Taking Qiao Yu's birthday as the boundary-or earlier, probably from the day when he proposed the break time, Lin Qing's addiction plan that had just been built has gradually collapsed.

Her original idea was very good: by keeping a certain distance with Qiao Yu, to restrain her feelings of becoming too eager for Qiao Yu due to two years of separation? And after getting initial results? Yu-this is the end? Let's put it down for now.

Even now, even the first step has failed, let alone maintaining, it is better to say that the distance between them has been drastically shortened during this period of time.

Of course, there was a reason why she was unsatisfactory, but Lin Qing still felt that it was mainly because the other protagonist in this plan became more and more bold, and disagrees with herself in the fundamental direction.

"Look, what is this different from quitting smoking and drinking? Isn't it the same?"

During the break, Qiao Yu spoke his own rationale seriously with a look on his face.

"After all, I? I'm not a completely harmful thing like tobacco and alcohol. It's best if they can be quit completely. I? Can't be quit."

……Speaking plausibly, it's kind of like that, and at first glance, I was prepared.

"So I? I don't think I can't use the method of quitting those things? Treat me? That? Absolutely not."

Seeing Lin Qing loosen, Qiao Yu raised his eyebrows at her when he hit the iron while it was hot.

"——What should be used here is not to keep a distance, but to get a little closer to get used to it, right? Gentle treatment? Better, gentle treatment?"

For a while, unable to find a word to refute Qiao Yu, Lin Qing looked at her silently, and hesitated to speak?

"...That's why you keep putting your hand on my waist? Why?"


The reaction was very grandiose, Qiao Yu let out a very unconscious exclamation, and slowly withdrew her hands that were around Lin Qing's waist that she had stretched out from the gap between Lin Qing and the back of the chair. Put it back on his lap momentarily.

"This is—probably a skin hunger disease or something like that? It stretched out without knowing it."

It was sophistry at all. Lin Qing gave her an angry and funny look. Although she felt that what she said before this ridicule was reasonable, she still wanted to preach to her recent more and more presumptuous behavior. Fan.

"This disease came really suddenly, obviously a month ago? It was normal."

"Well, maybe what happened this month? What happened, what do you have? Do you have a clue?"

I have to say that Qiao Yu's face and mouth have made great progress recently. Now he is not only unmoved by the insinuations in her words, but even able to stop her words without a hassle. His smile looks like The full meaning was profound, but Lin Qing gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"Then I? Think it might be the problem of this break time?"

Saying this? It was a complete provocation. Lin Qing caught Qiao Yu's smiling eyes and showed her an impeccable smile.

"If you don't do this kind of thing during your break, you won't have this kind of trouble."

Although she thought this was not so good when she worked so hard... but Lin Qing was really cute.

Qiao Yu thought about it pretentiously in confusion, the corners of his mouth couldn't hold his smile, so he had to cover it with a deliberate sigh.

"Indeed, what I do during the break may be problematic."

Unexpectedly, Qiao Yu would recognize it so honestly, and Lin Qing, who was waiting for her possible sophistry, guarded her empty space, looked at her slightly, but saw her raise a humble and gentle smile, a little bit towards herself. Come closer.

"Because, teacher, you haven't taught me? What should I do during the break?"

Qiao Yu's voice became low and slow.

This is a danger sign.

The alarm bell in Lin Qing's heart, followed the direction she had approached, leaned back and hurriedly tried to stop her: "...what are you going to do again?"

"The teacher won't hide from his students, right?"

Obviously speaking of remarks that sounded extremely correct, Qiao Yu's eyes never looked like her expression? Like a student who just came to the teacher to ask questions.

"Don't teach me? Just now the teacher said that I have a problem with what I'm doing?"

Knowing that no matter how he answered these words, he would be biased in a strange direction, so Lin Qing had to shut up? Not speaking.

"...In that case, I'll do what I want, sir?"

Like the last retreat left by the hunter kindly, Lin Qing lowered his eyes and felt Qiao Yu's breath and voice slowly approaching him.

To avoid it? It's really easy. As long as she shows a little explicit rejection, Qiao Yu will definitely not force her.

It's just that Lin Qing didn't want to.

Before asking Qiao Yu to teach at home, she called her teacher a pit that Lin Qing dug by herself. Qiao Yu bit these two words very ambiguously, as if she was covered with a taboo-dyeing tulle. When she reached Lin Qing's ears, she couldn't help but tremble. There was an inexplicable illusion that he was really going to do something with his students that shouldn't be done, Lin Qing tightened his shoulders a little nervously, and closed his eyes when Qiao Yu approached.

