After leaving the cave of Nido's family, Zhou Yuan continued to walk deep into the woods. Not far away, he saw a gurgling stream.

The river water was clear and you could see the bottom. Occasionally, you could see Pokémons like the horned goldfish and Magikarp swimming below.

Since the river water can flow, it means there is a water source. There are usually many Pokémons where there is a water source. Instead of running around looking for Pokémons to fight, it is better to go against the river to the water source. You should be able to find a lot of Pokémons.

With this idea in mind, Zhou Yuan took Growlithe upstream.

On the way up, Zhou Yuan saw a lot of Pokémons. These Pokémons were not too afraid of strangers. Instead, they trembled a little after seeing Growlithe. It was probably because of the intimidation feature.

After walking for another half an hour, Zhou Yuan found that the trees in front of him became sparse. When he walked out of the woods, he found a small lake in the woods. There were many elves drinking water by the lake, including some elves that were natural enemies of each other, but surprisingly they did not attack each other. It seemed that there was a rule around the lake that no fighting could happen. Zhou Yuan felt a little regretful that he could not just wait here, so he could only follow the elves that had finished drinking water and wait until they reached a suitable place to fight.

But there was no rush for this matter, because Zhou Yuan was hungry at this time. He took out his mobile phone and saw that although there was no signal, time was still running. It was already past twelve o'clock, and it was time for lunch.

He invited Caterpie to sit next to him, took out an energy cube and two pears and placed them in front of it. The dog immediately buried his head in the food, and his tail was shaking.

Then Zhou Yuan released Dahong again, stuffed the remaining four pears into her mouth and took them back. Although it was only a moment, the gym-level momentum in this moment still caused a lot of panic to the elves by the lake, causing them to look up and look around after drinking a sip of water.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yuan felt a little guilty, so he simply pretended not to see it, took out the prepared lunch box from his bag and ate lunch with the dog.

After eating and drinking, Zhou Yuan sat by the lake, hugged the dog's head and rubbed it, enjoying this rare leisurely life, and looked around, searching for the target he wanted to follow later.

Just as Zhou Yuan's sight was swaying around, he saw a golden light emerging in the lake, but it disappeared when he looked carefully. Zhou Yuan just thought it was the refraction of sunlight on the lake and didn't take it to heart.

Watching a late-stage ordinary stinky flower drink water and get up to leave, Zhou Yuan was also ready to follow it and have a cordial exchange with it.

Just as Zhou Yuan stood up and prepared to catch up with the stinky flower, he caught a glimpse of golden light on the lake surface.

This time he saw it clearly. It was not the refraction of sunlight, nor was it the light emitted by something else falling into the water. It was a living golden Magikarp that was still splashing in the water!

"Huh?!?! Shiny Magikarp?!" Zhou Yuan was a little dazed. Was he really the son of luck? He could still encounter a shiny Magikarp when he went out to play in the wild. At this moment, all the stinky flowers were forgotten. Now Zhou Yuan was thinking about how to get this Magikarp.

He looked around and found that the distance was too far. It was unrealistic to throw the Poké Ball directly to catch it. Zhou Yuan took out the peach fruit left over from the last ten consecutive draws from his bag. The peach fruit tasted sweet. Most Pokémon liked to eat this kind of tree fruit. Zhou Yuan wanted to use the peach fruit as bait to attract the Magikarp.

Zhou Yuan crushed the peach fruit into small pieces and threw them towards the place where Magikarp jumped. The peach fruit pieces fell on the water and floated. Magikarp seemed to smell the fragrance of food and swam towards the pieces and swallowed them in one gulp.

After swallowing this piece of tree fruit, Magikarp found another one not far away, swam over with its tail swinging and swallowed it again.

"Yes, yes, that's it."

Zhou Yuan on the shore threw the fruit pieces into the lake while watching Magikarp's movements. He didn't dare to make too much noise for fear of scaring Magikarp away.

Seeing Magikarp getting closer and closer to him under the hook of the tree fruit, Zhou Yuan also became a little excited and held the Poké Ball in his hand ready to throw it at any time.

