.76kanshu. Whether it is for Li Yexing or Hitomi Mikishima, it does not take too long to destroy a bowl of ramen. After drinking a big mouthful of noodle soup, Hitomi Mikishima wiped out the words of blessing for her written in front of Li Yexing. He put the paper bag into his pocket, then put down his chopsticks and said with a satisfied look on his face: Thank you for the hospitality. m.76kanshu. Seeing that Hitomi Mishima had finished his meal, Li Yexing stood up and subconsciously walked towards the counter until he met the ramen lady Na Tan Without the eager eyes, he suddenly thought that he didn't seem to know Japanese. After thinking about it, Li Yexing took out a wad of banknotes and handed them to Hitomi Mishima who also stood up and had just put on his cotton-padded jacket, and then lowered his voice. He said: Leave the money where you are.

Hmm. Hitomi Mikishima did not refuse Li Yehang's suggestion. She took the banknotes from Li Yehang and came to the counter. When she was about to pay, she heard the ramen lady wave her hand. Forget it, Hitomi this time. Just treat you, after all, we haven’t seen each other for so long. “How can this be done?” Seeing that the ramen lady didn’t want to take the money, the smile on Hitomi Mikishima’s face became a little forced, and she said softly: “It’s because I haven’t taken a photo for a long time. It's your business, so I should pay more. It's better to keep this money and do other things. Today's meal is considered uncle's treat for you and your young couple. Your aunt is right, after all, we haven't seen each other for such a long time. The ramen man wearing clogs next to him smiled and said: If you really want to take care of our business, wouldn't it be great if you brought your husband here more often? But...it seems that he can't accept eating from a white plate. Hitomi Mikishima looked a little awkward. At this moment, Li Ye walked up and patted her on the shoulder, and then whispered to her: Forget it, accepting the kindness of others is also very important in interpersonal communication. If you shirk other people's good intentions at the wrong time, the relationship between people will become strange and unfamiliar. m.76kanshu. Although I can't understand Japanese, I watched Hitomi Mishima and the ramen couple go back and forth. Although he was evasive, Li Yexing could still guess what happened.

...That's it. On the other side, after hearing Li Yexing's words, Hitomi Mikishima's eyebrows showed a hint of confusion and hesitation. She finally stuffed the money back into her pocket, and then faced The Ramen couple bowed and said, Thank you Uncle Noto and Aunt Noto. Oh, what a lovely child. Facing Hitomi Mishima, the Ramen aunt immediately showed a kind smile, while the ramen uncle beside him who looked quite bold smiled. He nodded to Li Yexing and said: -Not pretentious at all, he is really a nice young man. Although he didn't understand Japanese, Li Yexing could probably guess that the other person was praising him, so he squeezed out a kind smile and nodded at the ramen uncle. On the other side, the ramen uncle smiled and said: By the way, , you better stop laughing from now on, that face is like the Prajna tattoo on the back of the Jida. Yes, yes, you are right. Li Yexing, who didn't understand Japanese, nodded to the ramen man. The curve of his mouth became wider. This devil-like smile made the ramen man behind the counter frown. He frowned for a few seconds. After being entangled, she couldn't help but whispered to Hitomi Mikishima: Child, what does your husband do? Safety contracting... I don't know how to explain Li Yehang's profession. In the end, Mikishima Hitomi could only choose a more rounded statement. Oh, security, no wonder. The ramen lady who didn't know what a security contractor was was obviously wrong. She nodded seriously and said: This way I understand, it is easier to scare away those who come to the door with a more sinister face. Violent people looking for trouble. Security contractor? On the other side, after hearing Hitomi Mishima's words, the ramen man's expression became a little ugly. Looking at Li Xing who was smiling, he whispered softly: Oh my god, isn't this even more exaggerated than that guy Shinjiro? After a moment of cold photos, the moment of departure finally came. Standing at the door of the store, the ramen lady looked sad, as if she was about to cry, while the ramen uncle said He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and as soon as he put the smoke chamber into his mouth, Li Yexing walked up quickly and lit the lighter for the ramen uncle. Li Yexing, a security contractor, helped light the cigarette with his own hands. The uncle's hands trembled violently. Uncle and aunt, please go back quickly, the weather outside is bad. On the other side, Hitomi Mikishima was still pushing, for fear that Uncle Ramen and Aunt Ramen would get cold.

Then you...you have to come back often... said the ramen aunt in a dilemma. That's right, don't let us two old guys wait too long. After a moment of tangle, the ramen uncle looked at it deeply. Li Yexing glanced at him, and then whispered to Hitomi Mikishima: If your husband dares to bully you, just tell me and I will teach him a lesson. As he said that, Uncle Ramen flashed his thick, dark arms. wuh Don't worry, Yakuza-kun won't bully me. Smiling at Uncle Ramen and Aunt Ramen, Hitomi Mishima looked like a girl in love. - She hugged Li Yexing's arm, her eyes full of love and admiration, and she whispered to the ramen uncle: Besides, Yexing-kun is super powerful. Even Uncle Noto, there is no way he can win against Yexing-kun. !Don't underestimate my second-level Aikido! Uncle Ramen patted his chest hard and said in a pretentious Kansai accent. Finally, under the watch of Li Yexing and Hitomi Mishima, Ramen The uncle and the ramen lady returned to the shop with three steps. At this moment, it was already a little late, and the street lights had just turned on, illuminating the silver-white snow under the lights. In the light, a snowflake fell, and on that piece of Shadows were outlined in the bright white. Standing under the street lamp, looking at the ramen shop with the newly lit plaque behind him, Hitomi Mikishima suddenly turned his head and said to Li Yexing: Here, father and mother meet for the first time. The place where we met. Oh, I have some impressions... As if he suddenly remembered something, Li Yexing said softly: You seem to have told me before. Uncle Noto and Aunt Noto are good friends of my mother. They have always been We've known each other since we were very young. Turn your head and lean in


Looking at Li Ye beside him, Hitomi Mikishima stared at the street lamp

Her face was pure white, and she said in a daze as if she was reminiscing about something: Aunt Noto has always been resentful about the fact that my mother married my father. She always felt that my father took my mother away from her... whl Japan is such a big place, and Hokkaido is not far away from Nagaye. He didn't quite understand the ramen lady's emotions. Li Yexing shrugged his shoulders: If you really miss me, then go to Nagaye and have a look soon. Okay? How can it be that simple? Hitomi Mikishima smiled bitterly and shook his head, and softly explained to Li Yexing: This distance is not between Nagaye and Asahikawa, but between ordinary citizens and the Yakuza family. Distance, no matter how you say it, the Mikishima-gumi is a violent club, and it may be difficult for Aunt Noto to accept that her best friend is going to marry the future leader of the violent club, right? After a slight pause, Hitomi Mikishima continued. : What's more, my mother was frail and sick and left very early. Aunt Noto must have subconsciously blamed my father for these things... So, that's it. Recalling the time at the ramen shop just now, The landlady's hostility seemed non-existent. Li Yexing whispered: No wonder

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