"—Okay, that's it."

The softness that was waiting did not fall on his lips, Qiao Yu's breath suddenly disappeared, and his voice briskly called cessation. Lin Qing opened his eyes unclearly and saw Qiao Yu's satisfied gaze.

"Gentle therapy? How do you feel? Is it useful?"


Lin Qing was dumb for a while, listening to Qiao Yu's bluntly expounding that it might be considered as radical therapy if he did it further. She felt that the distance between the two should be shortened first. Can't hear it anymore.

She took a deep breath, stretched out her hand and grabbed Qiao Yu's collar without saying a word, and pulled it to her side without any doubt.

Halfway through the conversation, I was interrupted by this unexpected event. Qiao Yu's expression was a little surprised, but he obediently followed her strength to come together again.

It's a face that makes people love and hate.

"You are really..."

Lin Qing murmured, did not continue, obeyed her own heart, and put her lips on her lips.

So her plan to keep her distance officially came to an end.

After that, with Lin Qing’s acquiescence, Qiao Yu became more and more effective in her weekly homework. If Lin Qing hadn’t reprimanded her, she might even seriously consider holding Lin Qing to write the paper. . Before this consideration? It had already progressed to the point where she muttered, "Well, what about me? Can't you see the question right away if you write it wrong?" Lin Qing, who was shocked, severely dismissed it.

It's almost like trying to make up for the missed part in the past? Qiao Yu is seizing every opportunity...touch her.

It really made Lin Qing couldn't help but wonder who the two of them were dependent on the other.

Of course, it's still polite in nature, at least the hands are not touching strange places properly, at most it's just that the mouth is not at ease.

"...I? Have you said it several times? Don't bite, you will stay...and be seen."

"Woo... I'm sorry, I? Sometimes I can't control it, I'll pay attention next time."

"Next time-ah, really, I should cancel the rest time as expected..."

This kind of conversation probably happens every once in a while, because Qiao Yu doesn't always remember this kind of thing, and Lin Qing said fiercely, and actually indulged her all the time. In the end, it was himself who suffered. For example, you can't tie a ponytail, and you have to wear high-necked clothes if the weather is not so cold.

By the way, Lin Qing felt that Qiao Yu’s parents basically knew that the two of them would do some unspeakable things upstairs. After all, the two never beat Qiao Yu during the time they were teaching at home. At the end of the course, every time after the end of the course, Lin Qing asked her with a kind eyes that made Lin Qing uncomfortable.

Didn't she never think of this? Isn't it too shameful-after all, she has collected money to be a family? Teach, always spend some time to teach Qiao Yu how to think about this knowledge.

Out of a sense of responsibility and shame, Lin Qing proposed a rule after careful consideration.

"If you step back in the monthly exam ranking, the rest period will be cancelled this month."

"Wait, wait, I? I already took the seventh place in the class last time? The room for stepping back is much bigger than the room for improvement, right?"

Presumably receiving Qiao Yu’s weak protest, Lin Qing decided to ignore the meeting. Facing such an enemy, he had to be hard-hearted--

"... Then change it so that you can't fall out of grade? Eighty."

In the end, he was relieved in the other's pitiful eyes? Lin Qing hated iron but not steel.

Then, Qiao Yuzhen had never retired to the 80s, and the rest time was not stopped. It was a rule that was in vain.

In the third monthly exam last semester, Qiao Yu succeeded in getting the fifth place in the class. He handed the report card to Lin Qingshi’s triumphant energy. If she didn’t know, she thought she got the first grade. .

Lin Qing scanned the transcript again and looked at Qiao Yu. The other party was sitting awkwardly waiting for the compliment. She couldn't help but raised her hand and rubbed Qiao Yu's head, and said softly: "The goal is achieved, then what do you want? What reward?"

I was a little nervous about what she might ask for, but to Lin Qing's expectation, Qiao Yu just shook his head, and when he spoke, his voice was calm, as if he had planned for a long time.

"I? Want to wait until I? After the college entrance examination? Let's count together."

What they meant was that conceit would definitely be admitted to the top five? Lin Qing was taken aback, then laughed.

"Then it depends on your performance."

It would be a good thing for Lin Qing to wait until then.

Because at that time, if everything goes well, she really has nothing? Can't give it to Qiao Yu.

In other words, I hope Qiao Yu will take it all.

It was winter in a blink of an eye.

Winter vacation is about to enter soon. Although the winter vacation for senior high school students only lasts for about ten days, it is still worth looking forward to. The only regret was that she actually had to attend class on Lin Qing's birthday. Qiao Yu had planned to take a leave of absence, but was banned by Lin Qingming, who had an early insight into the opportunities.