Just when Zhou Yuan thought that Magikarp would throw the ball if it swam a little further, Magikarp seemed to be full, and swam to the bottom of the lake with a flick of its tail, leaving Zhou Yuan stunned with the water thrown all over his head and face.

He felt like he had been cheated by a fish.

He rubbed his face and put away his disappointment. He couldn't catch that fish today.

Come back tomorrow. If I can't catch it tomorrow, I'll come back the day after tomorrow. One day, I'll get this shiny Magikarp.

With this in mind, Zhou Yuan turned around and took Growlithe to chase in the direction where Smelly left. After all, the fish had already run away, and he couldn't let Smelly go.

When Zhou Yuan turned around and left, the golden Magikarp surfaced again, staring at the direction Zhou Yuan left with a pair of dead fish eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

Smelly didn't walk fast, and was caught up by Zhou Yuan soon. Looking at this ill-intentioned human, Smelly was ready to fight, but it was a pity that the attribute restraint was too difficult to resist, and Smelly was knocked unconscious by Growlithe before long.

[Battle victory, energy points +100]

[Host's current energy points: 3560]

"Huh? Why is it less?" Zhou Yuan found that the energy points given by defeating the ordinary late-stage Smelly this time were not as many as when he defeated Nidoking in the morning.

After scanning the Growlithe, it was discovered that after three high-intensity battles and a full meal, Growlithe absorbed the energy in the energy cube and broke through to the late ordinary level.

Zhou Yuan seemed a little happy to find that Growlithe had broken through. It was only the twelfth day since Growlithe was born, but it had already reached this level. One reason was the strong physical fitness of the elf cub, and another reason was that Zhou Yuan worked hard to earn energy points so that the dog could eat energy cubes and tree fruits every day.

This afternoon, Zhou Yuan took Growlithe to find elves in the woods to challenge. Most of the ordinary elves were killed. Of course, Zhou Yuan still paid a bottle of medicine after each battle. After all, to achieve sustainable development, these elves can be healed and challenged again tomorrow.

Although the battle reward after the dog was promoted to the late ordinary level was reduced, there was still a profit of 50 energy points after winning the battle against the middle ordinary level elves, which just offset the price of the medicine, plus he also killed several late ordinary level elves and some fruit trees during the period.

When Zhou Yuan finally decided to end the outdoor battle today, his energy points still reached 2810 points. Since the battle would also consume the dog's physical strength, all the fruits picked from the wild elves' territory went into the dog's stomach.

The battle of the day was not without effect. At least Caterpillar and Zhou Yuan became more harmonious. Caterpillar could respond to Zhou Yuan's instructions more quickly, and Zhou Yuan also had a clearer understanding of Caterpillar's combat effectiveness and IQ.

One man and one dog killed through the woods. When Zhou Yuan walked out of the woods, he could no longer recognize where he was, so he simply released Dahong to let him carry him back to the ranch.

Dahong was also dazed after being released. He was not here when he was taken in.

But fortunately, Dahong has been in this area for many years and has a certain judgment of the general direction. He quickly found the direction and carried Zhou Yuan back to the ranch.

When Zhou Yuan returned to the ranch, he saw Liu Yongming standing at the door from a distance. He felt a little ashamed and a little touched. He was busy going out and forgot that Uncle Liu was still waiting for him at the ranch. Uncle Liu ran to the ranch door to wait for him because he was worried about his safety.

Zhou Yuan got off the dog at the ranch door and said to Liu Yongming:

"Uncle Liu, I'm back. Thank you for your hard work..."

Before he could finish his words, Liu Yongming spoke,

"Xiao Yuan is back. Are you tired today? If you are tired, go in and rest first. Uncle Liu is waiting for a friend here."

It seemed that he was not waiting for him. Well, he thought too much again.

After handing Red and its Poké Ball to Liu Yongming, Zhou Yuan walked to his room.

