After lunch and a nap, Zhou Yuan followed Liu Yongming to the lawn.

"I taught you theoretical knowledge in the morning, and now it's time to teach you practical combat. Don't think that as a trainer, you can stand behind the Pokémon safely and comfortably when fighting. That is a standard battle with rules. When you encounter an enemy in the wild and want to fight in the wild, the enemy will not follow these rules with you. He will only attack you directly in various ways, injure you or even kill you. After all, the trainer is the core of the Pokémon. Once the core is broken, the Pokémon without command will not be a problem."

Liu Yongming also began to show Zhou Yuan the physical evidence.

"See the scar on my face? It was left by the battle six years ago."

"So don't take it lightly when you are in the wild. Even if the other party wants to fight you with rules and restrictions, you must be careful not to be attacked by the other party."

"Especially the elf hunters, they catch elves for money, they can do anything for money, they are fierce and brutal, especially the female hunter named J, I fell into her hands that year."

"Hunter J..." Zhou Yuan felt that the name was familiar. He vaguely remembered that in the animation plot of his previous life, she caught the attention of the Three Holy Mushrooms, and finally she and the elf Tyrannosaurus were sunk into the pond by the Three Holy Mushrooms.

Liu Yongming continued,

"Remember, Xiao Yuan, when you encounter an enemy, run away if you can't beat it. It's not shameful to run away. If you lose your life, you lose everything."

"Uncle Liu, I remember it."

Zhou Yuan was a little moved. This was the most important warning given to the younger generation by an elder after experiencing life and death.

"Okay, that's enough of the small talk. Just keep it in mind. Next is the actual combat training. Xiao Yuan, don't blame uncle for being cruel. Don't worry, I will be careful and won't let you hurt for too long."

"Come on, stand up, let's practice together."

After saying that, Liu Yongming stood up from the lawn and hooked his finger at Zhou Yuan.

Although Zhou Yuan had obtained the skill [Fighting Mastery Lv4] from the ten consecutive draws, he had never really practiced it. No one knew how well this body that had never been trained in actual combat could perform this skill. Zhou Yuan himself was a little nervous.

However, since Uncle Liu had taken the initiative to teach me fighting skills, I couldn't escape. I just took this opportunity to truly master the skills.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan also stood up.

The two stood five meters apart and took positions for each other. Dahong didn't bring Gouzi and Xiaoka to train anymore, and came to watch their trainer beat up his son's trainer.

"Come on, kid. I'll let you attack first. I'm afraid you won't be able to catch me."

Liu Yongming hooked his finger at Zhou Yuan again.

"Uncle Liu, I won't be polite then."

Zhou Yuan rubbed his hands and rushed to Liu Yongming's face. When Zhou Yuan moved, he realized that the change brought by the skill was from the inside out. It was not just a simple martial arts secret book in his brain, but also a certain strengthening of his body, so that he could perform the movements in his mind very smoothly. The whole set of movements was smooth and smooth.

Liu Yongming looked at Zhou Yuan rushing towards him, and couldn't find his flaws for a while, as if Zhou Yuan had protected his own weaknesses when sprinting. No matter where he attacked, he could react and defend in time.

So he took a classic fighting stance, with his legs shoulder-width apart, standing one in front of the other, his right hand in front of his face, his body slightly bent to protect his waist and ribs, and his left fist tentatively threw a straight punch, trying to disrupt Zhou Yuan's rhythm and force him to reveal his flaws.

After approaching Liu Yongming, Zhou Yuan also made the same stance as Liu Yongming. When facing Liu Yongming's straight punch, his legs were slightly bent, his body slightly sank and tilted to the left, dodging Liu Yongming's fist while throwing a backhand straight punch to Liu Yongming's left waist and abdomen exposed by the punch.

Liu Yongming was a little surprised to see Zhou Yuan dodge and launch an effective counterattack in such a short time. He immediately changed his fist into a palm, using his elbow as the center of the circle to slap Zhou Yuan's right elbow from the inside out.

Zhou Yuan was hit on the soft part by Liu Yongming's big hand like a palm leaf fan. Although he made the next step in time when the attack was interrupted, the pain still made him gasp.

"It hurts so much."


Yuan's right elbow was hit, interrupting his attack, but he also took advantage of the gap when Liu Yongming's left hand was not retracted to change his moves. While turning his palm up, he pushed the second joints of his index and middle fingers outwards, and hit Liu Yongming's left hand with an uppercut.

"This kid is interesting."

Liu Yongming's left hand felt numb, and he quickly retracted his left hand to protect his face and chest. At the same time, he pushed the ground with his right leg, using his left leg as the core and support point, twisting his knees and hips to swing his right leg like a whip, and a low whip kick swept Zhou Yuan's thigh.

Liu Yongming did not dare to kick Zhou Yuan's head and waist with a high whip kick or a medium whip kick, fearing that Zhou Yuan would not catch it or he would not control the strength well and kick him.

Zhou Yuan was also startled by Liu Yongming's whip kick with a sound of breaking wind. If this kick was real, he might get swollen. For his own personal safety, Zhou Yuan stepped back a little with his right leg to stabilize himself, raised his left leg, and greeted Liu Yongming's whip kick with his left knee.

