The team did not go out to wander around on the 14th day, but went to the exclusive training ground provided by the organizer under the leadership of Wang Wei to train the elves to keep their vitality.

The training was just a taste, and the elves were not given too much training. At the same time, it was also to let Zhou Yuan and the other four get familiar with the way. When they want to train in the future, they can come to the training ground by themselves without Wang Wei.

That night, the team gathered in the meeting room in Zhou Yuan's room again. Of course, there was no meeting this time, and Wang Wei did not say anything about the pre-match arrangements.

Instead, there was barbecue, hot pot, and night beer! ! !

Eating and drinking, everyone ended the last day before the start of the game.

At 8:30 am on December 14, the group woke up one after another as Wang Wei knocked on the door one by one. After having breakfast arranged by the hotel, they went downstairs together to the gymnasium across the road.

Since Zhou Yuan, Li Chengqian, and Li Feiyong were directly recommended to the top 64 players, and Wang Wei was their team leader, in other words, a group of relatives and friends, the four of them could enter directly from the fast track without queuing, and could sit in the viewing platform in front of the audience seats to watch the game up close.

As for Wu Jinyan, since she was an individual registered player, she could only queue up in the ordinary player channel like other players and confirm her identity one by one before entering.

Let's not talk about this unlucky child.

After Zhou Yuan entered the stadium from the fast track, he found that the internal structure of the stadium was similar to that of the gymnasium in Shuangqing City, but the area was larger, but not much larger.

There were ten arenas set up in the stadium.

Although the number is only one-tenth of that of the previous Novice Cup, the area of ​​each ring is much larger. The battle field on it is a standard battle field in the alliance, which is large enough for large elves to run around on it.

At half past nine, several people walked out of the high platform in the center of the venue, led by the mayor of Yundian City. After delivering a speech unique to the Yanhuang region, he handed the microphone to a young man next to him.

"Hello everyone, I am Meng Boguang, the owner of the Bug-type Dojo. On behalf of the Yundian City Bug-type Dojo, I would like to welcome all the players. There are a total of 1,896 players who meet the registration requirements for this competition. I hope that all the players can play their best in the competition and do their best. No matter what the final result is, at least they have tried their best!"

Originally, Zhou Yuan was not interested in the speeches on the field. Until he heard the familiar name, he raised his head and cast his eyes on Meng Boguang, and found that he was younger than he thought, and looked like he was in his twenties.

"For this competition, our Bug-type gym has provided several gym-level Pokémon eggs as rewards for the fourth to eighth place winners. As for the rewards for the top three, they will not be revealed until the final battle. I will keep you in suspense for now."

"Then, I hereby announce that the 18th Little Yan Emperor Cup competition has officially begun!"

As Meng Boguang's voice fell, the sound of fireworks "咻咻咻" came from outside the stadium, and then the sound of fireworks exploding "ba ba ba".

Everyone looked up and could see the fireworks outside that were still bright in the daytime through the transparent sky of the stadium.

Meng Boguang finished his speech and stepped down. Before stepping down, he cast his eyes on the viewing platform.

As a junior executive in Yundian City, Meng Boguang certainly knew the list of the top 64 players this time, and he naturally noticed the name "Zhou Yuan".

Especially when he saw that the Pokémon Zhou often used was Caterpie, he confirmed that this person was the video blogger A Yuan he followed.

Although he had known for a long time that Zhou Yuan was a rookie trainer, he did not expect that this rookie would be so good at fighting and won the first place in the Novice Cup of Shuangqing City.

Judging from the strength alone, the strength of the Novice Cup players in Shuangqing City is relatively high in the entire southwest region. Being able to win the first place in the Novice Cup of Shuangqing City means that even if all the Novice Cups in the entire southwest region are combined, the final champion is still this Zhou Yuan.

This kid is good at both literature and martial arts. He has something on him.

As his eyes moved, Meng Boguang locked onto the most handsome guy on the viewing platform at a glance, and decided that it was you! Zhou Yuan!

Of course, now is not the time to go up and chat, so as not to be accused of shady dealings or secret operations by other players. If you want to chat, you should wait until the end of the game.

Watching Meng Boguang leave, Zhou Yuan naturally noticed his sight, and after staring at each other for a few seconds

After that, the two looked away.

In fact, it was not that the two lost contact after the video of the insect system. Every time Zhou Yuan posted a new video, Meng Boguang would always ask Zhou Yuan why he conceived this tactic and the details of this tactic, etc. It can be seen that this person is very studious.

In addition to learning, Meng Boguang sometimes sent Zhou Yuan photos of insect-type elves that he thought were cute.

Such as the creeping elves such as the caterpillar and the unicorn.

Zhou Yuan didn't see where they were cute, but he thought it was normal for everyone's x to be different, so he chose to respect and bless the relationship between Master Meng and the insect-type elves.

With the exit of the leaders, the battle of the Little Yan Emperor Cup officially began.

In addition to the 32 players who were recommended, there are 1,864 players participating in the battle. They will go through six rounds of elimination to decide the top 30 players, and the remaining two will be selected by public opinion. After 32 people are gathered, the top 64 will be held.

The six rounds of eliminations will take at least five days, and if you add the time for the public opinion vote and the rest day, it will take until the eighth day for Zhou Yuan and others to play.

During these seven days, Zhou Yuan and others can choose to train in the private training ground provided by the organizer, or sit in the viewing platform to watch the game. Wang Wei did not interfere with their choice, and everything was decided by them.

Zhou Yuan and others did not choose to watch the game in the first four days, or in other words, the 32 players who entered the top 64 in advance did not choose to watch the game in the first four days. The people sitting in the viewing platform in the first four days were all the relatives and friends of the players.


Because the first four days of the game are really nothing to watch, most of them are crushing games, and you can't see anything. The non-crushing games are also worth watching. After all, if you can't crush your opponent in the first four days, you will probably not enter the top 64, so it's useless to watch.

In the first four days, everyone was doing the final training of the elves in the single-person training ground provided by the organizer. It is not required that the elves improve much in these few days, but at least they must maintain their combat status.

A total of five rounds of matches were held in these four days, one round each day in the first three days, and two rounds on the fourth day due to the decrease in the number of players.

Therefore, when the time came to the fifth day, there were only 59 players left, and the last round of matches would be held to determine the top 30 players who would enter the top 64, and one lucky player would be directly given a bye to enter the top 64.

And since today's match would determine the final opponent, the players who were not seen in the first four days all appeared on the viewing platform on this day.

As the subtitles on the big screen slowly stopped rolling, the order of the remaining players' matches and the lucky player who was given a bye were displayed.

What a coincidence, that lucky player happened to be our classmate Wu Jinyan.

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