Sitting at the table, Zhou Yuan began to calculate what he had gained from going out today:

First of all, the most precious gain was definitely the Moonstone that Nidoking had given him. This thing could only be obtained by ten consecutive draws in the system, and this one cost more than 100,000 Elf Coins. Speaking of the system, Zhou Yuan remembered that the second round of limited-time stores were all goods that he could not use temporarily. The time for the third round seemed to be today. He opened it and took a look. Good job, I can save up all the energy points for ten consecutive draws.

The second most important gain was that Caterp had broken through the late stage of the ordinary level, and its combat power had a small increase, which was really gratifying.

Then I found the trace of the Shiny Magikarp. I only regretted that I didn't have a water-type elf, otherwise I would have forced it to fight and conquer it long ago, and I wouldn't have used such a low-level method as seduction. But it didn't matter. The lake was there. As long as the Magikarp didn't swim with the stream, I would get it sooner or later if I went there every day.

Finally, it was the turn to gain energy points and tree fruits. The energy points gained mainly accounted for the majority of the gains in the battle field.

, directly added more than a thousand energy points. As for the outdoor battle, the actual harvest was not much because of the need to buy good medicine. The fruit picked along the way also filled the stomach of the Caterpie.

Speaking of which, the live broadcast task is about to expire. Tomorrow is the last deadline. Zhou Yuan plans to post a dynamic preview while the video is still popular.

After logging into Station A, Zhou Yuan found that his private mailbox was full again. When he opened it, most of them asked about his specific live broadcast time. It seems that the preview he made in the video in advance still has some effect.

Zhou Yuan opened the release page, edited a dynamic and uploaded it.

"Hello, everyone, I am A Yuan. Thank you very much for your support. I saw many private messages asking when A Yuan will start broadcasting. I will inform everyone now!

Tomorrow, at 7 o'clock in the evening on August 3, I will start my first live broadcast. At that time, I will bring new tactics to everyone. Thank you for your support."

As soon as this dynamic was sent out, a new comment was added. Zhou Yuan was once again impressed by the activeness of the fans.

Opening his homepage, Zhou Yuan found that after another day of fermentation, the number of views of his latest video was heading for 4 million, and the number of views of the three videos released before also increased. After a rough calculation, Zhou Yuan found that the total number of views of his videos had exceeded 10 million.

Looking at his fans again, 850,000, Zhou Yuan was a little disappointed. He couldn't get two rewards at once. What was going on with a little sadness?

[Congratulations to the host for completing video task 8. Cumulative video views exceeded 10 million, energy points +2000]

[The next level of task requirements are: cumulative video views exceeded 50 million, which is also the last task of this series. After completion, you will get a random golden prop]

[Host's current energy points: 5560]

Get rich, get rich, this wave is getting rich.

At the end of July, his energy points became 960 points because of the cultivation of Caterpie. It has only been two days since then, and he has completed tasks such as breaking 500,000 fans, fighting, and breaking 10 million cumulative video views, and directly earned a wave of energy points.

But Zhou Yuan also speculated that there would be no similar tasks with low difficulty and high rewards in the future, especially after the number of fans exceeded one million, the next stage would most likely be five million, and the number of fans is not as easy to increase as the number of views.

In addition to the two long-term tasks of the number of fans and the cumulative number of video views, it seems that battles and time-limited tasks issued by the system will become the main source of energy points.

But that is all in the future. Looking at the remaining energy point balance, Zhou Yuan felt a little itchy and always felt like doing a ten-draw.

Zhou Yuan was considering whether to do a ten-draw, while the audience of Station A was a little restless, because A Yuan said that he was going to start live broadcasting and would bring new tactics.

Although the previous tactical videos were of high quality, some people thought that the opponents were hired actors, because when they used similar tactics, they found that they were very stuck and weak, and they could easily lose the game if they were not careful, which led to people spraying each other in the discussion area of ​​Station A every day.

After Zhou Yuan's dynamic release, most people calmed down, because whether the anchor really had something on him or was faking it, the result would be known tomorrow.

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