The two of them were very close.

"Thank you for your kindness, Principal Zhao. I wonder if the bet that Senior Brother Wang mentioned before the game still counts?"

As the saying goes, if you don't take advantage of an opportunity, you're a bastard. In addition, this was something he won fairly. When Zhou Yuan mentioned it, he didn't hesitate at all, and even seemed a little anxious, as if he was worried that he wouldn't give it to him in the end.

But it was this eagerness that filled in the last piece of the puzzle in Vice Principal Zhao's heart. Vice Principal Zhao thought to himself.

"He is indeed a young man. Although he is not weak in strength, he also has a lot of demand for resources. I'm not afraid of you asking for things, I'm only afraid that you don't need them. As long as you are interested, I will use resources to take you down!"

But what Vice Principal Zhao didn't see was the faint smile on Zhou Yuan's lips.

That's right, Zhou Yuan also pretended to be anxious. Although the resources were indeed not small, he didn't seem so anxious as he owned a fruit stand (system:?). All this was performed for Vice President Zhao to make him mistakenly believe that he had a need for resources, so he would give out more resources. This would not only show the strength of Kyoto Elf University, but also improve Zhou Yuan's favor, which would definitely give him an advantage when Zhou Yuan chose a school.

Vice President Zhao obviously didn't expect Zhou Yuan to play tricks on him, and he successfully stepped into the trap Zhou Yuan set for him. In order to improve Zhou Yuan's favor in one go, he decided to increase the cost, because our Vice President Zhao believed in a concept: either don't give gifts, or give them all at once.

Thinking of this, Vice President Zhao said:

"That bet, right? I heard that it's a year's worth of high-level energy blocks or equivalent resources, right?"

At this point, Vice President Zhao pretended to ponder for a while and continued.

"How about this, I see that you are quite capable and modest, I like young people like you, I'll make the decision, the energy blocks of that year will be doubled, and I will personally give you one year's resources, which adds up to three years of advanced energy blocks or equivalent resources, I wonder if you are satisfied with this, Xiao Zhou?"

Although he had been mentally prepared, Zhou Yuan was still somewhat surprised by the wealth of Kyoto Elf University. Three years of resources were indeed quite a lot, and if they were all replaced with other resources, it would lay a solid foundation for Xiao Shuiyueyu, so Zhou Yuan did not hesitate.

"Then I will obey your orders. Thank you, President Zhao."

"Okay, I will accompany you to the warehouse to select resources. Apart from other things, our Kyoto Elf University is even well-known in the world in terms of elf cultivation resources."

Kyoto Elf University is very large, and there are many warehouses for storing cultivation resources. In the process of going to the warehouse with Vice President Zhao to select resources, Zhou Yuan could faintly sense that there was a strong breath hidden in the dark. It was roughly estimated that there were several king-level elves. Once an enemy invaded, they would be hit hard. This kind of alertness is also an additional ability brought by Qigong after it was upgraded to level five.

Under the leadership of Vice President Zhao, Zhou Yuan successfully entered a warehouse. At his special request, Vice President Zhao took him to the warehouse where water and ground resources were stored.

Thanks to the five-level energy block production and Qigong skills, Zhou Yuan is now able to produce high-level energy blocks stably and efficiently. He can even produce higher-quality energy blocks when he is lucky. This quality is called special by Zhou Yuan, and the three little guys often sweep it up as soon as it is made.

Therefore, on this basis, the resources Zhou Yuan chooses will tend to be more sustainable and have a subtle influence on the elves.

Yes, I am talking about attribute gems!

Although Zhou Yuan can also exchange energy points for energy gems at the fruit stall, it is still better to get them for free.

In addition to the water and ground energy gems, Zhou Yuan also took out a mysterious water drop and a bag of soft sand from the safe deep in the warehouse. Although these two props are generally props that enhance the power of moves, elves can also improve their abilities by absorbing the corresponding attribute energy, and the effect is better than attribute gems, but these props are too expensive, and this kind of use is really a waste of money.

"It can't collapse, it can't collapse, the character can't collapse."

After Zhou Yuan finished selecting the resources, although Vice President Zhao felt a little heartbroken, he still silently said in his heart, and took Zhou Yuan out of the warehouse with a smile on his face.

"How is the resource you selected?

Are you satisfied? Do you want to continue to visit our school? Although I have something to do and cannot accompany you later, I can call Xiao Yan over, and you two can be considered to have known each other for a long time. "

Zhou Yuan nodded when he heard this. After all, he just took someone's resources, and he couldn't turn his face like that ruthless scumbag.

Vice Principal Zhao was overjoyed. Since Zhou Yuan was willing to visit the school again, it meant that he had a certain basic good impression of the school and was willing to get to know it in depth. This was the dawn of hope for signing him!

Then it is the same in love life. If the other party is willing to continue chatting with you, it means that at least he does not reject you, and you can continue to get to know each other in depth. Those who don't have a partner can learn from this.

Let's get back to the topic. Initially in When Xiao Yan received the call from Vice Principal Zhao, he was actually reluctant. After all, he also had to train. It would be a fuss to take Zhou Yuan around the school.

But in the end, under the resource offensive promised by Vice Principal Zhao, Xiao Yan showed 100% efficiency and soon appeared in front of Zhou Yuan and the others on a small electric donkey.

"Okay, then it's time for you young people. I have something to do later. You can go around and have a look. With the ID card I just gave you, you can go in and take a look at any place that is not particularly important. I won't say more and waste your time. Go ahead."

"Thank you, Principal Zhao. I'll leave first. ”

After thanking Vice President Zhao for his generosity again, Zhou Yuan turned around and left with Xiao Yan, while listening to Xiao Yan's introduction of what places in Kyoto Elf University were worth visiting.

Watching the two people's backs go away, for some reason, Vice President Zhao suddenly felt like he was throwing meat buns at a dog and never coming back.

In the rest of the day, Zhou Yuan, led by Xiao Yan, visited many places in Kyoto Elf University, such as the skill training room, the Elf Library, and even the breeding house.

As the sunset gradually fell, Zhou Yuan also returned to the gate with Xiao Yan's farewell, and the one-day tour of Kyoto Elf University ended here.

"Okay, then I won't see you off. You should have a place to live, right?" This is what Xiao Yan said.

"You are very strong, and I am convinced that I lost to you, but I will not slack off. The next time we meet, I will definitely win against Platypus and Gengar! "

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Zhou Yuan smiled faintly. Why did he suddenly feel excited?

Stretching out his hand and shaking hands with Xiao Yan, Zhou Yuan spoke.

"Well, my elves and I will wait for you. I hope that next time we meet, you will not be pulled away by me too much."

After saying that, Zhou Yuan turned and left, leaving only a back figure going away in the sunset.

At this time, high up in the interior of Kyoto Elf University, Vice President Zhao, who had finished his work, watched Zhou Yuan gradually go away, and the feeling of being beaten by a meat bun in his heart became stronger.

Watching Zhou Yuan go away, Vice President Zhao turned to his secretary and said:

"Pass my words down, what happened in the school today must not be spread outside for the time being. This kid must not only do this in our school. I want to see the Magic City Elf University bloody! "

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