.76kanshu. As the pace progressed, the street became wider little by little, and the number of pedestrians on the street also increased little by little as the lights became brighter. Tall white people could be seen everywhere, and even those with Asian faces often appeared. Speaking a few words in Korean, it can be seen that Hokkaido, which is in the snow season, has welcomed many tourists from foreign countries. However, in this pleasant and lively atmosphere, Mishima Hitomi has fallen into a slight tangle. m.76kanshu. After giving up the option of the zoo, Hitomi Mishima was surprised to find that she didn’t know where to take Li Yexing. Sure enough, we shouldn't have come to Xu'er. Thinking of this, Hitomi Mikishima couldn't help but sigh softly, and then whispered in Japanese. Huh? Sensing the hint of disappointment hidden in his tone, Li Yexing turned around He turned over, squeezed Hitomi Mikishima's little hand, and then asked in a low voice: What's wrong? Hitomi? No, it's nothing. Catching the trace of concern in Li Yexing's eyes, Hitomi Mikishima raised the corners of his mouth and shook his head. , she said softly: I just feel a little regretful, thinking about whether I should bring Yakou-kun to Asahikawa. If you want to live a world for two, it is better to go to Sapporo. Sapporo is a very romantic and lovely city. Yes. To be honest, Li Yexing's understanding of Japan was limited to acg culture. He didn't know the difference between Sapporo and Asahikawa. Seeing Hitomi Mishima's confusion on his eyebrows, he asked softly: Then why not start from the beginning? Are you getting off the train in Sapporo? Because... I want to show you the place where my father and mother first met... He seemed to be chasing something, facing the bustling crowd and brightness. Under the bright lights, Hitomi Mikishima stepped on the snow and looked at the night sky where it was difficult to catch the stars due to the city lights. He whispered to Li Yexing: Of course, I also want to come and see Uncle Noto and Aunt Noto. After all, I also want my own Love can receive blessings from the fathers, but most of the fathers and mothers are gone. 76kanshu. wuhil The topic was a bit heavy, pushing the two people who were walking through the laughter into silence. After a moment, they seemed to notice. Realizing that she had spoiled the atmosphere, Hitomi Mikishima put on a forced smile. She turned her head and was about to apologize to Li Yexing, but she saw Li Yexing's eyes suddenly widened. He looked at the street in concentration, and then raised his head. Pointing to the shop on the street, he asked: Hitomi, what is that? Huh? Hitomi Mikishima, who was interrupted by Li Yexing and swallowed his apology, was slightly startled, and then followed Li Yexing's instructions. I looked over and saw a brightly lit shop with its windows open on the side of the street. There were tourists queuing up in front of the windows. Ah, that's a small shop selling ice cream. He looked at the shop with a sign on the window. In light of Hikari's cuteness, Hitomi Mikishima subconsciously answered Li Yexing's question. Before she could say anything else, Li Yexing suddenly walked closer to the window, pulling Hitomi Mikishima to the end of the queue. He looked very interested. Ye Xing-kun, do you want to eat this? There was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and Hitomi Mikishima whispered: Wouldn't it be strange to eat ice cream in winter? Don't you like it, Hitomi? Li Ye Xing asked back. No, I like it very much. Hitomi Mikishima answered honestly. This was not to cater to Li Yexing. Hitomi Inkishima really liked ice cream. After all, no girl could refuse desserts. However, Hitomi Inkishima still felt a little unacceptable about eating ice cream in winter. She asked in a low voice: However, won't it get colder if you eat ice cream in winter? Will it be cold? His eyebrows were raised slightly, with a rather subtle expression. Li Yexing raised his hand, letting his palm feel the temperature in the air, and then whispered: This temperature, it feels like it's just over minus zero, right? Is it minus ten degrees? No, I'm afraid it's not even minus five degrees. Compared with the low temperatures of dozens of minus tens of degrees in Lopulus in winter, I feel like it's completely It's not cold. As he said that, Li Yexing tightened Mikishima Hitomi's little hand, bringing their palms together, and chuckled at the same time: Look, the palms of your hands are sweaty. That's right. A flash of light flashed in his eyes. Hitomi Mikishima raised his hand, imitating Li Yexing's way of feeling the temperature of the air, and then chuckled: Isn't it not cold at all? Really, I've been in Lopulus for too long, and I'm not used to it. I knew it would be okay to sleep. On the other side, as if he suddenly remembered something, there was a hint of slyness in Li Yexing's eyes. He leaned close to Mikishima's ear, then smiled mischievously and whispered: After all, you didn't even cry out about the cold in the snow that year. The winter in Hokkaido is nothing to worry about for Hitomi, right?

Ah! Ye Xing-kun, you are so annoying! His face was instantly filled with embarrassment. Hitomi Mikishima couldn't help but raise his hand, - while hammering Li Ye Xing's shoulder - and said with a slight frown: ' 'Why? Suddenly I mentioned this! Maybe it was because the clerk moved very quickly, so the seemingly long queue in front of him quickly disappeared. When the two of them stood in front of the window, they looked at the beautiful appearance and neat clothes. When the waitress smiled and bowed, Li Yexing turned directly to Hitomi Mikishima and said: Miss Tour Guide, I want chocolate. Really, why are you acting like a child? His eyes were full of undisguised love, With a touch of petting in his tone, Mikishima turned his head, his face slightly red, and with a happy smile on his face, he said to the clerk at the window: Please bring one piece of chocolate ice cream and one piece of matcha ice cream. Okay. Yes, one piece of chocolate ice cream and one piece of marron ice cream. He turned around and greeted the other shop assistants behind him. While he was still free, the waitress standing at the window smiled and asked Mijima Hitomi. : I would like to take the liberty to ask, are you and this gentleman a couple? Yes. Leaning his body on Li Yexing's shoulder, Hitomi Mikishima replied with a chuckle. Oh?! You and your husband look so young. You look like a deputy high school student. Could it be that you are the principal? Wife? There was a trace of surprise on her face, and then she covered her mouth, realizing that she had said too much. The waiter's face showed a trace of apology. She smiled and said: Sorry, I seemed to have said something strange5.


The situation is like this, because it is the peak tourist season recently, so this

The store is having an event, and if you are a couple, you can get the second ice cream at half price, but... if you are a couple... there is a slight tangle between your eyebrows, and the waitress looks a little embarrassed, until the clerk at the back brings the two ice creams. When she arrived at the front desk, she made up her mind and said to Hitomi Mikishima: Forget it! You are so young anyway, is it really important to be a couple? The second one will be half price for you! Oh! Thank you very much ! Greeting the unexpected joy from life, Hitomi Inkishima's face was filled with a happy smile. On the other side, after finding some money for Hitomi Inkishima, the waitress handed two portions of ice cream to Hitomi Inkishima. In his hand, he said mysteriously: Don't tell the store manager, this lady. Don't worry, I will keep it a secret. Chishima Hitomi chuckled and responded in a low voice. After getting the ice cream and leaving the queue, Chishima Hitomi stepped on the snow again and took the chocolate-flavored ice cream in his hand. Passed it to Li Yexing, and on the other side, after receiving his ice cream, Li Yexing took Hitomi Mikishima's hand again, and the two walked towards the other side of the street together.

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