.76kanshu. It wasn’t until Chishima Hitomi turned around that the aunt at the ramen shop realized that a man had just followed Chishima Hitomi into the house. 3886 Read Novel Network Holding Hitomi Mishima's hand, the aunt at the ramen shop raised her head and looked at the man in front of her carefully. On the other side, she was suddenly scrutinized by this aunt who looked very enthusiastic and was obviously very familiar with Hitomi Mishima. , Li Yexing felt inexplicably like meeting his parents, so he straightened his back subconsciously, squeezed out what he thought was a kind smile, waved to the aunt, and said in Japanese: You Okay. After looking at her for a moment, the aunt's face looked a little awkward. She looked at Hitomi Mishima again, and then asked in a low voice: Hitomi, this person... His name is Li Yexing. There was warmth on her face. With a warm smile, Hitomi Inishima replied with a smile: He is my husband, a native of Celestial Dynasty...ah... After hearing Hitomi Inishima's answer, the aunt's face became even more ugly, and she glanced at Li Yexing with a hidden look. At first glance, she looked a little unsure and said: Hitomi, are you serious? Yes. Hitomi Mikishima nodded heavily, and said with a slightly red face: I am serious. 6 Ha, you are worthy of being Mishiroko's Child. The facial muscles twitched slightly, and the noodle shop aunt whispered: You and your mother look at choosing a partner. They are quite similar... looking at the ramen shop aunt who smiled more and more reluctantly, even if she can't understand Japanese. , Li Yexing could still see that he seemed to be disliked. wHow strange? Could it be that my expression is not kind enough? Thinking of this, Li Yexing widened the corners of his mouth, trying to make his smile look more sincere - - However, unexpectedly, the aunt opposite seemed to be frightened and subconsciously took two steps back. At the same time, she whispered to Hitomi Mishima: Are you sure he can't understand Japanese? What's his expression? He wants to draw his sword. Cut it? A said, the aunt stopped stubbornly, frowned and said to Li Yexing, I...I'm not afraid of you! If the legs were not marked, maybe Li Yexing would believe it, Li Yexing wouldn't believe it. Understand Japanese. What's going on? Old lady? It's been noisy since the beginning. Suddenly, the curtain in the room was opened, and an uncle with slightly dark skin and thick arms came out. He had a thorn in his head. Wearing a white cloth strip and a green short shirt on his upper body, when he saw Hitomi Mikishima standing at the door, he was slightly startled and then subconsciously said: Isn't this a child of the Mikiyoko family?! Long time no see! You Where have you been in the past few years? Uncle Noto. Waving to the sturdy uncle, Hitomi Mishima smiled and bowed: Long time no see. 76kanshu. ... with a smile on his face Smiling, the ramen uncle nodded, and then he saw Li Yexing, who was squeezing behind Hitomi Mikishima with a weird smile. Suddenly, the smile on the ramen uncle's face froze. Old man, this kid, he seems to be. . Quickly approached the ramen uncle. The ramen aunt looked at Li Yexing from time to time and whispered to the ramen uncle. After a while, she seemed to understand the whole story. The ramen uncle's face was full of tears. Showing a helpless smile, he gently patted the ramen lady on the shoulder, and then whispered: Forget it, after all, this is also a matter for young people. If this is Hitomi's own choice, then we should Bless her... w What a blessing! Look at that child's face! He looks like he hasn't eaten well! He looks so much like Miyako at that time. If only the children in Miyako's family were like Miyako. .. Her face became more and more anxious, even showing a hint of crying. The ramen lady was about to say something, but she heard the ramen uncle say with a serious look: I'm sorry, Rika, stop talking. Stepping on white socks and wooden clogs, the ramen uncle came step by step. When he arrived in front of Hitomi Mikishima, he patted Hitomi Mikishima's shoulder, then turned to Li Yexing and whispered softly: You are Hitomi's husband, right? I'm sorry, my wife is rude and made you laugh. Uncle Noto, Yakou-kun doesn't understand Japanese, so let me translate. Smiling at Uncle Ramen, Mikishima turned his head and was about to translate to Li Yexing what Uncle Ramen just said, but he bumped into Li Yexing. That smile that he thought was very kind. Now, Hitomi Mikishima finally understood why the ramen lady had reacted so violently just now. Yakyou-kun! What are you doing?! He stretched out his hands and pulled Li Yexing with his fingers. On his face, Hitomi Mikishima frowned slightly and said, Uncle Noto and Aunt Noto are mother's lifelong friends. Even if they have some opinions about you, you can't face them with this expression! What's wrong with my expression? Bigandao Tong pulled her cheeks, and even her voice became a little out of tune. Li Yexing said with an innocent face: It's just because you seem to be familiar with them, so I just pretended Such a sincere smile! You are so sincere that you want to dig out other people's intestines, right? He said scary words in a coquettish and awkward tone. After pulling at Li Yexing's face, Hitomi Mikishima couldn't bear it anymore. He put his hands on Li Yexing's cheek, and while rubbing it gently, he asked softly: Does it hurt? Mr. Ye Xing? It doesn't hurt, you're shameless. After losing his temper in front of him, he hurriedly After comforting Hitomi Mikishima, a hint of tenderness finally appeared in Li Yexing's eyes, and the ramen uncle who captured this tenderness gently touched the ramen aunt next to him with his elbow, and at the same time He chuckled and said: Don't you think this guy is pretty good? Not good at all. The ramen lady turned her head and whispered: Look at that villain's face, it's even worse than Shinjiro Mishima, my God. Ah, why are Miyako's children as stupid as Miyako?

Stop talking, Shinjiro is a good man. He has never treated Miyako badly. Moreover, don't talk about his father behind the back of the Miyako children... He patted the ramen aunt on the shoulder and the ramen uncle raised his head. , chuckled and raised his voice and said to Li Yexing and Hitomi Mikishima: Well, although I don't really want to interrupt the love between you and me as a young couple, but since you have entered our store, you have to order something, right? Ah! I forgot! It's all your fault, Mr. Ye Xing! He gave Li Ye Xing a gentle hammer blow.


On the shoulder, Hitomi Mikishima looked at the ramen with a blushing face.

The husband apologized, and then he looked at Li Yexing again and asked in a low voice: Uncle Noto is urging us to order. Yexing-kun, what do you want to order? Like you. Li Ye Xing smiled and said: This is your territory, you have the final say, I just pay. Sang'. Nodding to Li Ye Xing, Hitomi Mikishima turned around and said to the Ramen couple: Please Let's have two bowls of ramen. It tastes the same as before. I haven't eaten it in so many years. To be honest, I really miss Uncle Noto's ramen. Oh! No problem! He patted his chest and the ramen uncle said with a smile: 'Just wait, it must be a familiar taste to you! Brother, the ramen uncle turned around and returned behind the curtain alone. The ramen aunt who was left behind looked at him and Mijishima Hitomi. Li Yei, who was together, just sighed heavily after all. She returned to the counter, sat down, leaned her chin and looked out the window, looking sad.

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