Perhaps because she couldn’t go to Hokkaido with Li Yexing and Hitomi Chishima, Alexa was not interested in Li Yexing and Hitomi Chishima.

Hitomi Shima was particularly concerned about her trip to Hokkaido. She booked a hotel for the two of them early, considering that she could not let Li Yexing and Hitomi Chishima delay them.

She went shopping with her luggage, and she even mailed their luggage directly to Asahikawa.

I got into a taxi and told the driver the name of the hotel. The bald driver was slightly stunned when he heard the name of the hotel.

, and then there was a hint of weirdness in his eyes. He pushed up his glasses and said with a subtle expression: Guest, are you sure?

Is this where you want to go?”

It's not wrong. Sitting in the back seat, leaning on Li Yexing's shoulder, Qiandao Hitomi glanced at the phone again, and then said

The driver nodded and said: That's it.

After receiving an affirmative answer, the driver said nothing more. He drove the taxi and took Li Yexing and Hitomi Chishima through the taxi.

After passing two streets, he stopped in front of a hotel, then he lowered his head slightly, pushed up his glasses and said: Guest, here we are.

This time, it was Li Yexing and Qiandao Hitomi's turn to look subtle.

It's so close. After a moment, Hitomi Chishima couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: I feel like it would take even ten minutes to come here on foot.

Not on. ’

Don't you know the location of this hotel? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly, leaned into Qiandao Hitomi's ear, and chuckled.


Where are the locals we promised?

I've never stayed in a hotel in Asahikawa! Hitomi Chishima frowned slightly with a small mouth and a hint of resentment.

He whispered: Ye Xingjun, it's true

Even if it was only a two-block journey, you still had to pay the fare. I got out of the car with Hitomi Chishima and watched the taxi go.

After driving far away, Li Yexing turned his head and silently looked at the brightly lit building next to him. There was no doubt that this was the former Alai building.

The hotel that Krisa booked for the two of them.

Holding Chidao Hitomi's hand, Li Yexing stepped out of the snow, stepped onto the clean stone tile floor, and headed towards the hotel.

Walking to the front door of the hotel, the two of them stepped on the three stone steps in front of the hotel together, and then pushed open the hotel's dusty door left and right.

The stain-free glass door, when the bright yellow light hits the body along with the heater in the hotel lobby, for some reason,

Li Yexing suddenly felt that he was more like a person who came to collect protection money than staying in a hotel.

Obviously, not only Li Yexing thought so, but also the security guards in the hotel lobby.

A man and a woman are holding hands, but they don't look like a couple at all. Although the former has a smile on his lips, he is full of evil spirits.

Although the latter's complexion is as red as March cherry blossoms, his eyes are extremely sharp. Such a combination does not look like anything else.

I came to stay at the hotel.

Even though there was no movement on the surface, the expressions of the security guards inadvertently became tense. At that time, the atmosphere in the hotel lobby became a little weird due to the arrival of Li Yexing and Hitomi Chishima. On the other hand, in this place the center of the atmosphere,

Of course, Li Yexing noticed the subtle changes around him, and even Qiandao Hitomi narrowed his eyes slightly, but he was already used to it.

Li Yexing, who was used to being on guard, didn't pay attention. He held Hitomi Qiandao and stepped on the beige tiles that reflected the light from the curved roof.

Until we came to the antique wooden counter at the end of the lobby.

As if unaware of the subtle changes in the atmosphere in the lobby, at the counter, there were short old men in suits and leather shoes.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Li Yexing and Hitomi Qiandao vaguely through his monocle, and then bowed slightly and said

: “Excuse me, is there anything I can do to help you?

Sorry about that, wait a moment. Under the vigilant eyes of the security guards in the lobby, Hitomi Chishima took out her mobile phone from her pocket.

Her fingers continued to slide gently on the screen. After a moment, she raised her head and whispered to the old man behind the counter: We

Booked room 1001 a week ago.

Hmm?! After hearing Chishima Hitomi's words, the old man behind the counter suddenly widened his eyes. He straightened up and looked at her again.

They looked up at the two of them, but there was a hint of caution in their eyes. After a moment, under Chishima Hitomi's slightly surprised gaze, he spoke again.

, asked Li Yexing in proficient and standard American English: Excuse me, are you Mr. Li?

Probably. Li Yexing shrugged.

With all due respect, could you please let me confirm your ID? the old man continued to ask.

No problem. He put his hand into the arms of the windbreaker, took out the wallet from the pocket, took out the ID, and put it on the cabinet.

On the stage, Li Yexing whispered to the old man: This is my ID. How about it? I need to confirm the ID of my girl.


No, there is no need. After seeing Li Yexing's ID, the old man behind the counter showed the last trace of caution and doubt in his eyes.

His worries were dispelled. He quickly walked out of the counter, bowed deeply to Li Yexing, and said loudly: Mr. Li, Xu.

Sichuan Sancheng Hotel welcomes you. Tonight, this place is shining brightly because of you.

Following the old man's words, the security guards in the lobby were slightly startled at first, and then suddenly bent towards Li Yexing and Hitomi Qiandao.

The movements are neat and uniform - it looks like they have been rehearsed many times.

No, no, no, no, old man, don't. On the other side, ignoring the security guards who looked strong and healthy, Li

Ye Xing hurriedly waved his hands to the bowing old man in front of him, fearing that the old man in front of him would break his waist and hit him.

He lowered his voice and said: We will stay in a hotel. The money should have been paid and the luggage should have been mailed in advance.

Now, can you give us the key card and our luggage?

No problem, room 1001 has been vacant for you and your wife for a week. The room needs to be cleaned every day.

The bed is always kept the same day and replaced with new ones. Mr. Mitsunari once told you that you and your wife must feel welcome. Quickly returning to the counter, the old man kept mumbling while looking for the room card. After handing the room card to Li Yexing, the old man

A faint light flashed on his monocle, and he said respectfully: By the way, Mr. Li, Mr. Sancheng asked me to tell you.

You, if you don’t mind, he is willing to be your and your wife’s guide on this trip to Japan. By then, all your expenses in Japan will be covered.

, will be fully paid by the 30% consortium.

No need. Taking the gold-encrusted black card handed over by the old man, Li Yexing shook his head and said, Although I don't know that San Cheng

Sir, just by listening to his name, I think he is a very busy person, so I'd better not bother you.

Really? Well, I will convey your instructions to Mr. Mitsunari. There is no need to speak too clearly. The counter

The old man here knows this very well. If he doesn't retreat obediently at this time, but instead stalks and fights, he will not only fail to get things done, but also

Afraid of leaving a rude impression on the other party, he bowed slightly to Li Yexing again and said in a deep voice: Mr. Li

Sir, I'm sorry that I can't take you to your room in person due to work reasons, but don't worry, we have prepared special services for you.

Staff, she will take you to your room, if there is any trouble, just let her know, she will be on hand.

As he spoke, the old man turned his head and picked up the old-fashioned phone on the counter. After shaking it a few times, the phone answered.

Obviously, the old man glanced at Li Yexing and Qiandao Hitomi vaguely, and then whispered: Miss, the distinguished guest is here. -


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