The truth is, Wu Jinyan is not completely lucky. Why do I say that?

Because in the fifth round, he met an opponent whose elf was in the late senior level, which was the same level as his main Monarch Snake.

There were 64 people in the top 64, of which there were only about 20 players in the late senior level, and the rest were in the middle senior level. So Wu Jinyan was lucky to meet an opponent with similar strength in the fifth round.

At that time, in the fifth round, the battle between Wu Jinyan and his opponent could be regarded as the most intense battle since the start of the Little Yan Emperor Cup. Both sides started with their own trump elves.

Wu Jinyan sent out the Monarch Snake, while the opponent sent out the Geranium. The two sides fought back and forth and it was so exciting!

In the end, the ace elves of both sides were exhausted and fell at the same time.

Due to the special nature of the Little Yan Emperor Cup competition system, a maximum of two elves can be used in each game, so both sides sent out their second elves.

It may be that the opponent spent all his attention on the cultivation of Geranium, and the second elf had not yet broken through to the senior level. It was beaten by Wu Jinyan's Giant Claw Crab and unfortunately lost to Wu Jinyan.

Therefore, even if Wu Jinyan was given a bye in the sixth round, no player had any objection. After all, his strength is obvious to everyone, and no one dares to guarantee that they will win against him. Instead of playing against him, it is better to send this plague away early.

Wu Jinyan, who was given a bye, has already locked in the top 64 in advance, so he also sat on the viewing platform with Zhou Yuan and others to watch the players on the ring fight.

Perhaps this match is crucial... Oh no, I shouldn't say that. For the players on the field, every match from the start of the Little Yan Emperor Cup to now is very important, and this one is particularly important because it is the final touch and it determines whether they can enter the top 64.

Therefore, the players on the field are like crazy, and their elves are also a little crazy, especially in the arena where the two sides are evenly matched. The fight is so tragic. If the referee hadn't stopped the fight in time, I'm afraid there would be another large-scale bloodshed.

These 29 matches were held in ten different arenas, and each arena had only three matches, but it took a full two hours to end the last match.

The tragic situation of the battle made everyone on the viewing platform a little shocked.

"Why are they so desperate? It's just one spot in the top 64. Why are they fighting so hard?"

Li Chengqian was a little confused. In his opinion, it was just one spot in the top 64. They shouldn't fight so hard. If the finals turned out like this, he could understand it.

Wang Wei answered his question:

"Not every rookie trainer is like you, with sufficient financial support from their families. In fact, most rookie trainers rely on resources provided by schools or local political institutions to cultivate elves. The ranking of the Little Flame Emperor Cup this time will change their status. Simply put, the higher the ranking, the more resources they will get in the end, and the better the elves will grow."

"Of course, those resources may not be a big deal for you, but for those children from ordinary families, these resources may be the key to whether they can continue on the road of trainers and go far."

Hearing Wang Wei's words, Li Chengqian was also silent for a rare time. He didn't expect that he also made such a low-level mistake as "Why not eat meat?". Thinking about how his family provided him with so many resources, he couldn't even beat Zhou Yuan in the end. He was somewhat ashamed of his family's cultivation.

Zhou Yuan:?

With the end of the last battle, it marked the end of the Little Flame Emperor Cup's audition stage. The next step will be the more intense and cruel 64-strong elimination match.

As always, our familiar Master Meng gave a speech after the match. First, he congratulated the players who advanced, and secondly, he encouraged the players who failed not to be discouraged.

He thanked all the players for the wonderful match they brought to them, and once again, he said that the public opinion voting session will end at 12:00 noon tomorrow, and the audience is requested to cast a revival vote for their favorite players in time.

Finally, it was announced that the match from the top 64 to the top 32 will be held on December 22, which is the day after tomorrow, and all audience friends are welcome to come and watch the game again.

After Master Meng finished his speech, the audience and the players left one after another, including Zhou Yuan, and Wang Wei and others

They returned to the hotel room together. This time, the five of them gathered in the conference room in Zhou Yuan's room again.

It was still our teacher Wang Wei who spoke first:

"First of all, let us congratulate Wu Jinyan for breaking through the siege and entering the top 64."

Zhou Yuan and the other three sat on the small sofa and clapped their hands. Wu Jinyan blushed a little.

After the applause subsided, Wang Wei continued:

"Then, in the next two and a half days, combined with the competition system of the competition, my arrangement for you is this. In addition to the daily training of the elves to keep them energetic, I will play the video of the sixth round of elimination for you and analyze the winners one by one. These people may be your opponents."

"Because in the competition from 64 to 32, the eight players who entered the Novice Cup in advance will definitely compete with the players who were promoted in the elimination round, so your players will definitely be analyzed... ah, of course, except for you, Wu Jinyan."

Wu Jinyan: QAQ, I just didn't get the recommendation in advance, is it easy for me?

Others had no objection to Wang Wei's arrangement. After all, knowing more about the opponent would increase the chances of winning. Although the few present should not be eliminated when entering the top 32, there is always a chance of something happening, so it is better to be prepared in advance.

Even Zhou Yuan, who is the strongest, adheres to the principle of stability. Stability is the main thing in everything, and the higher the winning rate, the better.

So, after lunch, the group sat in a row and listened to Wang Wei's analysis of the players who advanced from the elimination round and their elves one by one.

As for the evening, it was the training time for the four people to train the elves. At this time, increasing the amount of training temporarily would not improve the immediate combat power of the elves much. On the contrary, it might affect the combat power of the elves due to excessive training. Trainers never follow the idea of ​​cramming at the last minute, so everyone only conducted basic training for their own elves.

Time slipped away inadvertently, and two and a half days passed in a blink of an eye. The time displayed on the electronic calendar also became 21:30 on December 21, 2022.

Familiar conference room, familiar five people, familiar hot pot, barbecue, and night beer!

As always, Wang Wei would not say anything nonsense like "work hard" the night before the game. It would be better for everyone to relax, have fun, and welcome the next day's game with a good attitude.

Five beer glasses were raised high and collided with each other, and the spilled beer also announced the end of the day.

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