.76kanshu. In the long-term relationship with his girls, Li Yexing has a better understanding of their girls' temperaments. Just as the girls will unconsciously use their own characteristics to cater to Li Yexing in daily life, Li Yexing also She will unknowingly try her best to meet the girls' expectations of herself. Just like Kanan, in her subconscious, Li Yexing is not only a partner. She is also a close friend who can talk about everything and share each other's worries, so i In getting along with Kanan, Li Yexing has never been pretentious and has no taboos. Tililith desires to be loved and wants to act like a spoiled child to her heart's content. Therefore, sometimes, Li Yexing's role will be positioned as a warm-hearted person with a bad mouth. Switching back and forth between her brother and her nanny, Bai Muqing longs for obedience. She likes the contrast between Li Yexing, who will obediently listen to her when she comes home, no matter how hard she is outside, so Li Yexing will not quarrel with Bai Muqing. He will use some small details in his daily interactions with Bai Muqing to make Bai Muqing think that he occupies the leading position in the relationship. m.76kanshu. Yu Ganjima Hitomi, she is like the aggregation of all the stereotypes that Li Yexing has about Yamato Nadeshiko. This girl is strong but soft. She positions herself as the woman behind Li Yexing. She likes the kind of being that Li Yexing The feeling of being dominated by Ye Xing, that is to say, as a little birdie, she prefers Li Yexing's domineering and gentle side.

Evil, charming and crazy? Although even Li Yexing found it a bit strange, he couldn't resist Hitomi Mikishima. Sure enough, after being whispered in a low voice, Hitomi Mikishima's body softened directly and she lay down In Li Yexing's arms, she didn't say a word. She buried her face in Li Yexing's chest, breathing hard and warm through the fabric. After a long time, she raised her head, her face flushed, and she exposed the Looking at his misty eyes, he whispered in Japanese: Ye Xing-kun... you are so cunning. Let's go. Li Ye Xing said softly: Don't stand here stupidly, there are so many people watching... Yeah After a while, Hitomi Chishima nodded and whispered.

Li Youxing loosened his arm around Hitomi Chishima, and took Hitomi Chishima's hand again. Ignoring the vague sights around him, he walked forward along the brightly lit street. Half a step behind him, Mishima Hitomi seemed to be drunk, with her head lowered and staring blankly at the road under her feet. Her face was slightly red and she looked dizzy. m.76kanshu. He threw the leftover paper bag of the ice cream in his hand into the trash can on the street. Looking at the silver-covered street under the lights, Li Yexing suddenly turned his head and asked, Hitomi, how are you feeling now? whl Huh? What? Being called softly by Li Yexing, Hitomi Mikishima seemed to be waking up from a dream. She turned her head and looked at Li Yexing with a little doubt in her eyes: What does it feel like? Romantic. Spread her arms. , as if to embrace the world shrouded in civilized lights together with the gentle cold air, Li Yexing chuckled and said, Now, what do you think of Asahikawa? while It's okay there seemed to be a hint of light in his eyes. Enlightenment, Hitomi Mikishima blushed slightly and whispered: Asahikawa is also good, although I still think Sapporo is more suitable for dating Yakou-kun. Maybe, there are many things, how should I put it? Objectively. Exist? They are there and will not be moved by human will. Although I have never been to Sapporo, but you always mention it, it must be a great place. He raised his head and looked at every house. Dense shops, smiling pedestrians, clusters of bright lights, and buildings lined up one after another. After four years, Li Yexing's eyes once again revealed his longing for the civilized world, but then He turned his head and said to Hitomi Mikishima: However, we can't just live in the objective world. That kind of world is too boring. I know that our world can follow the subjective will... Night Walk .. There was a trace of confusion on his face. Hitomi Mikishima shook his head slightly and said: 'I. I don't understand what you are talking about. I always feel that this is not something that a mercenary who graduated from junior high school can say. .It's not that difficult to understand... Li Yexing tightened the catkin wrapped in Hitomi Mikishima's hand, and said with a chuckle: What I want to express is very simple, the romance between us only belongs to It doesn’t matter where we are, whether it’s at home, on the street outside, or even on the rooftop or Lopulus

You're still talking about this! Hitomi Mikishima punched Li Yexing angrily. Oh, I'm sorry. Waving his hand to Hitomi Mishima, Li Yexing said softly, In short, I don't think there's anything bad about Asahikawa. Look at this place, how great it is... Brother, the corners of Li Yexing's lips curled up - With a faint smile, he whispered to Hitomi Mikishima: It doesn't matter to me whether I'm in Asahikawa or Sapporo, and

Ye Xing. He stared blankly at Li Ye Xing's gentle smile showing soft love. After a moment, Hitomi Mikishima suddenly covered his mouth and laughed. Hey! Why are you laughing suddenly! The softness on his face collapsed instantly. After sitting down, Li Yexing frowned slightly and said with some dissatisfaction: I have been thinking for a long time, and I have to hold back four words in three minutes. I finally came up with something like this. Shouldn't you be very touched by these unintelligible words? I...I feel very touched. She lightly covered her cherry lips and couldn't help laughing. Hitomi Mikishima's eyes were as curved as crescent moons. It wasn't until she laughed that she reached out her hand and stroked her gently. Touching Li Yehang's cheek, he tilted his head and chuckled: I just feel a little bit sorry for Uncle Noto and Aunt Noto. Yehang-kun, can't you show a kind smile now? I said to that person before. Isn't the smile on the ramen couple enough? With doubts on his face, Li Yexing thought for a moment, then grinned. Yes! That's the smile! Looking at Li Yexing's ferocious smile, as if he was about to draw a knife and kill someone, Hitomi Mikishima covered his mouth and chuckled: Uncle Noto said that Yexing-kun's smile looks like the one behind the Yakuza It’s the same as his Prajna tattoo. “Prajna...” Although he didn’t know what Prajna was, Li Yexing could vaguely guess that it shouldn’t be a good thing. “Tattoo


Ah. On the other side, following Li Yexing's steps

Moving forward slowly, while swinging the hands held by Li Yexing greatly, Hitomi Mikishima seemed to have remembered something and said softly: Speaking of which, if I hadn't met Tomoyuki-kun and didn't encounter those things, , when I graduate from high school, I will probably also get a tattoo... Tattoo? You? Hearing Chishima Hitomi's words, Li Yexing thought of the mature version of Chishima Hitomi for no reason, wearing lipstick and eye shadow, half wearing a colorful yukata, revealing The large tattoo on his back looked like it. In a daze, he couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: It seems... quite touching. Does Ye Xing want me to get a tattoo? Seeing Li Ye Xing's fascinated look, Chishima Hitomi asked curiously. No, I can't say I want it. Raising his hand and gently rubbing his chin, Li Yexing turned his face slightly to Hitomi Mishima and asked, Do you want a tattoo?

To be honest, I didn't really want to get a tattoo at first. I wanted to get a tattoo just because it was the rule of the Yakuza. As the future leader of the Mikishima-gumi, I would have to get a tattoo sooner or later. But Yakou-kun also knows that I actually don't expect it from the Yakuza. Life gently shook his head at Li Yexing, Qian Daosui couldn't help but sigh with emotion: But now it seems that not only did I not escape, but I also chose a more violent lifestyle, and I even... I enjoy it a little bit. Looking at it this way, there is actually nothing wrong with getting a tattoo. Just get a Shura tattoo or something. Then forget it. Li Yexing shrugged and said, Kanan doesn't really care that Mu Qing is still complaining until now. The lily that the Ouroboros left on her back looks like a tattoo, so don’t make it difficult for yourself. After all, this thing is tattooed for life.

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