Messed up.

No matter whether you are in a good mood or your thoughts, it's all messed up.

Lin Qing cared about the traces on her neck. The others around were in a group, sitting around the sofa and playing games, but she could only maintain the calm on the surface, feeling that she had been touched by Qiao Yu just now. The places are getting hot uncontrollably.

Knowing that Qiao Yu had never refused her, she really shouldn't have... tempted Qiao Yu like that.

Desperately hating her unwillingness and self-control, Lin Qing bit her lower lip in annoyance, but knew that her sobriety was probably because she had entered the time of the sage - can't this state be called another name? Such as cooling time and the like-for the sake of. Even if she turned the time back to just now, she would still be tempted to make the same move.

She longed for Qiaoyu, and hoped Qiaoyu would long for her as well.

…It now appears that the biggest problem should be: Has this goal been achieved too successfully?

"Okay! I won!"

"... Lost again? Ah."

The two people holding the handles sighed completely differently, and Cong Ye raised his arms vigorously, and looked at Qiao Yu triumphantly.

"You can't do it, Qiao Yu, you have lost three in a row?"

"Ah... it may not be so good today."

It is rare that, in the face of Cong Ye's provocation, Qiao Yu didn't sneer, but accepted the other party's rhetoric honestly.

What they were playing was a racing game. From the very beginning, Joe Yu was obviously absent-minded, hitting the wall and taking the wrong path, but there was no irritation on the surface. He just slowly continued to adjust the direction and play.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Is it because Lin Qing doesn't have the mind to play games?"

Cong Ye joked and winked at Qiao Yu.

Yes, Qiao Yu is sitting cross-legged on the carpet in front of the sofa, leaning back against Lin Qing's legs.

And this was not Lin Qing's idea.

Since coming out of the kitchen, Qiao Yu's state has been very different from before. As if a strange switch had been turned on, her eyes were always stuck to Lin Qing, not to mention, her absolutely intentional physical contact became more frequent.

Due to the hasty cessation of intimacy, the hunter did not seem to be satisfied.

In Lin Qing's heart, the contradiction is terrible, a certain corner of her heart is secretly happy about this situation, but she knows very clearly that this is fundamentally contrary to the efforts she has made during this period-although it is already very different. That's it.

But? She can't get off? Cruelly and clearly rejected Qiao Yu's intimacy. When Qiao Yu seemed to lean on her leg for granted, she could only grit her teeth secretly, pretending not to notice the weight that Qiao Yu deliberately pressed.

"Hmm..." The culprit who caused her upset was completely unaware, tilted her head for a moment, and chuckled?--? Xiang Congye replied, "Maybe it is."

Are you talking nonsense again? Look, Cong Ye's face has become... surprised and happy?? What the **** is going on with this guy——


Suddenly felt that a slightly cold finger touched her left ankle inexplicably, and Lin Qing was shocked---trembling, so he could hold back without shouting.

"She is too skinny and panicked when she leaned."

The owner of the hand was explaining to Cong Ye casually, but the hand held her ankle more violently, almost to the extent that one hand could encircle it, as if silently proving what Qiao Yu had said.

Lin Qing wanted to stop her, but was attracted by the other's conscious touch? All of her mind, just trying her best not to show any abnormality, she had to do her best.

She was sitting on the edge of the sofa, and the other three people were sitting on their right. Joe Yu deliberately pressed his body so that they could not see what was happening on the left, and his left hand was slowly messing up.

First, the tiger’s mouth pressed tightly, and then the fingers—? Make a tight circle little by little. The fingertips casually twirled on her bare skin, causing Lin Qing to tremble.

She really shouldn't wear cropped trousers today.

The itch gradually became more and more difficult to ignore. I didn’t expect this person to be bold enough to do such a small gesture in front of everyone. Lin Qing was confused for a while? Fang Cun didn’t want to do nothing except to endure hard. , Put his hand on Qiao Yu's shoulder and clenched it calmly.

"...Since you don't like it, don't lean on it, okay?"

"do not want."

The words mixed with hints were straightforwardly rejected by Qiao Yu. She turned a little sideways and looked at Lin Qing. In her amber eyes, there was a smile from Wang Mingming's extinguished light, and her face was exceptionally brilliant.

"Because it's pretty warm."

The excuse is really open. Lin Qing gritted her teeth secretly, annoyed that she couldn't be cruel-pushing Qiao Yu away.

How can others know this short conversation? What kind of you come and go, Mi Yi glanced at the two of them several times and couldn't help but say.

"...Otherwise you two will go to rest alone-? How about it? I always feel that there is an atmosphere between you that it is difficult for us to get in."



The two of them sounded almost simultaneously. The one who readily agreed was Qiao Yu, and the one who categorically refused was Lin Qing, and then the two looked at each other---eyes, they fought with their eyes---fighting, no one meant to give in.

"Ah, here again."