The legs and knees collided, making a muffled "peng" sound. The airflow caused by the collision made the grass around the two people crouch down. Although Zhou Yuan blocked the whip kick, the huge force from his legs still made him tilt his body. For such an obvious flaw, Liu Yongming did not launch another attack. With the previous fight, Liu Yongming thought he had already explored Zhou Yuan's foundation.

Liu Yongming has been a police officer for more than ten years and has seen everything, but he has never seen this scene before. This kid who has not even graduated from high school can actually fight back and forth with him. Although he did not use his full strength, even with the strength he showed, he was able to fight back and forth with Hao Li. Looking back, he could fight against Guai Li and not lose.

"Alright, alright, alright, no need to continue fighting. I have a rough idea of ​​your strength."

Seeing Liu Yongming put away his posture, Zhou Yuan also relaxed and gently rubbed his right elbow and left knee.

Looking at Zhou Yuan's movements, Liu Yongming shook his head and said:

"Your biggest problem now is here. Your combat awareness and on-the-spot reaction are very good, and you can judge what you need to do next in time, but at the same time, your ability to withstand blows and the speed of your attack are a bit poor. Logically speaking, such combat awareness can only be formed after years of fighting, but you are really a strange flower."

"Although the movements look smoother, the speed of strength and the ability to withstand blows are like they have never been trained."

"Don't be afraid of you being proud. Your combat awareness and reaction are almost the same as mine. When I was your age, I was still a child who knew nothing."

"I probably know how to carry out the next training. I will conduct practical training every day to help you maintain your touch and Awareness, but also can help you train your ability to resist blows, in addition, you need to prepare props to train your speed and strength. "

"In the future, morning jogging is also necessary, which can effectively train your ability to fight for a long time. Even if you don't fight, you run faster and the probability of surviving in danger will be higher. "

"In addition to these trainings, you also need to conduct practical training in Pokémon battles. Although you have a lot of theoretical knowledge, you haven't experienced a real Pokémon battle for so many years, so you always have to try it. In the future, I will take a little time every day to command Xiaoka to fight with you to help you train your practical ability. "

Zhou Yuan listened to Liu Yongming's words without saying anything, because he knew that Uncle Liu's experience was always richer than his own, and he didn't know how to train, so he simply followed Uncle Liu's arrangements.

Time flew to seven days later. During these seven days, Zhou Yuan followed Liu Yongming for morning jogging every day. In the morning, he received various knowledge about trainers, and in the afternoon, he carried out strength and speed training, supplemented by actual combat and Pokémon battles.

During these seven days, Zhou Yuan's father and mother also came to see their son. When they saw their son learning under Liu Yongming's guidance, they couldn't stop laughing. They pulled Liu Yongming aside. Zhou Yuan vaguely heard words such as "Don't feel bad" and "Practice hard", and he doubted whether he was his biological son.

The effect of these seven days of training was very significant. Zhou Yuan's strength and speed of attack were significantly improved, and his endurance was also increased. On the seventh day of actual combat, Zhou Yuan could even fight back and forth with Liu Yongming who was using 80% of his strength. Zhou Yuan's relationship with Growlithe became closer. Zhou Yuan became more familiar with Growlithe, and Growlithe became more dependent on his trainer and could respond to the trainer's command in a very timely manner.

On the third day of these seven days, in order to earn Growlithe

In order to earn money for his son’s living expenses, Zhou Yuan released his third video: Art is to defend against poison! [Elf Tactics 03], which had a playback volume of over 2 million on the fifth day, completing the two tasks of over 2 million single video playbacks and over 5 million cumulative video playbacks at one time. He also obtained the purple item, the learning device, and 1,500 energy points, which greatly relieved the pressure on Zhou Yuan’s small treasury.

During these days, Zhou Yuan fed his tree fruits and energy blocks, and under Dahong’s careful teaching, especially after wearing the learning device in the last three days, he learned several new skills from Dahong, and Gouzi’s strength improved by leaps and bounds. At least now Xiaoka can no longer beat Gouzi, even with Liu Yongming’s command.

"System, scan the dog and show me my current resource panel."


[Level: Normal]

[Features: Intimidation]

[Moves: Spark, Howl, Bite, Flame Wheel, Help, High-Speed ​​Movement, Flash Charge, Morning Light, Double Kick, Close Combat, Crunch, Play, Spirit Fang, Lightning Fang, Hold]

[Host's current energy points: 960 points]

[Host's current skills: Combat Mastery Lv4]

[Host's current items: Fire Stone, Fire Gem, Learning Device Precious Ball, Poké Ball, Peach Fruit]

Other tree fruits and energy cubes purchased by Anton were fed to the dog. Among them, the energy cube was the main reason that prompted the dog to reach the normal level so quickly. Among the tree fruits, the sand scale fruit increased the dog's speed, and the waist wood fruit increased the dog's ground resistance.

Judging from the panel attributes alone, the current dog has the appearance of an emperor.

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