.76kanshu. In fact, not only the Yakuza in Japan, but also mercenaries like Li Yexing and others also admire tattoos in private. However, the purposes of tattoos on both sides are different. The rise of the Yakuza in Japan and after the war , Japan was defeated, and society fell into great turmoil. When the Japanese government was unable to effectively supervise society, Japan's Yakuza gradually became rampant. Although they said they were chivalrous, in essence they were just a group of vicious and ruthless people. In their precarious lives due to high-intensity gang warfare, they gradually developed many superstitions, one of which is: by tattooing gods, Buddhas and evil spirits on their bodies, they can pray for their protection. , at the same time, the traditional tattoo process is very painful, so the larger the area of ​​​​the tattoo, the more it tests the will of the person with the tattoo. Therefore, in addition to the strict hierarchy, within the Yakuza, there are no rules for those with large tattoo areas. People will take a high look at it. 3886 Kanshu Novel Network Compared with the Yakuza in Japan, the reasons for the tattoos of the gangsters in Lopulus are much simpler. They are a group of mercenaries who rely on fighting to make a living. The risk is much higher than that of the Yakuza. What if one day? If you are accidentally blown to pieces, you can still identify your identity by relying on the tattoos on the broken limbs. To put it simply, it is convenient for collecting photos. Before time travel, the once violent mercenary Li Yexing was always alone. So he doesn't have a tattoo. After all, no one will collect his body for him, and now, Li Yexing, who is no longer alone, also doesn't have a tattoo, because he will never allow his girl to have to collect his body for him one day. Although Li Yexing was somewhat confused about the fact that Hitomi Mikishima was once a bad girl, Li Yexing was still a little surprised when he learned that Hitomi Mikishima had almost gotten a tattoo. After all, in his impression, Hitomi Mikishima had a look in her eyes. She is naturally fierce, but most of the time she is soft and obedient. She rarely speaks actively in front of everyone. She only talks endlessly when she is alone with Li Yexing. -I thought that Hitomi Mikishima would get a tattoo like this , Li Yexing felt a little... unexpectedly inspired. .76kanshu.Asura... I held Hitomi Inijima's hand and walked through the brightly lit streets of Asahikawa City, thinking about Hitomi Inijima waving a Japanese sword and exposing Shura behind me.

Regarding the appearance of the tattoo, Li Yexing couldn't help but asked softly: Speaking of which, if you really wanted to get a tattoo, what would you choose? Sakura? Sakura? Sakura, it's not bad. He gently rubbed his chin. , Hitomi Mikishima frowned slightly and said softly: However, if it was Ge at that time, he might be more inclined to the Ukiyo-e style Susanoo. As he said this, Hitomi Mikishima suddenly turned his head, and said with great interest Asked: If it were Ye Xingjun, what would he want to tattoo on his body?

A katana that is black and red. The iron chain on the handle is tied with a heart that is a mixture of red and purple. The handle is crossed with two silver pistols, and then it is covered with purple roses and black lilies. The flower also has red roses twining around it. Li Yexing replied without hesitation: Either tattooed on the arm or on the back. So decisive! Hearing Li Yexing's decisive answer, Qiandao Hitomi couldn't help but said in surprise: Ye Xingjun has wanted to get a tattoo for a long time, right? No, this is what I just thought about. Li Yexing chuckled and shook his head: It's very simple, right? If you get a tattoo, , I can only tattoo you on my body. In this way, no matter where I go or where I am, I can feel that you are with me. Really? A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Hitomi Mikishima leaned towards Li Yexing's shoulder, then narrowed his eyes slightly and said: Then I will tattoo Lord Yexing on my back, Ukiyo. The kind of style, if I get a tattoo, everyone will soon get up and get a tattoo... Maybe it's okay for Kanan and Alexa, but for others, I don't think it's okay... Imagining the girls Looking at the appearance of the tattoo, Li Yexing shook it and then counted his fingers and said: For Tilly Silk and Tililian, the tattoo needles may not be able to penetrate the skin at all. For Rita and Mu Qing, I always feel like tattooing them both. It's like painting on plasticine. After a little effort, nothing will be left. Raising his head and looking at the night sky, Hitomi Mikishima thought for a while and then suddenly realized: It seems... it is indeed like this. Walking on the snow, chatting, feeling the warmth of the civilized world in the cold winter of Hokkaido, the topics of the two began to drift away bit by bit. When the years spent together were not enough for the two of them to talk, Li Yexing and Inevitably, Hitomi Mikishima talked about their respective school days, waving their fingers and counting forward. At that time, Li Yexing was just an ordinary junior high school student with good looks. His academic performance was not bad, except for his unusual temper due to family reasons. It can almost be said that he is a little transparent who can stay away from any school topics. In contrast, Hitomi Mishima's junior high school life is much more interesting. He is the champion of the junior high school group of the National Kendo Competition and dominates Nagaba Middle School. He can challenge high school students. The motorcycle-related delinquent girl carries a wooden sword wherever she goes. With her fierce eyes, she is respectfully called Sword Emperor Nao by the delinquent boys! Wait! Stop it! Stop it! The lawless general was busy. The topic was stopped, and Li Yexing, who was listening to Hitomi Mikishima's detailed account of her bad life that year for the first time, couldn't help but look surprised: What's going on with this second-level nickname that exploded? I. I don't know either. Mentioning those turbulent years, the young lady's face turned slightly red. She tilted her head and pursed her lips and said: - At first it seemed that the gangsters around the school were secretly shouting like this. Then somehow it spread to the school, and then to the high school and other schools, and then it became like this... Then, Hitomi Mikishima muttered in a low voice: Besides, Yakuki-kun... don't think it's very... Is it cool? It seems that it was because of shyness. Hitomi Mishima’s voice became quieter and quieter. In the end, Li Yexing could no longer hear clearly, so he asked subconsciously: Hitomi, what do you mean? What? I said! Ye Xingjun! Don't you think! Emperor Tianjian is cool! Imitated


As if he had given up on himself, Mikishima's pupils turned red.

He turned his head with a sullen face, stared straight at Li Yexing, and said loudly like a demonstration: When I was in junior high school, I was extremely popular! I was like an idol in school! I was the center of attention wherever I went. That kind of thing! The transparent Ye Xing in junior high school will definitely not understand this feeling! Looking at Hitomi Mikishima's face with a win-like expression, Li Ye Xing said expressionlessly: It's true. I don't quite understand it. It's so shameful to give such a nickname like a child's play house. Really? Yakou-kun? Do you really think so? There was a hint of cunning in his eyes. Hitomi Mikishima turned around and looked forward. Then he raised his hand and extended an index finger, like a Bible chant. The singer shouted loudly with a serious face: Lopulus's mad dog! Wuhl

The strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere! No, wait Osaka's Dragon Crossing the River! w Hey! Stop talking! Idonia's shadow! Stop, stop, stop! They are watching! They're looking over here! bsaa savior!

Ahhh! Stop talking, stop talking, stop talking!

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