The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

In the battle scene, seeing the opponent sending out the pink egg-shaped elf again, Cattleya almost bit her silver teeth to pieces.

Fortunately, this time, the faster Miss Goth was sent out, and the opponent must feel the pain.

With the will of revenge, Cattleya began to command:

"Miss Goth, use mental power."

In the game screen, a huge pink and purple super energy wave hit the Jigglypuff, stirring up clouds of dust.

And Jigglypuff patted the dust on his belly, still happy.

Mental power caused extremely weak damage to Jigglypuff!

Under Zhou Yuan's command, Gilgamesh also used shrinking. Gilgamesh in the game screen clasped his hands together and shrank by half with a "ber" sound.

Cattleya then remembered that Gilgamesh's special defense was extremely high, and using Miss Goth was undoubtedly a waste of effort, so she decisively chose to rotate:

"Go, Aledo."

Taking advantage of the opponent's rotation, Gilgamesh shrank by half again under Zhou Yuan's command.

"Aledo, use Tile Break!"

A light blade condensed from Aledo's right arm and slashed at Gilgamesh's head. According to Gilgamesh's weak physical defense, once it hits, it will basically be killed instantly.

In a flash, the light blade slid down Gilgamesh's belly. After shrinking twice, Gilgamesh's dodge has reached a very high level.

And because this Tile Break failed, Gilgamesh was almost full of blood and shrunk three times to stack up the dodge.

Why is it almost full of blood? Because I had received a spiritual power scraping before.

"It's okay, it's okay. It doesn't matter if you miss once. With the physical resistance of Jigglypuff, it will be killed instantly if it is hit once." Wanlong began to comfort her bestie and told her not to worry.

Cattleya didn't say anything, but nodded with gritted teeth.

Zhou Yuan was also explaining the essence of this tactic:

"The most important thing about this tactic is to shrink. Shrinking can greatly improve the elves' dodge ability. After all, it is really not easy for others to hit you when you become smaller."

"This tactic also has disadvantages. When the opponent uses range skills such as earthquake or surf, you can't dodge. You will be flooded in a snap, and shrinking will not be of much use. Another weakness is that Jigglypuff's physical resistance is very low. Once it is hit by a physical skill, it may be killed instantly."

"Now the opponent should not replace Aledo, but will continue to use tile splitting to attack our Jigglypuff. Although Jigglypuff's dodge has been greatly improved, Many, but it is not completely invisible, but as long as the other person hit once, the previous reduction will be in vain. "" But! What about the fast speed knocking down the other party's elves? "" And the answer lies in this skill, auspicious eggs, use the earth to cast! For us to survive this time, victory is us. "In the next time, Zhou Yuan directed Geely egg to escape several attacks. By the way, he also gave Ai Lu Lei the earth and voted twice. Finally, he fell behind Ai Lu Le Duo again, and he never got up again. "Calm down, calm down, Cattleya, you must stay calm, don't worry." Wanlong looked at Cattleya, whose face was getting more and more gloomy, and comforted her:

"It's just a game, it's all a game, don't take it too seriously, it's just a small problem. Is there only one Pokémon in your team that uses physical skills as the main output skill? There are others that can always knock down the opponent's Jigglypuff."

After hearing Wanlong's words, Cattleya's face became much better, and she sent out the only remaining physical output player in the team.

"Kangjin" Metagross fell to the ground with its limbs, stirring up a cloud of dust.

"Oh! The opponent chose to use Metagross, and I don't know if this Metagross has the move of Earthquake. If it has it, this battle may be in danger."

In Unova, although Cattleya also wanted Metagross to use Earthquake, she did not choose this skill during the pre-match preparation stage, so she could only helplessly

Command Metagross to use the Iron Head skill to maximize the benefits.

In the game screen, Metagross's limbs contracted, and streams of light flowed out of its head. It crashed into the belly of Jigglypuff, knocking Jigglypuff over.

"Hit?!" / "This hit me?!"

The former was said by Cattleya with a hint of surprise, and the latter was said by Zhou Yuan with a hint of surprise.

But the next moment Zhou Yuan regained his composure, and Jigglypuff patted his belly and climbed up from the ground in the game screen.

"It's the Evolution Stone. I brought the Evolution Stone to Jigglypuff, which is an item that can effectively improve the double defense of the elves in the non-final evolution stage. With only the Metagross, my Jigglypuff can't be killed. Jigglypuff, use the egg!"

Jigglepuff in the game screen ate the egg it laid and restored its health to a safe level.

In the subsequent battles, Metagross never touched the Eggman again, and after being hit by four Earth-shots, its eyes began to spin in circles.

Metagross can’t rise again!

At the moment when Metagross fell, the second computer in Cattleya’s house also failed to survive, following the footsteps of its brother.

"The opponent has disconnected again?" Zhou Yuan was a little surprised. "This opponent's psychological endurance is not good. How could he disconnect just now?"

"Let's not talk about the opponent. Let me introduce this tactic to the audience. The whole tactic uses shrinking as the core skill. By shrinking, it increases its own dodge ability, and then outputs through various skills. In addition to throwing on the earth, it can also cause a lot of damage through skills such as poison that continuously damage blood."

"In view of the fact that wild Jili eggs are relatively rare in reality, here I recommend its lower-level replacement: Mud."

