The weather was fine, but the weather was fine.

On January 1, 2023, the weather was fine.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Zhou Yuan stepped out of the villa.

Considering that this trip might take a long time, and his lease was about to expire when he came back, Zhou Yuan simply renewed the lease for another six months. After all, after paying the difference in the price of the water-leaping fish elf eggs, Zhou Yuan's remaining money was not enough to support him to buy the villa directly, and Zhou Yuan also felt that the house was a bit small.

Let's not talk about the future, just talk about Zhou Yuan's current elves.

Wind Speed ​​Dog, more than two meters tall, weighs nearly two hundred kilograms, but does not look bloated, but looks a little sturdy on the basis of Wind Speed ​​Dog's agile posture.

Gyarados is more than seven meters long, with a cylindrical body with a diameter of about one meter at the thinnest part, and weighs more than three hundred kilograms. Like Arcanine, although its size and weight exceed the average level of similar Pokémon, it does not look bloated. On the contrary, due to long-term training, its body looks very symmetrical and beautiful, but no matter how beautiful it is, it cannot change the fact that this guy is still a very large heap even when squatting.

Let’s not talk about Mimikyu, a little guy, not even as tall as Zhou Yuan’s calf, and does not take up much space. Instead, the various rag covers that Zhou Yuan prepared for it took up several of Zhou Yuan’s wardrobe grids.

The last Pokémon is the Water Leap Fish, which is still in the Pokémon egg state. There are three stages in the evolution chain. The Water Leap Fish in the first stage is okay, with an average height of only 0.4 meters and a weight of less than ten kilograms. The Swamp Leap Fish in the second stage is also okay, with a height of no more than one meter and a weight of about thirty kilograms.

When it evolves to the third stage, Swampert, its height will exceed 1.5 meters and its weight will reach about 80 to 90 kilograms.

But please note that this is a normal situation. If it is cultivated well, its height and weight will exceed the average line. The most intuitive example is the Swampert of the ground-type king Li Qiqi.

Li Qiqi's height is about 1.5 meters. Logically speaking, her Swampert should be as tall as her, but this is not the case. According to Zhou Yuan's visit to Li Qiqi that day, Li Qiqi is like a child in front of Swampert.

Therefore, it is easy to reversely deduce that her Swampert is about 1.8 meters tall based on Li Qiqi's height, which is a typical height exceeding the average line.

Zhou Yuan is quite confident in his cultivation ability. After all, he has the two skills of Lv.5 energy block production and Qigong. The quality of the energy blocks he produces is definitely far superior to the high-level energy blocks on the market. Even compared with the energy blocks that the owners of various avenues or even the kings go to the energy block masters for private customization, Zhou Yuan's products are not much inferior.

Then, with the support of such excellent breeding ability, Zhou Yuan estimated that the height and size of the giant Swampert he raised would be more exaggerated than that of Li Qiqi.

Let's set a small goal first, two meters in height.

Then, in this case, the house he needs to buy in the future must be big, after all, he must have captured far more elves than these, if the house is not big enough, it may not be enough to live in.

Of course, you can't always go to Zhou's father to get gold coins to buy a big house, so Zhou Yuan waited until he came back from his trip and confirmed that the university got the signing fee and then took out part of it to buy a villa. The requirements were not many, but it must be big.

He took a taxi to a sparsely populated place. Zhou Yuan raised his hand and threw out the healing ball to summon Gyarados. After turning on the dragon, he pointed out the direction of this advance.

Just as Zhou Yuan rode on Gyarados and set off, the video he had recorded in advance and stored in the background of Station A began to upload the first one.

[Iron Claw Lobster: I like to kill people in my dreams! Elf Tactics 15]

This is the first video Zhou Yuan took the time to record in the past few days. Since the trip will last about two months, Zhou Yuan has prepared three other videos in addition to this video.

They are:

[Those who can rotate at high speed and those who can't rotate at high speed are silent... Elf Tactics 16]

[Lizard King: It's impolite to act again Elf Tactics 17]

[Sun Coral: It's my turn to take off this time Elf Tactics 18]

This time, I prepared four videos to cope with the two-month gap in my trip. As for what will happen if I haven't come back after all the videos are posted?

Ha, funny.

That's not a coo.

Can I get through it?

Gyarados took off and flew in the direction Zhou Yuan pointed, and the direction he pointed was northeast.

Yes, the first school Zhou Yuan chose to visit was Kyoto Elf University, located northeast of Shuangqing City.

Take the southwest corner of Shuangqing City as an example, most cities in Yanhuang area are located northeast of it.

Of course, I can't let Gyarados carry me all the way to Kyoto on this trip, otherwise what's the point of this trip?

So, Zhou Yuan's plan is to ride Gyarados on flat terrain, and when approaching mountains or valleys where wild elves may appear, he will wade through step by step.

The main thing is that the flat terrain can be seen at a glance. There are almost no wild elves. Even if there are, they are some little guys at the beginner and novice levels. Zhou Yuan is not bragging. Even if he stands still and lets them attack, they can't hurt him, and there is no training effect for his elves. If he really wants to fight, he still has to go to those larger mountains to find strong elves for a hearty battle.

To be honest, in terms of terrain, the area around Shuangqing City is probably the place with the most mountains in this large area. After all, Shuangqing City has another nickname, called Mountain City.

Since we are all traveling, we must not only travel around Shuangqing City. After all, the destination of this journey is Kyoto.

But fortunately, after Zhou Yuan observed the map, he found that there are still many large mountains along the way, so as not to make this journey lose its true nature.

So, after looking at the map, Zhou Yuan set the first goal of this trip, which is the Daba Mountains in the northeast of Shuangqing City.

Daba Mountains is a mountain range where Shuangqing City borders another city. From a geographical point of view, part of it is still within the territory of Shuangqing City, but it is more than 400 kilometers away from the main urban area of ​​Shuangqing City. Even though Gyarados can fly and Arcanine can run at a faster speed, if we rush into the mountains like this, will the meaning of travel itself be lost?

So, after several hours of flying, Zhou Yuan asked Gyarados to find a place to land, took Gyarados back into the Poké Ball, and strode towards the town in front of him.

Traveling is not only about experiencing beautiful scenery, but also about the local customs and customs encountered during the journey.

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