.76kanshu. When Li Yexing took another step and followed Hitomi Mikishima towards the front illuminated by the street lights with the soft sound of snow, he only knew that the proprietress of the ramen shop disliked him very much. Who would have known that when he and Hitomi Mikishima stood under the streetlight together, the landlady vaguely saw a silhouette passing by, it was more than 20 years ago, on the same street, under the same streetlight. , the same girl with long hair, and the fierce-looking, taciturn man. .76kanshu. Although the snowflakes in the sky were not as flying as before, they did not stop and dissipate. Walking in the snow, holding Li Yexing's hand, Hitomi Mikishima suddenly turned his head and asked with a chuckle, Speaking of which, When Ye Xing comes to Asahikawa, is there any place you particularly want to visit? I don't know. Shaking his head, Li Ye Xing frowned slightly and said, To be honest, I don't know much about Hokkaido at all, and I didn't read the travel guide before setting off. Something like that. As he spoke, Li Yexing raised the corners of his lips slightly, smiled at Hitomi Mikishima and said, Besides, isn't there a tour guide here? Why should I look at those things? The corridor is so annoying.

Ah, it's really like what Yakou-kun would say... There was a hint of helplessness in the corner of his mouth, but his eyes revealed unabashed love. Hitomi Mikishima chuckled and said, In that case, let me think about it. , think about it... - While holding Li Yexing and walking forward slowly, raising his head and looking at the sky with falling snowflakes, Mishima Hitomi frowned slightly and pursed his lips, as if he was really thinking about what to do. Wherever she was taking Li Yexing, it didn't take long before she seemed to have thought of something. A flash of light flashed in her eyes, then she turned to Li Yexing and asked with a chuckle: Speaking of which, Lord Yexing, do you like small animals? To be honest. Regarding this question, Hitomi Mikishima just asked casually. After all, in her impression, Li Yexing did not seem to be a person who likes small animals. However, it was beyond her expectation. Overjoyed, he nodded hurriedly and said, I love it! I like small animals so much! Is it true? Regarding Li Yexing's answer, Mikishima looked quite surprised. Of course it's true. Hold on tight. Holding Hitomi Mikishima's hand, Li Yexing raised his head and said with a smile as if he was reminiscing about some good memories: My i2 is about... \\year. No. It may be nine years ago, I took over A commission from the militia organization in Ukraine. They were in the mountains at the time, fighting with the mountain troops of Country R. It was the kind of small-scale conflict that would not be reported in the news. My female horse, I have to say, Country R The mountain troops are so difficult to deal with. Now that I think about it, I’m still scared... Wait... Seeing Li Yexing about to mention the glorious history of dealing with the troops of Country R, ​​Hitomi Mishima couldn’t help but asked in a low voice: What does this have to do with small animals? Of course it does! Listen to me. Facing the street light, the expression on his face was like that of a male high school student who wanted to show off his competition results to his girlfriend, Li Yexing He spoke enthusiastically about a topic that was completely incompatible with the romantic atmosphere, and even contradictory, and he slowly said: That year, the mountains were blocked by heavy snow, and the fighting conditions were very harsh. I had just come to Iraq from the Golden Triangle. Dongnia had only been in the country for a few years and was not very accustomed to this kind of low temperature. Then, the team that hired me wore white clothes and ambushed in the mountains - a scout force from country R. At that time, we were condescending and had the advantage of the terrain, but we could not fight It’s still very difficult. Those beasts actually used machine guns as rifles to fire at them. The firepower was so fierce that I was stunned. He continued: Let me tell you, starting with you, and then Tililian Muqing and Alexa, no one has ever fought in this kind of battle, so you won’t understand that this kind of small-scale battle is I was afraid that if we delayed, the corridor would become more troublesome. Because we were still unable to defeat those old guys, it didn’t take long for the old guys’ air support to arrive. Two armed helicopters fired at our position. , except for me who slipped away quickly, all those Ukrainian idiots were painted on the ground. m.76kanshu. Ah... There was a hint of nervousness in his expression, and Li Yexing completely aroused Qiandao's curiosity. Hitomi couldn't help but asked anxiously: What happens after that?

After? It will be too miserable after that. Li Yexing was still frightened when he mentioned that year. He lowered his voice and said: The first round of air raids is over, and I am the only one left among the unlucky ones lurking there. , Immediately afterwards, the mountain troops behind the scout troops followed up, pushing my employers to the ground and beating them. Those armed helicopters flew endlessly overhead. I could only rely on the skills I had learned in the Golden Triangle. Climbing trees is a must to avoid the mountain troops of Country R. Fortunately, those Ukrainians and Country R people are not very good at climbing trees, so they did not pay attention to the tops of their heads... Then what? Hitomi Mikishima looked like A curious baby asked. Then, after the mountain troops of Country R passed by, I got down from the tree. I ran too fast during the first round of air raids. I lost the supplies I carried and I was out of ammunition. There was a lot of water, all the water was frozen, and there was no food at all. At first, I wanted to go back to find my backpack, but when I turned around, I realized that those R-country people were everywhere, so I had no choice but to walk deeper into the forest. At that time, it was dozens of degrees below zero, and there was nothing to eat or drink. I thought I would die there, but in the end, there is no end! There was unconcealable excitement in his expression. Li Yexing's eyes widened and he sold out. Guanzi said: Hitomi, you guessed this?! wuhl What's wrong? Cooperating with Li Yexing, Hitomi Mikishima asked subconsciously. I found a dead deer! 0 ha 0 ha! Speaking of the past, Li Yexing finally laughed out loud, and he spoke faster: At that time, I saw a dead deer in the snow, and next to the dead deer was a lone wolf. I guess the wolf was also hungry. When I saw it, I bared my teeth at me, but could I let this deer go? I had to! Because I didn’t dare to shoot, I had a fight with the wolf. It wanted to pounce on me and bite me, but I gave it a slap. Grab your neck and pin it to the ground, then take the dagger directly


First stabbed to death

Ah this. I heard

Li Yexing's excited narration made Hitomi Mikishima subconsciously feel that something was wrong. On the other hand, Li Yexing was still excited and said: At that time, I was afraid that the R people would have follow-up troops, so I specially found a place to snow the dead wolf. I buried it, and then I used a dagger to open the stomach of the dead deer. The deer looked freshly dead at first glance. When I cut the knife, it was hot. I didn't dare to make a fire, so I was so anxious that I just gnawed it. It was, I have to say, it was really unpalatable, but I couldn’t care less about that at the time. After I ate some venison and felt a little less hungry, I got directly into the belly of the dead deer, relying on the remaining warmth of the carcass. I kept myself warm until the carcass was completely cold, and then I crawled out. In this way, relying on the wolf and the deer it killed, I barely managed to survive the night. It was not until the early morning of the next day that I took a roundabout way to meet my employer from the other side. The troops will meet. Having said this, Li Yexing smiled even more happily. He excitedly said to Hitomi Mishima: Look, Hitomi, my life is given by small animals. Do I like small animals? After listening to Li Yexing's story, Hitomi Mikishima fell into a brief daze. After a while, she was speechless. She just lowered her head silently and mentally crossed out the Asahikawa Zoo travel option. After all, the penguins are still too small. , not suitable for Ye Xingjun to hide in, right?

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