The old man was very happy.

Under the guidance of Uncle Ba, Zhou Yuan came to a breeding base at the foot of the mountain.

Looking at the large number of buildings with signs indicating their identities, Zhou Yuan silently retracted the thought that "the Demon Breeding House is a bit shabby" that flashed through his mind when he saw the only few buildings in the front yard of the breeding house.

Sure enough, he was too naive. Those buildings in the front yard were just used to receive guests. The real core of the breeding house was the various buildings scattered at the foot of the highest mountain in this simulated environment and the simulated environment where many elves were raised.

Grandpa Ba stopped at the foot of the mountain to catch his breath, and said to Zhou Yuan:

"Although we call it a breeding house, the simulated environment we call a courtyard is more than 4,000 acres, and it also occupies part of the back mountain of our school. Students majoring in breeding, especially sophomores and juniors, often come here for internships."

"There are quite a few students who have deposited their elves here, as well as graduates, faculty and staff, and even other trainers in society. There are quite a few powerful elves in the breeding house alone... Oh? Xiao Liu, have you told me about it? Okay, okay, then follow me."

The last sentence was directed at Zhou Yuan alone, so Director Liu stopped here and watched Zhou Yuan and Grandpa Ba gradually go deeper into the courtyard of the breeding house.

At this moment, Director Liu hoped that Grandpa Ba... No, he hoped that the elves in the breeding house would fight for their courage and try to take down Zhou Yuan.

While going deeper into the courtyard, Grandpa Ba was still talking to Zhou Yuan.

"The cost of raising Pokémon is very high, no less than the cost of training, and sometimes even higher than the cost of training. This is also the fundamental reason for the emergence of breeding houses."

"The reason why several major alliances jointly formulated the 'Six Pokémon Carrying Guidelines' is actually due to this, because once this number is exceeded, trainers are likely to be unable to guarantee the normal breeding of these Pokémon, and then form subjectively unfounded but factually established abuse behaviors."

"In order to prevent the large-scale occurrence of such behavior, coupled with the active needs of some trainers, breeding houses came into being, and in the past few decades of development, other businesses such as Pokémon egg breeding and Pokémon adoption have been expanded. Some breeding houses have transformed to specialize in the breeding and sale of Pokémon eggs. Making money is not shabby."

"Of course, if you are confident in your breeding ability, or have If a little money can cover the increasing breeding costs, it is not uncommon to carry twelve Poké Balls. The most representative one is the champion of the Unova League, Adek. Because his main Pokémon, Vulcan Moth, passed away, and the Unova League could not find a suitable champion-level trainer for a while, he could only continue to bear the responsibility of the champion. At the same time, in order to match the strength, he cultivated a lot of Pokémons. It is said that he carries twelve Poké Balls all year round. "

"Of course, such trainers are a minority after all. If the number of Pokémons exceeds the number of Pokémons carried, trainers will often choose to spend money to deposit them in the breeding house, or entrust them to Pokémon doctors they know. For example, the backyard of Professor Oak is almost entirely entrusted to him by trainers from all over the country."

Uncle Ba really said a lot, and the two gradually went deeper into the courtyard of the breeding house during this time.

Jungles, rivers, grasslands...all kinds of habitats, all kinds of Pokémons, made Zhou Yuan feel a little overwhelmed.

The affectionate Nidorino and Nidorina, the Iron-shelled Kun hanging upside down on the tree branch, the Walking Grass buried in the soil with only the leaves on its head exposed, and the plump and juicy Onion Duck with a fragrant smell... huh?

The Onion Duck, who was taking a nap, felt a murderous aura, pulled out an onion in his sleep and chopped it open. He opened his eyes and looked at the air beside him, feeling as if he had drawn a sword and looked around with a confused heart.

After walking a little further, they came to a small courtyard deep inside, and Uncle Ba spoke:

"When you were distracted before, Xiao Liu had already told me all about you. Although you are not a student of this school yet, to be honest, I admire you very much. Your character and training ability are both excellent, and it is not against the rules to bring you here to have some contact in advance."

"If you fall in love with a Pokémon later, and it is not a starter Pokémon or a quasi-god, which are the top-level cubs in our breeding house, you can take them away directly. After so many years, I can still do this little thing."

"This small courtyard contains the more outstanding cubs in this batch. Although there are stronger ones, their growth paths have basically been formed, which is not suitable for new trainers like you."

As he spoke, Grandpa Ba pushed open the door of the small courtyard and motioned Zhou Yuan to follow him in.

Arriving in front of a rock in the courtyard, Grandpa Ba pointed at a piglet that was constantly hitting the rock and said:

"This Nuan Nuan pig is very aggressive and strong. Although it has a bit of a bad temper, it has inherited the brute force and the ability to make a fuss from its parent, the Damo baboon. Its mother was also carefully nurtured and has several other genetic skills, which are also inherited from this Nuan Nuan pig, including heavy collisions and surprise attacks."

As soon as Grandpa Ba finished speaking, the Nuan Nuan pig raised its head and roared, and then its body suddenly accelerated, smashing the rock directly with a 'bang'!

Zhou Yuan thought about it. It was already uncomfortable enough for a dog to destroy the house. If a piglet came, just thinking about the scene made Zhou Yuan shudder. His face changed slightly and he said:

"Master Ba, I think this warm piglet doesn't seem to be suitable for me."

Master Ba didn't force it. He pointed to two elves that were fighting not far away. They were covered with wounds, a little Charmander and a little Fire Chicken.

"Then take a look at these two. Although they are slightly weaker, they are new elves. After training, their strength will naturally increase. Moreover, they are strong and warlike. I believe that under your training, they will definitely bloom with brilliant flames."

Zhou Yuan imagined the house at home being set on fire by the wind speed dog and the new elves, and sighed and shook his head.

Master Ba also sighed and said, "You are a little late. If you had come earlier, I could have introduced you to a little fire monkey, but it has been adopted by a student named Fang, who is also an excellent student."

"Master Ba, I think the fire system... doesn't seem to be suitable for me now. After all, I already have a wind speed dog, and I have to consider the team more."

This is an excuse!

Zhou Yuan just doesn't want to have another fire attribute Pokémon in the team, that's all.

Fire attribute Pokémon, especially the three fire attribute starters, are all explosive masters. If you are not careful, you can set the house on fire. Zhou Yuan is still young and doesn't want to eat public food for deliberately setting fire.

Hearing Zhou Yuan's words, Master Ba also expressed his understanding.

"In that case, I won't take you to see water-attributed Pokémon. A while ago, a Squirtle that was so strong that it could defeat Onix with a water gun was adopted by a student named Lu. I don't know why the student's smile was a bit forced when he left."

Zhou Yuan thought, how could it be forced? What if Squirtle got excited and fired a water gun at home? Judging from the strength of crushing Onix, it would be a turtle version of the flood.

"Come with me to see the grass-attributed Pokémon."

Saying this, Grandpa Ba took Zhou Yuan to the grove in the small courtyard.

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