After thinking about it, Zhou Yuan still couldn't make up his mind.

But it doesn't matter!

As the saying goes, when you are undecided, you can ask the spring breeze (crossed out) or Wang Wei (correct answer) about quantum mechanics (crossed out).

Zhou Yuan cast his eyes on Wang Wei, who was sipping tea and observing the reactions of several students.

At this time, Wang Wei was sipping tea and observing the reactions of several students. After all, the current choice is related to their future. As a teacher, he can only give them some advice when they need help, but he cannot forcibly interfere with their choices. Let the future be in the hands of these children themselves.

And he, who was blowing away the hot steam from the cup of noodles, naturally saw Zhou Yuan's gaze on him, and immediately stood up and walked towards Zhou Yuan.

"What's wrong? Are you confused about the choice of school?"

"It's like this. I don't know which one to choose between Kyoto Elf University and Magic City Elf University. After all, I don't know much. Does Wang Jiao have any ideas?"

After listening to Zhou Yuan's words, Wang Wei fell into silence for a rare time.

For him, Magic City Elf University is a place that carries his four years of memories. At that time, he was full of vigor and thought that being admitted to Magic City Elf University would be the starting point of the future highlight, but he never thought that it would be the end of the highlight.

After being admitted to Magic City Elf University, the young Wang Wei realized that the gap between him and the real genius was a chasm. No matter how hard he and his elves tried, it was difficult to surpass. In the end, he barely graduated as an elite trainer, and after so many years of graduation, he was still wasting time at the elite level.

After calming down his emotions and putting away his memories, Wang Wei began to help Zhou Yuan analyze the pros and cons.

"The teaching quality, faculty and resource allocation of Magic City Elf University and Kyoto Elf University are actually similar. The biggest difference is that the two schools are located in different cities. Kyoto Elf University is located in the political center of Yanhuang area, which has a strong official atmosphere. Studying there will allow you to have more contact with the official system. If you want to pursue a career in politics in the future, Kyoto is undoubtedly the best choice for you."

"Then there is Magic City Elf University. The city where it is located is the economic center of Yanhuang area. Relatively speaking, the resources available are better and the academic atmosphere is stronger. If you want to do academic research or take the orthodox path of a trainer in the future, , I personally recommend you to go to Magic City Elf University. "

"Of course, the above are my personal opinions. My suggestion is that you can go to these two schools in person to see the actual situation before making a decision. Anyway, there is no rush for the recommendation. Just make a decision one month before the college entrance examination."

"Besides, when we discussed before, didn't you also say that you wanted to go out and see before the college entrance examination? Take this opportunity to visit these two schools. After combining the actual situation, make the final choice according to your wishes. "

Wang Wei said, Zhou Yuan nodded, and finally he woke up.

Oh, yes, the recommendation is not only effective for a short time. Just sign a contract with the corresponding school before the college entrance examination. Just take advantage of this time to visit these two schools and then make your own decision.

Seeing that Zhou Yuan already had an idea in his mind, Wang Wei also nodded, walked back to his seat and continued to drink the tea cup. When Li Chengqian showed doubts, he stood up and answered his questions.

After collecting his thoughts, Zhou Yuan turned his attention to the documents again. Now that he had made up his mind, there was no need to worry about it anymore.

After he walked up to Principal Wang and told him his idea, Principal Wang also strongly supported it, and even said that all the expenses of Zhou Yuan's trip would be borne by No. 2 Middle School.

Publicly funded travel 2.0

As for the vacation, Principal Wang did not disappoint Zhou Yuan. He approved two months of vacation with a wave of his hand, and said that if there was not enough time, he could just call him and the vacation could be extended. Of course, it could not be later than one month before the college entrance examination, after all, he had to come back to sign the contract.

Zhou Yuan naturally agreed to this with a smile, and even without Principal Wang saying it, Zhou Yuan's own plan was to come back before the Spring Festival and make a decision. After all, this was the first New Year after he traveled through time, and it should have some meaning.

After handing over all matters clearly, Zhou Yuan turned and left

meeting room and walked out of the gate of No.2 Middle School directly.

After walking a distance, Zhou Yuan looked back at the gate. He had a hunch that when he came back next time, it might be another scene.

He stopped a car at the school gate and returned to the villa. Even after going through almost four chapters, it was only noon. Due to his laziness, Zhou Yuan did not choose to cook by himself, but ordered a takeaway.

While waiting for the takeaway, Zhou Yuan called his father and told him about going home for dinner tonight.

He had to call in advance, otherwise it would be embarrassing if he ran out to eat candlelight dinner with these two people.

That night, Zhou Yuan returned home with three elves and an egg. The elves were naturally warmly welcomed by Zhou's father and mother. Even the elf egg of the water leaping fish was asked about his well-being by Zhou's mother through the incubator.

As for Zhou Yuan? Who is he?

At the dinner table, Zhou Yuan told his parents about his next plan and itinerary. After listening quietly, Zhou's father and mother did not stop him, but supported him to do what he wanted to do. Zhou's father immediately took out his mobile phone and transferred 100,000 elf coins to Zhou Yuan as travel expenses. At this moment, Zhou Yuan felt the long-lost fatherly love, which was the taste of money.

PS: This is the end. The next plot is a new chapter. The period of rookie trainers has passed, and the outline is written here.

I don't know if there will be an update tomorrow, so I'll say it in advance. If there is no update, it means that I am beating the outline to make it spit out something, and I'll ask for leave in advance.

Thank you for the free gifts ordered by readers, and I am also very happy for the flowers sent by some readers. Thank you.

As always, I still ask for free gifts and urge for updates. Thank you.

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