The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides of the battle were in chaos.

Under the referee's gaze, Senior Brother Wang took off the two Poké Balls on his waist and placed them on the middle line in the middle of the ring, staring at Zhou Yuan at the same time.

With the continuous mobilization of adrenaline, Senior Brother Wang's eyes gradually became sharper, like a lone wolf, ready to pounce on the Poké Balls at any time.

Zhou Yuan also placed the Poké Balls containing Windy Dog and Gyarados on the ground at the middle line.

The party that first gets the Poké Ball and sends Pokémon to participate in the battle will undoubtedly have a huge advantage.

At least that's what Senior Brother Wang thinks.

As for what Zhou Yuan thinks in his heart, who knows.

"Let me reiterate the rules."

The referee, watching Zhou Yuan defeat the entire freshman class, swallowed his saliva and said, "You are not allowed to directly attack the trainer with damaging skills. The first one to defeat any of the opponent's rotating Pokémon or the trainer loses the ability to command is considered the winner..."

"The game--" The referee raised the flag and dropped it suddenly.


At this moment, Senior Brother Wang took the lead and flew towards the Poké Ball in the center of the field, while glancing at Zhou Yuan.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't look at it, but the glance made Senior Brother Wang's eyes almost pop out of his sockets.

Zhou Yuan's movements were faster than he expected, and his hand was almost holding the Poké Ball.

That guy... How could he be so fast!

But then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again.

"Report a little, the victory of this battle will be won by me! Xbat, use Strange Light!"

"No... that's it!" There was a commotion in the audience.

With a "bang", a Poké Ball opened automatically, and the Crossbat automatically released the ball, grinning with a big mouth, and aimed at Zhou Yuan with a strange light that had been charged in advance.

It makes sense. The relationship between the Crossbat and the trainer who evolved through intimacy must be close, and such a relationship can naturally achieve automatic release of the ball.

Senior Brother Wang's original intention was to let Zhou Yuan rush to the Poké Ball before him, and then let the Crossbat hit his face with a strange light. Zhou Yuan, who was in a state of confusion, naturally lost his command ability and won the battle without bloodshed.

Although Zhou Yuan's speed surprised him, the final result was the same... well.

Senior Brother Wang thought so, but what happened next made him open his eyes again (eyeballs: I'm so hard).

Zhou Yuan was surrounded by a layer of pale white gas, and the strange light clearly hit him, but it did not cause any negative effects.

Zhou Yuan sneered, do you think this Lv5 Qigong is a joke to you? What does it mean to be immune to all poisons? (sounding)!

Taking advantage of the moment when the bat just hit the ball and did not get any further, Zhou Yuan, who was wrapped in Qigong, raised his right hand and grabbed the bat's face with a slap, and then pulled it down with force. Although the bat's four wings kept flapping to escape Zhou Yuan's clutches, Zhou Yuan's physical fitness, which had been strengthened many times, had reached a very terrifying level, and he pulled the bat down from mid-air.

Senior Brother Wang, who was still secretly happy, froze his smile on his face, his small eyes were filled with great doubts, and his face was also full of confusion.

Senior Brother Wang was not the only one who felt confused. The referee on the side, the audience in the audience, and even Principal Zhao, who was observing the battle through the monitoring system, widened their eyes.


Ah? ?

Ah? ? ?

What is this? !

It's fine that his body ate the strange light, but now he caught the Crossbat and wouldn't let it go? Is this a human?

Even if he didn't care about other people's emotions, Zhou Yuan still chose to respect the audience and the referee. He didn't throw a Qigong Rasengan at the face of the Crossbat, but threw the Poké Ball of the Windy Dog with his left hand, preparing to let the Windy Dog and the Crossbat have a "fair" Pokémon battle.

Crossbat: Let me go before you say that! Damn it!

Seeing that his Crossbat was about to be beaten by Zhou Yuan and Windy Dog, Senior Brother Wang didn't panic, but hurried to get the Poké Ball of the Crossbat.

Yes, facing such a situation, Senior Brother Wang still made the right choice at the first time.

As long as he got the Poké Ball to take back the Crossbat, and then released it in the sky, with its high mobility, the victory of this battle is still unknown, and he still has a great chance of winning.

As long as... as long as he can get there!

Ideals are beautiful, and reality is just as beautiful as ideals.

Senior Brother Wang got the Poké Ball as he wished, but due to the

It was relatively small, with its face still held in Zhou Yuan's hand, and there was a big Arcanine blocking it from the Poké Ball, so Senior Brother Wang tried to retrieve the Crossbat with the Poké Ball's beam many times but failed.

In this lightning-fast time, Crossbat was also struggling to save itself.

Due to the restrictions of the rules, it cannot use damaging skills on trainers, which is equivalent to breaking one arm of Crossbat. Zhou Yuan was not affected by abnormal state skills under the wrapping of Qigong, which broke the other arm of Crossbat. Therefore, Crossbat could only wave its wings and keep slapping Zhou Yuan's palm and arm, trying to get out of the clutches. From a distance, it even felt a little shy.

Fortunately, it was Crossbat that was caught. If it was Gardevoir, it would probably be a disaster.

Finally, after eating a mental fang from Arcanine, Crossbat seized the opportunity to break free a little, and Senior Brother Wang also took the opportunity to take it back into the Poké Ball.

After taking back the Crossbat, Senior Brother Wang breathed a sigh of relief. It was good to take it back. Although he was almost killed by a Spirit Fang with attribute restraint, at least he could still fight. If he didn't take it back, the Crossbat would be in a circle, and then there would be no fight.

In fact, the situation on the field is now very clear. The Crossbat is in poor condition. If it is touched again, it may lose its combat ability directly. The wind speed dog sent by Zhou Yuan, which has never been seen before, undoubtedly has the strength of the late elite level, which is enough to fight with Senior Brother Wang's other Pokémon and even win the battle, not to mention that Zhou Yuan also has a full-state Gyarados that can Mega Evolve. In terms of paper strength alone, Senior Brother Wang has fallen behind.

But Senior Brother Wang still believes in his ability.

"Isn't the trainer on the other side stronger? Although Batman was caught, it's because he's not strong. I'll hold him back, and Cat Boss will deal with Windy Dog for a while. After Xbat takes a rest, it will automatically play a ball to defeat Windy Dog. The formula for victory is already written!"

With this thought in mind, Senior Brother Wang threw another Poké Ball, and a white light popped out. Cat Boss stretched his soft body and landed lightly.


"Cat, hold the dog on the other side! Whether the food can be improved in the next few months depends on you!"

As the saying goes, people live by food. Under the temptation of delicious food, Cat Boss ignited his fighting spirit and pounced on Windy Dog.

While the cat and dog were fighting over there, Senior Brother Wang twisted his neck and rushed towards Zhou Yuan quickly, ready for a fierce battle between trainers.

Zhou Yuan looked at the Fighting Mastery Lv5 in the skill panel and looked at Senior Brother Wang rushing towards him with a strange look.

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