Mi Yi sighed for a long time, gave up his intention to intervene, and leaned back on the sofa to eat snacks unexpectedly. Cong Ye, who was hanging aside, scratched in confusion? Scratched his head. When he was about to say something, he saw Qiao Yu's conscience found his hand? Lu Yao, he—? Now he became happy and pulled Lu Yao. Then began the next round of the game.

The two people who were consciously set aside by everyone realized that they had to solve this problem.

But? It can't be now. After all, other people are still sitting next to each other, and Lin Qing never wants to leave here with Qiao Yu even if she wants to solve the problem? Being alone-after all, she can think of what her future development will be like with her hair. It's not that two people will sit down and talk in peace.

In any case, in this house? There are two of them outside? You have to keep calm when the people are there, and you can't get into that dangerous situation anymore.

...Of course, this is by no means meant to be possible when the two of them are alone, eh.

Lin Qing bitterly added the latter sentence in his head, and there was always a sense of desolation that grew darker and darker.

So they leaned on the side with a whitewashed surface, watching other people playing games lightly on the surface, and laughed cooperatively when there were funny scenes.

But? Only they know each other, Qiao Yu's hand—? Straight loosely clasped on Lin Qing's ankle, gently rubbing it as if with a hint.

In this unspeakable atmosphere, today's party is gradually coming to an end.

When the sun sets, everyone is sitting around the table and sharing food in a friendly way? Cake-candles have been blown in the wee hours of the morning, and Qiao’s parents’ guilt for not being able to accompany their children to a full birthday can be done in this three. It was reflected on the large layer cake, and the force was completely overpowered, so that the stomachs of several people were filled with sweets.

Seeing that the time was almost the same, several people were getting ready to go home one after another. Qiao Yu stood by the door and sent Cong Ye out one by one, and then turned his gaze to the last Lin Qing.

The other party was holding his jacket hesitantly, not knowing what to wear.

"What's the matter? Lin Qing? Don't you leave?"

"Wait—? Next to Lu Yao! You are too confused to ask this question?!"

Cong Ye almost immediately pulled Lu Yao, who had asked Wuxin to the side, to the side, Mi Yi looked at the muttering boys who were clinging together, looking through the sight of everything still inside the door. Lin Qing dangled.

"Ah—have you left something in it? It's better to go back and find it?"


The kindness almost makes people cry, and even the reasons have been found for her?

Ben was still hesitating. Now that he was getting the push from the outside world, Lin Qing was determined? Nodded with determination, and pointed stiffly? Pointing inside the room: "...Well, maybe I'll look for it."

"Huh? Lin Qing lost? Did something? Then we'll help you find—"

"Wait-next Congye, wait-next."

Mi Yi—? Pulling Cong Ye’s back collar, whose mind was suddenly very awkward when living in this situation, only thought that boys were really a silly comparison. Look at Lu Yao, who is standing next to him, with a blank face. Stopped him,—?hand dragging—? Turn to Joe Yu and nodded.

"Then we will go first."

After speaking, he walked out very hard, and the figure in the sunset dragged a long way, which simply rendered the feeling of a lonely hero.

Miyi, who was dragging two oil bottles, quickly disappeared from their sight, and the two people who remained in the room fell silent for a while.

"...Anyway, close the door first, right?"


Joe Yu nodded and closed the door.

Suddenly isolated from the outside world, Lin Qing clearly realized that there was really only left in the house at this moment? The two of them knew that this was a very dangerous situation, so she moved back vigilantly.

"...Don't do strange things."

The first sentence of his mouth turned out to be such a soft warning. Lin Qing lowered his voice unconsciously, and only became shy when he saw Qiao Yu’s slightly playful gaze. Don’t turn your head and pretend to be busy. Put the jacket back on the shelf.

"What's the strange thing? I may not quite understand."

This was simply talking nonsense with his eyes open, Lin Qing couldn't help gritting his teeth and heard Qiao Yu continue to say.

"It's Qingqin... what did you do to me in the kitchen before?"


Lin Qing's thin-skinned face was burning up, and seeing her lover, who had always been warm, was a little sharp at this time, so he smiled leisurely, and his brows looked extra pure.

"Qingqin is such a smart person, he should know what it means—only the state officials should set fires, and the people should not be allowed to light the lights, right?"

The gentle and pure appearance is an illusion, and Lin Qing's very familiar emotions are moving around in Qiao Yu's eyes. She had to avoid Qiao Yu's aggressive eyes and turned her head in embarrassment.

"I...I didn't stay here to discuss it with you."

Instinctively aware that this topic will only recur if the topic continues, Lin Qing forcibly reversed the topic, thinking about what she was going to do, and glared at Qiao Yu.

"——Although I have eaten? So many cakes, but? You should still be able to eat, right?"

He combed his ponytail, rolled up his sleeves, and put on an apron.

