.76kanshu. The color of the chocolate perfectly matches the cream, with scattered black cookie crumbs sprinkled on it, which shines attractively under the light. On top of the cream, there is a small flat chocolate snowman. At first glance, Like a biscuit, Li Yexing's expression became a little subtle as he stared at the ice cream held in his hand and supported on the cone. m.76kanshu. In my impression, Li Yexing has never eaten ice cream since he came to this world, and in my impression, Lopulus does not seem to sell ice cream.

Sleep... He gently called the girl next to him. Looking at Hitomi Mikishima who was licking matcha, Li Yexing frowned slightly and said, If we don't go to war in the future, should we open a house in Lopulus? The ice cream shop, I feel like it should be able to make a lot of money. Those villains will not refuse the desserts, especially the desserts I sell. No, it's too cold in Lopulus. Eating ice cream on such a cold day will really kill you. Shaking his head and dispelling Li Yexing's unrealistic little idea, Hitomi Mikishima said half-jokingly: And what Yexing said just now is very dangerous. Selling ice cream or something in person, I always feel that it will change in the end. It's very serious... As he spoke, Hitomi Mikishima put on a fierce expression, and then said in a pretentious tone: It's the kind of thing where you put a gun on the customer's head, and then say give me the goods. It felt like buying everything that was left, just like robbing. wuh How could it be? I've always been a serious businessman... With a trace of dissatisfaction in his tone, Li Yexing muttered in a low voice: 'My positive rating is very good...

As if she didn't want to get too entangled with Li Yexing's gunpowder ice cream, Hitomi Mikishima chuckled and changed the topic: Speaking of which, the clerk in the ice cream shop just now was very interesting.

Really? Recalling that he had just watched Hitomi Mikishima and the ice cream seller muttering for a long time, Li Yexing, who did not understand Japanese, asked himself curiously, What's so interesting about this?

That's it. With a smile on her lips, Hitomi Mikishima recounted the conversation she had just had with the female clerk. At the end, she tilted her head slightly and said with a happy face: That female clerk is not only the second She only charged half the price, and she secretly told me not to tell her boss! whi Really? His eyebrows were raised slightly, his expression became a little awkward, Li Yexing nodded and said: That's indeed... quite interesting. .76kanshu.What? Seeing that Li Yexing's expression became a little weird, Hitomi Mikishima asked subconsciously: Is there any problem? Problem? Of course there is a problem. Perhaps due to professional reasons, unless he is overly exhausted, Li Yexing's spirit will be in a state of nervousness subconsciously most of the time. The specific manifestation is that Li Yexing will subconsciously pay attention to his surrounding environment. Just now, Hitomi Mishima While whispering to the female clerk, Li Yexing subconsciously looked into the store and clearly saw the woman's photo on the employee list on the innermost wall of the store. The woman's photo was ranked at the bottom of the employee list. On it, there are two clear big words written next to it: Store Manager. Even if he doesn't understand Japanese, Li Yexing can still understand these two words

After the boss gave the customer a discount, he pretended to be an ordinary store clerk and told the customer with a nervous look not to tell anyone? From this perspective, that woman is indeed quite interesting.

Although he grasped the truth in an instant with his keen insight, looking at Hitomi Mikishima's extremely good mood, Li Yexing decided to hide this Oda Festival in order to protect Miss Mikishima's girlish heart. Facing Hitomi Mikishima's question, he smiled and said: It's nothing, I just think it's quite subtle.

-While walking along the relatively bustling street, - eating ice cream. After finishing the cone honestly, Li Yexing turned his head and saw Hitomi Mikishima holding the ice cream wrapper in his hand, still standing at the corner of his mouth. Green Matcha noticed Li Yexing's gaze. Hitomi Mikishima turned her head, tilted her head slightly and asked Li Yexing: Why?

Nothing. He shrugged at Chishima Hitomi, Li Yexing stood still, and then pressed on Chishima Hitomi's surprised eyes, feeling the cold but soft feeling, because he had just eaten ice cream, so he was still slightly There was something sticky to the touch. Li Yexing stuck out his tongue and licked the matcha from Hitomi Mikishima's lips. He then straightened up and smiled softly at Hitomi Mikishima and said, That's great. Today's Miss Hitomi is matcha flavored. Ye Xingjun! This is... this is the street! She was suddenly attacked by Li Yexing in full view of everyone. Hitomi Mikishima's face instantly turned red, and there was even a trace of steam visible to the naked eye coming out of her head. She raised her hand and shook it. Holding her small fist, she was about to hit Li Yexing, but when she found that the leftover paper bag of Bingqi Lan was still in her hand, she had no choice but to give up. Putting down the raised hand in fear, Hitomi Mikishima raised his leg and lightly kicked Li Yexing's calf. At the same time, his face turned slightly red and he said: It's too much.

Is it too much? It's just a kiss on the street. Faced with Hitomi Mikishima's shyness, Li Yexing was a little surprised. He murmured in a low voice: Didn't you like this when you were in Lopulus? That's Lopulus. Everyone is very relaxed. Hitomi Mikishima explained hurriedly: This is Japan, it's Hokkaido, it's Asahikawa. Kissing in the street won't look too awkward. Doesn't it match the atmosphere? Oh! Is Miss Hitomi the shy type? I really can't tell. His body leaned forward slightly, almost touching Hitomi Mijishima's body. Li Yexing curled up the corners of his mouth like a devil. He chuckled like a whisper and said: That year, in the mountains, woods, and snow, your white cotton. Ahhhhh! Stop talking, stop talking! His face was completely red, and Hitomi Mikishima said. As if falling into some kind of frenzy, he shook Li Yexing's arm vigorously and said urgently: Ye Xingjun is too much! How can such a thing be done outside... . Holding the ice cream wrapper in his hand Li Yexing raised his index finger


Putting it in front of his lips, he signaled Hitomi Inkishima to be silent until Hitomi Inkishima arrived.

Swallowing back the words on his lips, Li Yexing raised the corners of his lips and whispered: Is it really okay to make noise in Yuyu like this? Hitomi? Everyone around is looking at us... Hearing Li Yexing's words, Qiandao Hitomi's heart skipped a beat Shocked, she quickly turned her head and looked around. Sure enough, just as Li Yexing said, the pedestrians passing by, regardless of gender, old or young, seemed to be subconsciously casting their gazes over. This time, Hitomi Mishima stopped talking, and she bumped into Entering Li Yexing's arms, he buried his face firmly in Li Yexing's chest, like an ostrich with his head buried in the sand. On the other side, Li Youxing wrapped his arms around Qian Daosui's waist, - - One hand patted her gently, as if to comfort her, while the other hand moved downwards and took away the wrapping paper bag held in Hitomi Mikishima's hand. Let me get it. Li Yexing said softly to Hitomi Mishima with his head slightly lowered. Ye Xing... The voice of the urn came from the chest accompanied by the heat that penetrated the fabric. The pure white Wu Tuji said aggrievedly: You are really... too much. You know how to tease me.

It's punishment. With undisguised doting in his black eyes, Li Yexing said softly to Hitomi Mikishima: Obviously he is my personal little one, but he has been trying to plot against me recently. This is not okay. I have to correct you before you turn into a black-hearted cotton.

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