewhat entangled. After a moment of deliberation, , he whispered to the girl, I watched him die. Puff. Puff hahahahahahahahahaha


Hahaha! Contrary to Wesker's expectation, the girl burst out laughing.

He shouted, - while laughing, he said loudly: Damn! Really or not?! That lunatic is dead?! Laughing! Pfft0000... Looking at the girl whose father died, looking overjoyed, Wesker For some reason, he always felt like a rabbit was dead and a fox was sad. He couldn't help but whispered: Ovelia, your reaction is really beyond my expectation. Ah...ah... He was out of breath from laughing, and the quilt The girl below grinned and said: What's so unexpected about this? Should I cry? Pfft...000...it won't work anymore. That idiot actually died...Wesker, please make me laugh... Your father and I have a pretty good relationship. Seemingly dissatisfied with the girl's smile as if it was Christmas, Wesker couldn't help but remind him in a low voice, What a coincidence, that idiot and I The relationship happened to be bad! She stopped smiling a little and said with a grin. Anyway, the three-year period ended early. She rubbed the bridge of her nose a little to make herself look less like a grumpy dad. Wesker said in a deep voice, The Ashford family is back, and many people will leave Black Umbrella with some of their resources. By then, they will need a new leader. Oh... The girl nodded, grabbed the potato chips and stuffed them into her mouth. While vomiting the potato chips, she said, What does that have to do with me? Seeing Ovelia - she looked like she didn't care. , Wesker couldn't help but said in a deep voice: Ovelia, don't you have any thoughts about your father-killing enemy? Prepare a Christmas gift for him? Ovelia asked. Looking at the scene in front of her. Under the quilt, Wesker was speechless, and under the quilt, the girl said to herself: Besides, what kind of leader will you be soon? Aren't you a shadow of the Umbrella era? No. What, the monster that almost destroyed the world and made the entire bsaa tremble? I have no line, no power, and I can't dodge bullets. I definitely can't control those old guys. Ah, no, no, I can't do it. Okay. After a while, Wesker finally compromised. On the other side, the girl stretched out her hand from under the quilt, waving it as if to drive someone away: Let's go, let's go, really, no matter how cute my daughter is, You can't always rely on your daughter, go and see your son. No need, after all, it's just a useless thing. Wesker said solemnly: And he looks nothing like his mother. Ah, I'm tired. The girl stretched out her arms under the quilt and seemed to be in a bit of interest. She turned her face slightly and said, Speaking of which, how did that lunatic die? Although He is a very annoying guy, but I always feel that he is not that easy to kill. If I could kill him so easily, I would have succeeded long ago. Have you ever tried to kill your father? Wesker subconsciously said asked. I tried it, more than once. Didn't that guy tell you? Or do you dare to be my adoptive father without knowing anything? The girl chuckled and said: Come on, you two. The relationship is not as good as you said, okay? Wesker didn't want to comment on the girl's sarcasm, but on the other side, the girl spread her hands and said: Besides, that thing is a shitty dad? Obviously I can't even tell you. Mom has never seen it. If you think about it carefully, maybe I am completely created by that guy through genetic engineering. Just like the three guys from the Ashford family, I might be used by him for experiments at some point. Is it a machine that replaces consciousness? Ugh, it makes me sick just thinking about it. As she said that, she seemed to remember something, Ovelia waved her hands and said, Ah, I'm off topic, so, who on earth put him Did you do it? If it is a man, I will allow him to take away my virginity. If it is a woman, I will allow her to share my pink little Willie with me! Then you may be disappointed, Ovili. Ya twitched his facial muscles, and Wesker tugged at the corner of his mouth and said: The person who killed your father was not a human. Brother, Wesker told Nian Weili everything he saw at the European branch of Black Umbrella that day. Ya, when the whole story was told, the small rental house fell into silence. Until a moment later, the quilt was suddenly lifted up, and the petite girl stood up straight, revealing her hair that was mixed with gray, pink, green and orange. She has long, silky hair and skin that looks extremely pale due to lack of sun exposure. She wears a black leather collar around her neck with silver spikes on it, and a black leather halter top that just covers her slender chest, but is exposed She wears a waistcoat, a small navel with a navel ring, and a whole patch of tattoos of angels and devils on her back. The light blue ultra-short jeans outline the curves, and her long and delicate legs stretch in the air, with one leg naked. , while the other leg was covered with black fishnet stockings, revealing ten cardamom toes decorated with various colored toenails. Decided! Turning her head, looking down at Wesker beside the bed, Ovelia blinked. Regarding the eyes that turned red due to eyeball tattoos and with rune characters engraved in the irises, he raised the corners of his mouth and said: Although I don't know what to do, as a leader or something, I'd better give it a try! Changed my mind. ? A faint red light flashed under the sunglasses, and Wesker asked with a chuckle. Well, I changed my mind! The curvature of the corners of his mouth became more and more public, and his face showed a look similar to Feotian's.

Victor's unique and joyful smile, as if his sight could pass through the curtains, turned his head to look at the window of the rental house and said with a smile: I want to be a human mercenary on the verge of the gods. , with a group of monsters who love each other, defeated the human who wanted to be more than a god. Isn't this super fun?!. mission.fin.end.

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