The sun was setting before they arrived at the breeding house, and they spent a lot of time in the breeding house.

At this time, the sunset was about to sink into the horizon, and the light seemed a little dim, especially after entering the grove, the dim feeling was even stronger.

Uncle Ba took out a small lantern from his backpack, turned on the switch, and a faint light was emitted to illuminate a small area in front. Under such light, Uncle Ba began to introduce the grass-attributed elves in the woods to Zhou Yuan.

After a while, the two came out of the woods, and what they saw and heard made Zhou Yuan amazed.

The Halili that leaped three feet high and cried out like "Ni Ma" and kept spitting out sweet fragrance, the grass turtle with bloodshot eyes and roaring angrily stomping on the ground, the wood gecko that kept moving and dodging between the bushes, and the knocking monkey that waved two wooden sticks and hit other elves on the head.

Well... how to say it, being able to cultivate gentle grass attribute elves into such a warlike appearance, it can only be said that the breeding house of the Magic City Elf University is worthy of its reputation in the Yanhuang area for its strong fighting will of elves. It can be said that it is well-deserved.

After seeing the elves of two attributes, Zhou Yuan also reacted. These are all the three starter families!

At least there are no elves other than the three starter families in this small courtyard so far. Where can they meet other elves! Can people still choose elves happily!

As if realizing that his intention was too obvious, Uncle Ba coughed twice and said to Zhou Yuan:

"The elves in this small courtyard were specially selected when outstanding students selected the three major families some time ago. They are basically all from the three major families. How about this? Come again tomorrow afternoon and I will see if I can bring all the more promising cubs to you."

Zhou Yuan thought about it. After challenging the Magic City Gym in the morning, he had nothing to do anyway, so he nodded and agreed.

At 7:59 the next morning, Zhou Yuan used Qi to control his body and overcame the coldest day in the Magic City in 30 years as stated in the weather forecast. He stood in front of the gate of the Magic City Water Gym waiting for it to open.

At 8 o'clock, the staff of the Water Gym opened the gate from the inside and were startled by Zhou Yuan standing at the door.

"Hey, little brother, you're here quite early. Come in and avoid the cold. The gym owner won't be here for a while. It's really cold this year."

After Zhou Yuan walked in, the staff lowered the curtain at the door to block the invasion of cold.

The gym with heating turned on was warm inside. Under the guidance of the staff, Zhou Yuan walked through the reception hall to the indoor battle field and sat in the rest area waiting for the water gym owner to come.

Due to the particularity of the water gym itself, the battle field here is a water field, that is, the whole battle field is a pool of water, with several floating platforms floating on the water surface; there is also another battle field with a smaller water surface area and part of the field exposed above the water.

After receiving a series of life-threatening calls from his staff, Bai Canglang, the water gym owner in his thirties with a slicked-back hair and a windbreaker, stepped on the accelerator and rushed to the gym in the shortest time.

After all, it doesn't matter if you're late. Which gym owner hasn't been late before? But if the challenger arrives at the gym before the gym owner, it will be a big problem. Once reported, the performance bonus of the gym owner Bai this year may be deducted. This is secondary. After all, as a gym owner, he does not lack this little money. But if he is criticized for this matter and spreads it to other gym owners, it will be a great shame.

So, after Zhou Yuan waited in the rest area for more than ten minutes, he saw a handsome middle-aged man with a cold air rushing in.

"Where is the challenger? Where is the challenger? Will he report me?"

The man asked in a hurry as soon as he came in.

Hearing his words, Zhou Yuan knew that this was the main person he was looking for this time, so he stood up from the rest area.

The owner of the gym was still thinking about what his subordinates meant by blinking at him without saying anything, and saw a man standing up in the rest area next to him.

As a gym owner, his qualities made him complete the emotional transformation from panic to calmness the moment Zhou Yuan stood up, which amazed Zhou Yuan.

In the past, with the aura of a superior as a gym owner, Zhou Yuan might have been deceived by his appearance of being as majestic as a mountain. However, after seeing his panic when he entered the battlefield, Zhou Yuan did not quite understand what the gym owner meant by reporting, but he still had a lot of respect for him.

There was no fear.

After realizing that his embarrassing state when he first came in had completely caught the young man's attention, Master Bai finally gave up trying to save his reputation. He sighed and said to Zhou Yuan:

"You are the challenger, right? This is the water gym. No matter which badge you challenge, the difficulty will be higher than other gyms. Are you sure you want to continue the challenge? Don't let your elves suffer unnecessary harm just because you didn't do a clear investigation beforehand."

Hearing Master Bai's words, Zhou Yuan was a little surprised. Although this person looked unreliable, he was not bad by nature. He would remind the challenger to prevent the elves from being beaten for nothing.

Of course, if we take into account the words and actions of the gym owner before, it is not ruled out that he wanted to scare the challenger away because he was too lazy to do so. After all, if the challenger gave up voluntarily, it would not be considered a challenge.

Master Bai, who didn't know that his reputation with Zhou Yuan was damaged, saw that he had no intention of retreating, and understood that this kid must have known about it beforehand, so he stopped persuading him and turned to walk towards the command seat opposite the battlefield.

At this time, the voice of the staff also sounded at the right time.

"Next, Zhou Yuan, a rookie trainer from Shuangqing City, will challenge the Water System Gym in the Demon City. This is his fifth gym badge challenge. Please prepare yourself, gym owner."

Speaking of it, there is such a roll call session every time you challenge a gym. Zhou Yuan didn't quite understand what the specific function was before. He only understood it after asking Director Liu yesterday.

The roll call before each challenge has the following functions: first, introduce the challenger's name and where he comes from; second, introduce the challenger's identity, such as Zhou Yuan's current identity is a rookie trainer; third, explain to the gym owner which badge the challenger is challenging.

Some people will ask, what can the gym owner do if he knows this?

After the gym owner knows this information, he will adjust the strength of the battle Pokémon according to the corresponding situation. Generally speaking, the strength of the battle Pokémon will increase with the increase of the number of existing badges.

Although there are also those who like to show their best state to face the challenger, they are a minority after all, because they will be complained by the rookie trainers near the gym.

In addition to the number of badges, the identity of the challenger will also affect the strength of the Pokémon in the battle, taking Zhou Yuan's rookie trainer title as an example.

According to the regulations of the Yanhuang Alliance, rookie trainers are trainers who have registered to receive the initial Pokémon within one year, and their strength is below the gym level, to avoid some monster rookies raising the team level to a very high level in less than a year, and then leading the team to kill baby cups everywhere.

Generally speaking, when facing rookie trainers, the gym owner will slightly reduce the difficulty based on the number of badges to show the alliance's humanistic care for rookie trainers.

When I heard Director Liu say this, Zhou Yuan wanted to spit out a lot of complaints in his heart.

Humanistic care? !

Thinking about the gym battles he has faced since his debut, Zhou Yuan feels that he has not experienced humanistic care.

Not to mention the Bug and Dragon gyms that sent out elite-level Pokémon with the first and second badges, the third Flying gym also strictly sent out Pokémon according to the Pokémon strength level corresponding to the number of badges, not to mention the Psychic gym, that little girl wanted to twist her head off, but fortunately, she was better.

The memories ended here, and Zhou Yuan sighed imperceptibly.

I hope this Water gym can let me feel the humanistic care.

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