.76kanshu.Come... He glanced at the ramen lady behind the counter. A hint of loneliness appeared in Hitomi Inkishima's eyebrows, but then, the loneliness disappeared. Hitomi Inkishima seemed to be relieved, and she held her hand again. Li Yexing picked up Li Yexing's hand and said with a slight smile: Find a place to sit down first, Yexing-kun. Brother, Ikishima Hitomi started to move. She pressed and pulled Li Yexing to the second table. In front of him, there was no room for Li Yexing to choose. After the two of them sat down, Li Yexing turned his head and glanced vaguely at the ramen aunt behind the counter. Unexpectedly, the ramen aunt was also looking at him, facing Li Yexing. When she looked up, she looked a little shrinking, but the next second, as if the determination in her heart gave her strength, she mustered up the courage to give Li Yexing a hard look. m.76kanshu. Feeling doubtful, Li Yexing wanted to ask Hitomi Mikishima why the ramen seller looked so unwilling to see him. However, thinking of the pleasant conversation between Hitomi Mikishima and the couple, Li Yehang just Can swallow his curiosity, after all, he doesn't want to sing someone's tongue in front of them. It's not that I'm worried that the landlady can understand English, I'm just afraid that Hitomi Mikishima will feel embarrassed. wh hesitated to speak, Li Yexing lay down on the clean dining table, buried his face between his arms, only exposed his two eyes, and then stared straight at Hitomi Mishima. On the other side, Li Yexing was Watching, Hitomi Mikishima slightly curled up the corners of his mouth, and followed Li Yexing's example and lay down on the table. The two of them were less than one step apart, staring at each other silently, until a moment later, Li Yexing suddenly rolled his eyes. . Sigh... couldn't help laughing, while Hitomi Mikishima made a face, stretched his arms, stretched out his right hand and gently pinched Li Yexing's nose, and then pulled it left and right, until Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly, She pressed her index finger gently against Li Yexing's neck again, as if she was pressing some button. 3886 Kanshu Novel Network Farewell. With warmth spreading in his eyes, Li Yexing stretched out his right hand and gently lifted the broken hair in front of Mishima Hitomi's forehead, exposing the thin wound on his forehead. Then, he Her fingertips traced down the path of Hitomi Mikishima's forehead and slid across the side of her face. Hitomi Mikishima raised her head in cooperation, squinting her eyes slightly while gently rubbing the side of her face against Li Yexing's palm. There was a faint smile on one side, like a little animal eager to be touched. . Hey! Old lady! The ramen is ready! Just as the atmosphere in the ramen shop gradually became charming, the rich voice of the ramen uncle broke the silence. The ramen aunt behind the counter stood up, walked quickly to the kitchen, and walked through the window. Chu picked up the tray with two large bowls of ramen, and then came to Li Yexing and Hitomi Mikishima

Putting down the tray and placing two large bowls of ramen with chopsticks in front of Hitomi Mikishima and Li Yexing, the ramen lady bowed slightly to them and said, Please

He subconsciously turned his head and looked at the ramen aunt beside him. I wonder if it was Li Yexing's misunderstanding. For a moment, the ramen aunt's eyes seemed to soften a lot when he looked at him, but when their eyes met, the ramen aunt's His face immediately dropped. So, is it really appropriate for the proprietress of a restaurant to shield her emotions from customers? Maybe she didn’t want to have any interaction with Li Yexing. After putting down the ramen, the ramen lady left directly with the tray. But on the other side, he saw that the ramen lady still didn’t want to see him. Li Yexing didn’t say much. He turned his head and was about to pick up the chopsticks when he saw the words written in neat calligraphy on the paper bag half wrapped with the chopsticks. what. It was Japanese...I couldn't understand it. Holding the chopsticks wrapped in a white paper bag, Li Yexing was a little confused, so he raised his head and wanted to ask Hitomi Mikishima for advice, but he saw Mikishima sitting opposite him. Hitomi was posing exactly like him, holding chopsticks half wrapped in a paper bag with both hands, her face slightly red. Did you write something on it? Li Yexing asked softly. Yeah. Looking shy, Hitomi Mikishima nodded lightly. What is it written on? Li Yexing asked curiously.

Quickly covering the writing on the paper bag with his hand, Hitomi Mikishima raised his head and looked at the paper bag in Li Yexing's hand - and asked: What is Yexing-kun writing?

Tell me your story first. The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and Li Yexing discussed the conditions with Hitomi Mishima. Ah, really. As if defeated, Hitomi Mishima raised his hands and read the writing on the paper bag in his hand. Facing Li Yexing, while hiding his gaze, Hitomi, you must be happy. It said this. Looking at the black calligraphy on the paper bag in Hitomi Mikishima's hand, Li Yexing rubbed his chin and nodded, Okay, I have told Yakou-kun about mine. Taking the chopsticks out of the paper bag and stuffing the paper bag into his pocket, Hitomi Mikishima frowned slightly and said, now, it's time for Yakou-kun to tell me. This is mine. .. Turning the paper bag over and facing the side with the writing on it to Hitomi Mikishima, Li Yexing chuckled and said: Translation - Come on, Miss Mikishima, I can't understand Japanese. 'You brat, you must make Hitomi happy.' Translating the words on the paper bag in Li Yexing's hand, Hitomi Mikishima's face turned even redder. As if to cover up her embarrassment, she frowned slightly and said hurriedly: Did you hear that? Ye Xingjun? This is your mission, you must make me happy! It's so loud. He nodded to Hitomi Inkishima with his lips raised, and Li Yexing pointed with his thumb. The ramen on the table reminded him with a chuckle: By the way

2-down, the ramen is getting lumpy.

Looking at Hitomi Mikishima who had used the technique of hoping people are okay on ramen, Li Yexing thought for a while, and imitated Hitomi Mikishima's appearance, and said in pretentious Japanese: Hit her to death. , Li Yexing and Hitomi Mikishima lowered their heads at the same time, and began to enjoy this belated lunch, which was almost dinner. Although the street ramen in Tianchao must be more complicated, as a Japanese ramen, this small restaurant The miru ramen in the store is particularly simple, with oily flowers floating on the steaming yellow soup base, and an egg cut into two pieces lying quietly between the thin noodles, revealing the yellow Some bright yolks


, melon and bean sprouts stirred together,

Dotted in the center of the noodles, and under the noodles, there is a large piece of pork, only half of it is floating on the soup base, which looks thick and tight.

Insert the chopsticks between the noodles, stir them and stuff them into your mouth. The taste, which is completely different from the long leaf ramen, melts between your lips and teeth. The ramen is wrapped in the noodle soup and brings a warm current, which is accompanied by swallowing and flows into the limbs. It has to be said that the more this kind of corner shop is, the easier it is to get unexpected surprises. This seems to be common in every East Asian cultural country. Although it was still very salty, footsteps came. The ramen man who had been busy in the back kitchen came out with wooden clogs and stood next to the table where Li Yexing and Qiandao were sleeping. He saw that Li Yexing had his head buried in the food. Yi Leping said with a hearty smile on his face: How are you, young man? Are you satisfied with my craftsmanship? Uncle Noto was asking Yogyuki-kun if he was satisfied with the ramen in the store. He licked it with the tip of his tongue. With the soup at the corner of his lips, Hitomi Mikishima translated to Li Yexing. He looked at the ramen in front of him, and then at the ramen uncle with a little expectation in his eyes. Li Yexing gave the ramen uncle a thumbs up and chuckled. Said:

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