The weather is getting hotter and hotter in August, but the good thing about the Elf World is that except for some special areas, other areas will not have extremely high temperatures. The temperature in Shuangqing City is still acceptable at this time. On the afternoon of August 1st, Zhou Yuan finished a day of training and dragged his tired body back to the room. Just after lying on the bed and taking a breath, Zhou Yuan took out his mobile phone and took a look at his fans. It has exceeded 500,000. Then came the system prompt sound:

[Congratulations to the host for breaking through 500,000 fans, energy points +1000]

[Host's current energy points: 1960 points]

[Now issuing tasks: Please start a live broadcast within three days, and issue task rewards according to the popularity of the live broadcast room

The live broadcast room has a popularity of more than 100,000, and reward 500 energy points

The live broadcast room has a popularity of more than 500,000, and reward 1,000 energy points

The live broadcast room has a popularity of more than 1 million, and reward 2,000 energy points, a random Lv3 skill

The live broadcast room has a popularity of more than 2 million and above, and reward 3,000 energy points, a random golden prop]

Zhou Yuan looked at these rewards, his eyes were red, in his opinion, this is not a task, but the energy block production Lv4 waving to him.

The problem is, I have never live broadcasted before, how can I live broadcast? Even if the live broadcast is launched, how can it attract popularity?

After much thought, Zhou Yuan decided to record another tactical video, and then take advantage of the rising popularity of the tactical video to release a dynamic preview of his live broadcast time, and finally attract a large number of fans and viewers to watch.

Just as Zhou Yuan was conceiving and perfecting his live broadcast plan, Liu Yongming knocked on the door and walked in.

"Xiao Yuan, Uncle Liu wants to tell you something. Do you know the Warm Pig Cup competition held in Shuangqing City in early August every year? This is a competition specifically for novice trainers. The reason for setting it up in August is also to allow novice trainers to have a month to train their initial Pokémon."

"I know this competition. Uncle Liu wants me to sign up for it?" Zhou Yuan thought that this competition could be done. After all, it was necessary to obtain energy points. Is energy point a thing? Of course not, for the sake of energy points.

"No, it's not that I want you to sign up for the competition, but I have already signed you up." Liu Yongming took out a contestant certificate, on which Zhou Yuan's name was written.

Zhou Yuan was also a little confused. He didn't know the process and final rewards of this competition yet, but Uncle Liu had already registered for him.

Seeing that the notice was in place, Liu Yongming left Zhou Yuan's room with a sentence "The player certificate has been given to you. The competition will start in seven days. Remember to participate."

Turning on the computer, Zhou Yuan began to search for relevant information about the Nuannuan Pig Cup.

The competition system of the Nuannuan Pig Cup is mainly based on the elimination competition. The computer assigns the players, and they fight in pairs to finally compete for the top eight, the top four, and the champion, runner-up and third place.

The rewards of this year's Nuannuan Pig Cup are richer than in previous years. You can get a large number of elf coins and energy cubes, as well as shopping cards for friendly stores under Devon Company. The amount is the same as the bonus, and you can choose items in the friendly stores at the purchase price.

In addition to these rewards, the top eight of the Nuannuan Pig Cup will also directly enter the top sixty-four of the "Little Yan Emperor Cup" competition for novices in the southwest area of ​​Yanhuang area as the seeded players of Shuangqing City.

The "Little Flame Emperor Cup" is a competition for rookie trainers jointly organized by Shuangqing City and Yundian City and several other cities in the southwest region. It is held once a year, and the rewards are very generous each time.

The top eight in the competition can get a Pokémon egg provided by the cities in the southwest region. Last year's competition even had a Pokémon egg of the initial form of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Baby Dragon.

Although it is not certain whether there will be a Quasi-God Cub Pokémon Egg this year, even if it is uncertain, the number of applicants this year will increase.

The "Little Flame Emperor Cup" usually starts in mid-December.

Just as Zhou Yuan was searching for relevant information, the system popped up again.

[Now issuing a task: Please ask the host to get into the top eight in the Nuannuan Pig Cup competition, and the final reward will be determined by the final ranking.

After completing this task, the second ring of the task will be opened]

"Another task has come. This time the task does not say how much the reward is, only that the final ranking is determined. It is also a serial task. I think the reward will not be too little."