Qiao Yu leaned against the kitchen door and looked at Lin Qing who was busy inside, his eyes full of novelty.

"... So Qingqing can still cook?"

"Not really good, just cooking noodles."

Lin Qing was talking about taking out the materials, and when he heard Qiao Yu's muttering when did he prepare, he held back a smile? Don't look at her.

"It's rare to have a birthday at home—the next birthday. My family’s habit is to eat noodles, so I just thought...make it for you—a bowl."


No response was received, but after hearing the sound of footsteps approaching behind him, Lin Qing's body—Rin, hurriedly turned around to stop Qiao Yu: "Don't come here! It will disturb me."

The plan to hug it failed? Qiao Yu lowered his head in disappointment, but? still stopped obediently, just looking fidgety.

"I remember you don't like to eat green onions, right?"

"Hmm. But? If it is made by Qingqin, I can eat anything."

"Glib tongue."

I really don’t know where she learned it, Lin Qing couldn’t help laughing? She clearly felt that Qiao Yu—? The aura that seemed a little anxious all day was gradually becoming milder and returning to the usual Qiao Yu. .

……Said she was in her heart? No—? Some regret is a lie. Such aggressive Qiao Yu is not common, but? Under the current situation, this Qiao Yu is more suitable—or safer. She did not have the confidence to refuse Qiao Yu.

"Like a newlywed-?"

"Is this the second time you have said this today? You simply feel long as you see me in the kitchen."

Failing to say that word frankly like Qiao Yu, Lin Qing blushed unconvincingly, cutting the tomato bitterly to vent his anger.

"Okay, okay, you go out and wait, don't you be here? Disturb me."

With that said, she drove Qiao Yu out of the kitchen in two ways, and closed the door strictly guard.

After eating? A closed door, Qiao Yu felt helplessly at the back of his neck, knowing that his credit line was probably not enough?-But? Can't it be her fault? Obviously Lin Qingxian...Ah, forget it? Now is not the time to think about this.

Lin Qing is cooking for her.

Just thinking about it, my chest was incredibly satisfied, and my steps to the dining table became light.

The waiting time was difficult. She could only listen to the movement in the kitchen with her ears upright, and hurriedly resumed her sitting posture when she heard the sound of the door opening.

"...Don't look at me so expectantly, I really just cooked it—? A bowl of ordinary noodles."

Lin Qing was a little bit overwhelmed by the look, but the noodles were out of the pot, so she could only bite the bullet and put the bowl in front of Qiao Yu, turning her head unnaturally.

"Let's eat. It should be fair--"

"good to eat."

"...You are eating too fast too?."

There is no need for her to talk about it. Qiao Yu had already been holding chopsticks on standby. As soon as he got the bowl, he picked up a chopstick noodle and put it in his mouth. He was hot and inhaled, but? Still insisting on taking a mouthful —? Stuttering is very fragrant.

"Noodles can't run..."

The anxiety in her heart was soothed by her very persuasive eating, Lin Qing went to give her a glass of water funny, and let her eat slowly without worrying. When Qiao met his mouth and responded with a woof, in fact, the wind was so fast that he had finished eating? He put down the dishes, and suddenly sat in a daze.

"What's wrong??"

I was a little worried that she would make it through. After all, Qiao Yu didn't eat less the cake just now. Who knew Qiao Yu blinked slowly, Lin Qing didn't expect what she said.

"No, because it's so delicious? I'm a little sleepy."

"Which kind of causality is this..." Lin Qing chuckled for a while, adding, "I didn't put sleeping pills in my face."

"I know." Qiao Yu also laughed, his eyes sparkling, "I just... I don't feel like I have eaten this kind of noodles in a long time."

"I will assume you are complimenting me."

Lin Qing stood up and was about to take away the dishes, but was caught by Qiao Yu.

"Let it go first, and I will wash it myself later."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Lin Qing with wet eyes. Every time she showed such eyes, she always said something that made Lin Qing unable to resist. Lin Qing was a little wary, but she didn't expect to hear her open his mouth.

"There is a saying in Japan, "Please make miso soup for me every morning.""

"I thought it was weird before, but now it seems quite appropriate."


Despite her gentle smile and no evil thoughts at all, Lin Qing chose to avoid her gaze.

"...Don't say something--"

"Don't say something weird?" Qiao Yu preempted what he wanted to say-Step by step, she frowned pretendingly dissatisfied, and said nonchalantly, "You are quite happy to hear it."

People are really complex creatures who want to be close and far away.

Like being addicted to something, Qiao Yu knew that Lin Qing was in such a situation and was eager to get rid of this addiction. Reason and desire struggled all day long and refused to give in to each other.

But? Her lovely lover always seems to forget that what makes her addicted is a living creature that can actively think and act, so every time she is actively approached, she will be overwhelmed and a little embarrassed as she is now. Seductive expression.

It's unbearable.

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