‘Go to class, don’t come to my home, and don’t have to give me a gift. ’

Lin Qing said in her memory very hard, as if she was afraid that Qiao Yu would be disobedient.

"...Waiting until next year's birthday, I will ask you for it even with the benefits."

As she spoke, her face blushed inexplicably, and she added another word in a concealed manner.

"But call me? If you are not the first person to wish me a happy birthday, I will bite you."

This threat is too cute, and Shi Qiaoyu still wants to see how Lin Qing bites her, but he can't lose the chain in this matter, so I have to talk about it later.

Qiao Yu remembered that he raised his hands and accepted it in a surrender form. After seeing her girl child being amused, he took her into his arms.

Ah, I can't think about it anymore, the night will become even more bleak when I think about it.

Qiao Yu shook his head gruntly, forcing himself to concentrate on the light screen in front of him.

Yes, even Qiao Yu, a senior high school student who is busy studying, still carries the heavy task of serializing weekly.

And what made her feel more headache recently? She has finally written about the two years she left.

"...How about the comments on the chapter last week? Me? I won't go to see you give it to me? Me? Probably talk about..."

"I? I also think that the host should not look at it. To put it simply, 50% of the readers are distressed about Lin Qing, the other 40% are reprimanding Qiao Yu, and the remaining 10% are between the two."

"It's miserable."

This "Qiao Yu" refers to the Qiao Yu in her pen. Since the real reason for her departure cannot be written in, Qiao Yu had to package this incident as "After Qiao Yu was seriously ill? The world has evaporated", so that her friends have not contacted her in the past two years. Things become a little more reasonable? A little bit.

Of course, no matter how she writes, it will increase the OOC degree, and Qiao Yu just wants it to increase a little less.

The content written last week has not revealed that "Qiao Yu" was ill, so what readers can see is Qiao Yu's leaving without saying goodbye and Lin Qing's helplessness-good family? , Qiao Yu, who was bombed in the comment area, didn't dare to look at it.

Let's leave this aside, just say that the writing of this period of time in itself is a very difficult task for Qiao Yu.


His hands seemed to be filled with lead, stagnating on the keyboard, sweating stiffly from his body.

"Host, host? Or take a break?"


Qiao Yu temporarily succumbed to her weakness, took a few sips from the water glass, and then let the palpitations calm down a bit.

She had to figure out and describe Lin Qing during those two years.

During this period of time, Lin Qing would occasionally mention the events at that time in a relaxed tone, but only a few words would not go deep, occasionally showing a bewildered expression?.

An expression like tearing the wound apart.

Qiao Yu couldn't bear to ask again? She.

So even at the risk of increasing OOC, Qiao Yu decided to finish this story by herself, but it was more difficult than she thought.

This was already her third Calvin tonight, and Joe was stunned for a while, and suddenly looked at the clock as if he was waking up from a dream.

It was 11:40 in the evening.

She frowned and thought for a while, then picked up the phone and sent a message to Lin Qing.

Qiao Yu: Me? Come ask for a leave! Is it the real thing today? I can’t finish it, maybe I have to go to bed later

The reply came quickly, and the person on the other side seemed to be guarding the side of the phone, and immediately replied.

Lin Qing: What kind of leave is this?

Lin Qing: Okay, for your good attitude

Lin Qing: But how long is it going to be today, and how long will I have to go to bed early tomorrow?

In the affirmative sentence without being beaked, Qiao Yu could almost see Lin Qing's serious look from the text, and his eyebrows were softly bent.

After that, Lin Qing didn't talk to her much, she should be worried that she still had something to do. After a few words, she said goodnight.

Qiao Yu put down the phone, let out a soft breath, and turned back to the light screen again.

"...Is it okay, the host? Just rested for a while."

"It's okay. I? Have to hurry up, otherwise Lin Qing will be worried."

Feeling filled with a mouthful of sweet dog food, the system was both worried and happy, and heard Qiao Yu speak in a deep voice.

"It was true that very painful things happened in those two years, but now it has passed."

"What I want to do is... write it down, remember, engrave it in my heart, and then love her more."

"I? I almost lost her once. Fortunately, I can go to the present."

"This is probably called-recalling bitterness and sweetness?"

There were still jokes in his mouth, the painful past and the satisfying present intertwined in the pen, Qiao Yu looked at the light screen and typed a line of words.

[Being able to come into this world is enough for me? Losing you less. 】

After? All will be obtained.

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