After checking the relevant information and system requirements again, Zhou Yuan temporarily put this matter aside. After all, there are still seven days before the competition

But the live broadcast task only has three days to go. In these three days, it would be best to finish and upload the video today. However, it is almost six o'clock now, and it may be eleven o'clock when the review is completed. The video will probably only be popular tomorrow. After the video becomes popular tomorrow, I will post a dynamic announcement that I will be live broadcasting the day after tomorrow. This is already my best effort. In the end, how popular the live broadcast room can be depends on how popular my video can be.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan began to think about the tactics of this video again. After all, only tactics that are dirty enough... (crossed out) exciting enough can attract more viewers.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Yuan opened the virtual battle and screen recording, and the familiar opening words were again:

"Hello, audience friends, I am A Yuan who teaches you how to fight Pokémon. Today I will bring you two sets of tactical systems. As we all know, the Joy sisters in the Pokémon Center are very hard-working. They have to take care of sick Pokémon and sometimes have to deal with ignorant trainers making trouble. So today I will develop two sets of tactical systems around the most commonly used Pokémon in the Pokémon Center. Next, please introduce our protagonist."

After speaking, Zhou Yuan opened the team editor and added Jigglypuff to the team.

"I guess some viewers have guessed today when I introduced it. The protagonist of today's video is Jigglypuff, but many viewers will definitely have questions, what is the use of your Jigglypuff? "

"Admittedly, Jigglypuff's output is indeed very limited, but it does not mean that Jigglypuff cannot participate in the battle, especially when medical staff face personal threats, a Jigglypuff that can fight and knows how to fight is very important."

"Without saying much, I will directly click to start matching...Huh? Today's game was ranked in seconds?"

"Then explain it to the audience in actual combat."

Entering the battle screen, the pink and chubby Jigglypuff stood on the field and swayed rhythmically, and the opponent sent an artificial cell egg.

At this time, Cattleya, who was far away in her castle in the Unova region, was also a little confused when she saw the Jigglypuff on the screen, and Wanlong beside her asked directly:

"Jigglepuff? The opponent used Jigglypuff to fight? What did he think?"

"I don't know either." Cattleya shook her head. Just as she was about to command the artificial cell egg to use skills, a pile of rocks hit her head, which directly hit her words back. Looking at her own Pokémon, she was already in a state of shrinking.

In the next game screen, the artificial cell egg was constantly hit on the head by rockfalls. It can only be said that the strength of Jigglypuff was really touching. Even after hitting the artificial cell egg more than 20 times, there was still no circle.

Cattleya's forehead was bulging with veins. She couldn't even take back the Pokémon. The artificial cell egg had been buried by the stone, and the red light shot out by the Poké Ball could not lock its position at all.

Seeing that Cattleya's pressure was getting lower and lower, Wanlong hurriedly comforted her:

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, it's not worth it, it's okay, you can rotate after the cell egg is out, and you can kill the opponent when you rotate."

With Wanlong's comfort, Cattleya gradually relaxed, until the artificial cell egg was killed by the Jili Egg, Cattleya rotated to Mengmeng Eclipse, and once again faced the rock collapse and fell into fear.

Cattleya's pressure directly fell below the bottom line, and her mental power surged out like a substance. With a "peng", the computer smoked. Without the interference of the game, Cattleya felt much more comfortable.

Zhou Yuan was still explaining here.

"Because our Jigglypuff is faster than the opponent, we can attack first, but I don't know why the opponent doesn't switch to a faster Pokémon, a slow space team? Hey, is the opponent... disconnected?"

"Ahem, you can see that with my exquisite timing of Rockfall, the opponent couldn't bear the humiliation and disconnected directly."

"This is the first tactic I want to introduce to you today, Tianen Rockfall Jigglypuff. The principle is actually the same as Tianen Pokémon's ability to achieve multiple flinchings by relying on Air Slash. The concept of relying on Tianen's special ability to make the additional effects of skills effective. The probability of rockfall is doubled, and rockfall has a high probability of causing flinching. After this doubling, there is a high probability of multiple flinching. "

"Of course, since the power of Jigglypuff is not strong, this tactic is just an entertainment tactic. But when the medical staff are facing someone making trouble, this tactic will have a miraculous effect. It can effectively control the troublemakers and elves, and because Jigglypuff's low physical attack will not cause too much damage, it is indeed a good way to control people. "

"This is the end of this entertainment lineup for the first time. Next is Jigglypuff's second tactic. "

Zhou Yuan was matched with another opponent, and the ID was the same as the opponent from the previous game.

"Hey, it's this guy again. If the opponent didn't change the lineup, I would have lost two points in a row today."

In Hezhong, Cattleya changed the computer and started the game again with the encouragement of Wanlong, but her face turned black after matching with the same person. Wanlong on the side hurriedly said:

"It's okay, it's okay. Didn't we put the fast Miss Goth in the first place this time? It's difficult for the opponent to shrink back continuously like in the last battle."

Enter the battle screen...

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