"Although Mud is not the only Pokémon that can learn to shrink, it has excellent dual defense, high energy, and relatively high physical attack attributes. It also has fewer attributes that are restrained. Although it does not have the skill of laying eggs to recover blood, it can also recover blood by carrying black silt. The key is that it is widely distributed. Now the audience may see a few Muds in the sewers. The breeding cost is also low. It can survive by feeding garbage, which is very cost-effective. In addition , stinky mud can also implement the substitute defense poison tactic, which I also talked about in the last video. Two tactics for one elf, no matter how you think about it, it is not a loss. "

"Today's video ends here. It is enough to play two materials. After all, this entertainment lineup is still a bit difficult to play in the current segment."

"The original intention of making this video is to reduce the pressure on our medical staff and enable them to have a certain self-protection ability when facing danger. At the same time, I also hope that the audience who sees this video will go to the elf center to seek treatment for their elves in the future. They should also be polite to the medical staff and not add trouble to their work. I am A Yuan, see you in the next video. In addition, I am preparing to start a live broadcast recently, which is estimated to be in the next few days. Please pay more attention to my dynamic information if you want to watch it. Thank you. "

After finishing recording and uploading the video, Zhou Yuan found that it was still early, and it was not even seven o'clock. He simply began to study the two games he was going to face. Why two games? Because Zhou Yuan was confident that he would definitely be able to enter the quarterfinals of the Nuannuan Pig Cup, and then directly report to the top 64 of the Little Yan Emperor Cup.

Just as Zhou Yuan was working late into the night to study the competition system and think about how to improve the strength of Growlithe, Meng Boguang received a push from Station A: The blogger you follow has updated: Jigglypuff also has a future [Elf Tactics 04]

Looking around and finding nothing to do, he simply clicked on A Yuan's video. At this moment, only half an hour after the video was released, it has already had more than 50,000 views, and there are thousands of barrages and comments.

As soon as the video was loaded, a barrage came:

"Grandpa, the up master you follow has finally updated!"

Followed by other barrages:

"Jigglepuff also has a future? What can Jigglypuff do? I will eat my computer if I can make a tactical video with Jigglypuff as the core today."

"Brother in front, don't run! You were there last time for Bugs Like Dragons! I haven't eaten your last one yet!"

The video starts with A Yuan's introduction, a traditional art.

As A Yuan continued his introduction, the barrage also asked in response to his words, "What's the use of your Jigglypuff?"

The following lined up with "Good morning, danyan".

As the battle unfolded and deepened, the barrage changed from the initial "???" to "hiss...", and finally changed back to "???" in an extremely uniform manner.

"A Yuan, please be a human being, this is too dirty"

"You've already disconnected the opponent, and you still...

Don't you realize it? That's not how a real trainer fights! "

"It's better to give the opponent a quick death. After so long, it's understandable that he pulled the plug."

Meng Boguang watched the battle and felt his gums ache. This was too dirty.

"How could it be so dirty? How did Growlithe end up with such a master? He won't raise a Growlithe with dirty tactics as the core in the future, right? Probably not?" Thinking about it, Meng Boguang shuddered.

The second tactic followed closely. When the second person was matched, the barrage was full of "Hahahahahahahaha".

"Why is it this person again? It's too miserable. This time I encountered the underworld system again. I guess the opponent wants to hit the wall. ”

“Yuan, be a decent person. You can’t just grab one sheep and fleece it.”

After the battle began, as Miss Gothic used a mental power to scrape the skin of Chandler, the comments became more and more joyful.

“You made me laugh.”

“I’m scraping it.”

When Chandler used the Earth Throw, the comments began to complain that Yuan’s heart was too dirty.

Until the opponent disconnected again, the comments completely turned into a sea of ​​joy.

“Hahahaha, I’m dying of laughter.”

“The opponent has shut himself up.”

“You disconnected twice. Do you know how much damage this is to a trainer?”

There are still some rational comments:

“Don’t just laugh. Yuan was already ranked in the top 50 in virtual battles at the beginning of the video recording. In this segment, except for those big guys who make a living by live streaming, almost all trainers are gym owners and kings. This tactic can disconnect all trainers of this level, which is enough to prove its strength. ”

“yysy Indeed, A Yuan is not some gym owner, right?”

“The one in front is a little bolder, maybe he is a superstar.”

“What nonsense are you talking about, which superstar is proficient in both insect and poison?”

“Aju from Kanto? Doesn’t he have a moth? Could it be a pseudonym he created? "

Seeing these comments, Meng Boguang laughed out loud. You can guess, guess, no matter how hard you think, you can't think of it. He is just a high school student, not even an adult. When he thought that only he knew this information, Meng Boguang even felt a little proud.

In the heated discussion of the comments, Zhou Yuan recommended the stinky mud as a lower-level alternative.

"Thank you for the blogger's advice, go to the sewer to catch the stinky mud now"

"Don't go, the smell is simply unbearable, I just came back from the smoke"

"I'm from the Rockets. The organization just released a stinky mud today. I didn't like it at first, but after seeing the blogger's video, I hugged it and kissed it hard twice"

"Brothers don't have to have such a strong taste"

"The Rockets, open the door and check the water meter"

"This video is for medical staff, please stop going off topic."

Finally, the video ended amidst a barrage of "Ah, emptiness..."

After watching the video, Meng Boguang went to the comments section and found that someone had tagged Aju in the comments section. He shook his head and stopped paying attention to it. Meng Boguang began to think about whether he could also add elves like shrinking or guarding poison to his team?

Late at night, Aju's dynamic reposted this video and replied to the question raised by someone who tagged him: This is not my vest, the video blogger is someone else.

This repost undoubtedly pushed the video to the forefront. After all, it allowed a superstar to prove his innocence. A large number of A station users flocked to this video to see who it was.

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