.76kanshu. Facing Hitomi Mikishima, who put on a serious face and chanted loudly about Li Yexing's nonsense) \\who had a bad reputation, Li Yexing, who was unable to stop the opponent's spell chanting, had to use his own killing move. He t

He reached under Mishima Hitomi's ribs, and then started to rub it with her five fingers crazily. In an instant, the artificial expression on Mishima Hitomi's face collapsed. She was hunched over, twisting and twisting uncontrollably. Smiling and saying: No, no, it's itchy... OK... Hmm? Itchy? Is it itchy? Facing Hitomi Mikishima who kept trying to dodge, Li Yexing stepped forward and clung to Hitomi Mikishima. He kept tickling his back, until Hitomi Mikishima found it hard to breathe because he kept laughing, and he stopped. Suddenly, Hitomi Mikishima, who was laughing so much that he was exhausted, fell limply into Li Yexing's arms, and she She lay on Li Yexing's chest, breathing lightly while relaxing her facial muscles that were a little painful due to excessive tension. She didn't raise her head until the ups and downs of her chest were no longer so severe, while wiping the tears from laughter. -Bian babated with grievance: Ye Xingjun. It's too much... Is it too much? Why do I feel that it's not too much at all? Hmm? Miss Tianjian Di Yao? With a slight arc at the corner of his mouth, Li Yexing put his arms around Qiandao Hitomi's slender body, then leaned down and whispered to Hitomi Mikishima in a low voice: Do you dare to be naughty again? Dare you! With a slight frown and a small mouth, Mikishima Hitomi said with a slightly red face - a stubborn look on his face. After saying that, without waiting for Li Yexing's reaction, Hitomi Mikishima suddenly raised her hands and started her counterattack. Following Li Yexing's example, she inserted the pair of white catkins through Li Yexing's body, Then she imitated Li Yexing and scratched hard. However, beyond her expectation, facing her tickling attack, Li Yexing just stood there silently, completely unmoved. The man who looked down at her There was even a hint of sarcasm and pride in his eyes, as if a domineering CEO was sizing up the poor Mary Sue heroine who shouted to be self-reliant but failed to start a business and became a waitress. m.76kanshu..76kanshu. Huh? The smile on his face gradually stiffened, and Hitomi Mikishima's hand movements stopped little by little. Hitomi, if possible, in private, you should talk more to other girls. Okay. On the other side, he silently clamped his arms and locked Hitomi Mikishima's arms. Li Yexing tilted his head slightly, smiled softly and said to Hitomi Mikishima: For example, if you often chat with Kanan, then She will tell you that I am not afraid of tickling. Hey, hey, she smiled bitterly. Hitomi Mikishima's eyes were full of embarrassment. She shrank slightly and said to Li Yexing with a fairy smile: Ye ..Ye Xingjun... Come on, my little black-hearted cotton... The curve of the corner of his mouth became more and more evil, and Li Yexing said with a bad smile: It seems that the correction work must continue... After that, clamp it Li Yexing, who had taken Hitomi Mikishima's hands, suddenly turned from defense to attack, and once again launched a tickling attack on Hitomi Mikishima. This time, Hitomi Mikishima finally stopped being harsh, and she twisted her body desperately to avoid Li Yexing. attack, while laughing and saying: 'Yakou-kun... I was wrong, I'm sorry... 0606060 Ha. No 0606060606063 Ye... Yakou-kun, ugh 6060... After a period of extreme torture, Hitomi Mikishima became weak again... In Li Yexing's arms, her face was flushed, and there was a faint mist in her eyes. Feeling the warmth on Li Yexing's chest, she breathed softly and stared at Li Yexing cautiously. As if he was worried that Li Yexing would suddenly take action again. This time, do you know that you were wrong? Li Yexing asked softly with a smile as he raised his hand and gently stroked Hitomi Mikishima's smooth black hair. wwhl Yes. He nodded slightly, and Hitomi Mizushima pursed his lips and whispered: I'm aware of my mistake. It's good if you're aware of your mistake... Facing Hitomi Mishima who was completely cowed in the street, Li Yexing finally He couldn't hold back his overbearing look, and there was a little softness between his eyebrows. He chuckled and said to the girl in his arms: If you still don't admit your mistake, I won't be able to stand it anymore. After all, we are on the street. It's been going on for so long, and the whole thing is broadcast live, and even the audience has changed several times. Now let alone you, even I feel a little awkward. Ah! After hearing Li Yexing's words, Hitomi Mikishima suddenly realized that they were still on the street! Her body trembled suddenly, and she looked around and saw that the pedestrians around her were looking at each other. With Ruo Wu's gaze, several couples and even couples simply stopped. Seeing Hitomi Mishima looking over, they immediately responded with a kind smile, but there was a hint of joking in his eyes. Occupied by embarrassment, her face instantly turned red. - For a moment, Hitomi Mikishima just wanted to find a place to wrap herself around and get in. However, just when she thought she had no escape, a familiar touch tightened around her waist. , and then, the warm and familiar breath touched the skin and entered the nose. In his ears, Li Yexing's words were a little wet, and he whispered: If you are shy, just hide here. Nodding slightly, Hitomi Inkishima pressed his little face into Li Yexing's chest, while Li Yexing lowered his head slightly, raised his hand and gently pressed Hitomi Inkishima's neck, stroking it. Hitomi Chishima's hair, along with Li Yexing's movements, suddenly, only the warm darkness was left in Hitomi Chishima's eyes, and only the noise of the civilized world was left in her ears. Everything around her seemed to have left her. go. It's just like an ostrich... Hitomi Mikishima muttered softly. On the streets of Asahikawa, there was an endless stream of pedestrians. Although the bright and bright lights covered the stars in the night sky, they also illuminated the white silver of Hokkaido. Under the street lights, The man who looked like he would never grow old hugged the still young girl tightly, using his body to shield the girls from sights from all directions, letting the street lights pull their shadows on the snow. .

I don’t know how long it took, but Hitomi Inkishima, who was almost rubbing herself into Li Yexing’s arms, heard Li Yexing whisper softly: They are leaving... Feeling that the touch on his waist was no longer tight, Hitomi Inkishima lifted his head He bowed his head, his face rosy, and let the cold current clear his mind again.


After washing her cheeks, she puffed out white mist from her cherry lips and glanced blankly

Looking around, sure enough, the pedestrians who had been watching had disappeared, and the pedestrians passing by just passed by in a hurry. Occasionally, some people would fix their eyes on Li Youxing and Hitomi Mikishima, but they would never stop for more. Leaving Li Yexing's arms, Hitomi Mikishima was suddenly reluctant to leave. On the other hand, without noticing Hitomi Mikishima's little emotion of loss, Li Yexing took Hitomi Mikishima's hand, and then said with a chuckle: Okay, Hitomi, let's move on.

Stepping along the street again, Li Yexing stepped on the snow, holding Hitomi Mikishima's hand, and walked slowly and aimlessly. Perhaps because he was a little tired from having too much fun before, so this time, Li Yexing and Hitomi Mikishima both stopped talking. The two of them were silent, enjoying the faint warmth and charm that diffused between them. Until a moment later, looking at Hitomi Mikishima who had retracted half of his face into his scarf, Li Yehang Ye Xing suddenly asked, Hitomi, are you tired? . Hitomi Mikishima nodded slightly, smiled and said to Li Ye Xing, I am indeed a little tired. whl took out his phone and looked at the time. , seeing that it was just after 1 o'clock in the evening/\\\\, Li Yexing frowned slightly. He turned around and whispered to Hitomi Mikishima: If you are tired, then just stop here today. Let's go to the hotel and rest early. Let's get together tomorrow. Go to Sapporo. ... Hitomi Mikishima nodded with a slightly red face.

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