Zhou Yuan didn't know that his fans were quarreling with some viewers. At this moment, he was thinking about whether to draw a few ten-draws in a row. Even if the ship sank, it didn't matter. It would be used as a cushion for [Energy Block Production]. Besides, tomorrow was the day of the live broadcast. Completing the task could also replenish energy points, so that he wouldn't even be unable to eat. After hesitating for a long time, Zhou Yuan chose to give up and wait until the live broadcast to collect all the rewards before drawing. This way, he would have some security in his heart. When the time came, he would spend 100 draws, and [Energy Block Production] would be available or not.

The day passed uneventfully. During dinner, Zhou Yuan asked Liu Yongming about Li Feiyong and his gym. Liu Yongming thought for a while and said cheerfully:

"You are talking about the kid from the Li family, right? I know Old Li. He is similar to me. He retired from the army and used to be a battalion-level combat instructor in the army. After retiring, he opened a private combat training gym. His main construction craftsman is about the same as Dahong, but the others are not as good."

"Don't mention that his training gym is still doing well. In recent years, many students have been sent away."

"Ah?" Zhou Yuan was a little confused.

"I mean that many students have been sent to the Elf University they want to go to. After all, he was an instructor before, so he still has some means of teaching people." As if realizing that he had said something wrong, Liu Yongming explained a few words and then shifted the topic to Li Feiyong.

"I also know that kid from his family. He is about the same age as you and has decent strength. He definitely can't beat you in a one-on-one fight. I mean a one-on-one fight between trainers. His Ironbone followed him when he was still a porter. It has been with him for about two or three years. He didn't have much training before he was old enough to capture Pokémon, but even so, his starting point was higher than yours. In the end, you defeated him with a Growlithe that was only born more than ten days ago. You really made me proud. I will have something new to talk about when I brag to Lao Li in the future."

"But speaking of it, you are really good at picking. This Growlithe is also very hardworking. It has reached the normal level in more than ten days. Xiaoka, who was born with it, is still at the novice level. I don't know if it is a natural talent or what."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yuan felt a little guilty, because he really didn't have many energy points at the time. All he could do was to give Xiaoka a piece when feeding the dog with tree fruits, but there were really no extra energy cubes for Xiaoka, so it seems that the strength of the two siblings is very different.

"Okay, you are a good kid. I'll tell Lao Li tonight. You can visit him tomorrow and have a fight with his students. It should be said that fighting can improve your strength. By the way, let Lao Li see that my younger generation is better than his son, hahahahahaha..."

Seeing that Uncle Liu was a little drunk, Zhou Yuan shook his head and quietly moved the bottle away from him.

Putting down the bowl and walking out of the restaurant, Zhou Yuan heard Liu Yongming muttering behind him:

"Where is my wine? Didn't I put it here just now? Am I drunk?"


The next morning, Zhou Yuan climbed out of bed with the biological clock formed during this period, combed his hair into an adult look, put on a handsome... cough, washed up and went to the restaurant for breakfast.

Liu Yongming was wearing sports shorts and a large vest as usual and was drinking porridge. Today he cooked preserved egg and lean meat porridge, with steamed buns as the side dish, and two boiled eggs were placed next to Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan first served the dog a bowl of porridge and put it in front of it and added an egg before he started eating.

After gulping down two mouthfuls of porridge, Liu Yongming spoke:

"I called Lao Li last night and told him that you can go directly there today. His training hall is not far from here. There is a suburban bus to get there. You can see the bus stop five or six hundred meters to the left after you leave the ranch. Just get off after three stops. When you come back, just take the same bus. The bus will close at 8 pm. Don't stay too late or there will be no bus."

After that, Liu Yongming also finished his porridge, put down the bowl and went out to milk the big milk can.

Zhou Yuan finished his steamed buns and eggs, drank another bowl of porridge, helped the nanny collect the bowl, and took the dog to visit Li Feiyong's home.

While waiting for the bus at the bus stop, Zhou Yuan took out his mobile phone and checked the messages. He found that someone was chatting in the group early in the morning.

Wu Jinyan: "Classmates, school will start in a month. Have you all got your own initial elves? Those who haven't got one should hurry up.

Oh, after all, it takes time to cultivate feelings with elves. There will be a battle class after school starts. I hope that all students will not take it lightly. It is said that the teacher of this battle class was hired by the school at a high price, just to ensure that students can get a good ranking in the "Little Yan Emperor Cup" in December. "

It is estimated that most people have not woken up because it is too early. No one in the group pays attention to him for the time being, and Zhou Yuan began to think after seeing his message.

If the news is true, it can actually prove a lot of things.

First of all, from the fact that the school hired a battle teacher at a high price, the school attaches great importance to this Little Yan Emperor Cup; since the school attaches importance to it, it means that the school will release resources to outstanding players to help them get a better ranking in the competition, so the school has a wave of resources to take.

Secondly, why does the school attach so much importance to this year's Little Yan Emperor Cup? It shows that this Little Yan Emperor Cup can attract the attention of the public or has It has attracted the attention of the upper level. In this case, it is very proud for the school if the students of the school get a good ranking. The former is related to the subsequent enrollment, and the latter is related to the education funding for next year.

Regardless of whether it can eventually attract the attention of the public or the upper level has shown attention to this competition, the final competition rewards will not be bad, and may even be better than last year.

After analyzing this information, the goal is very clear. First, enter the top eight in the Nuannuan Pig Cup and get a place in the direct promotion to the Little Yan Emperor Cup. After having this place, the school will have certain resource support for me, and I can get a The school will use certain resources to help the little Caterpie break through the senior level, and then use the Fire Stone to help it evolve after breaking through the elite level, and then get a good ranking in the Little Yan Emperor Cup to get this year's reward. Maybe the school will also reward the students who enter the top few in the Little Yan Emperor Cup again, so you can eat two heads at that time.

Although evolution will bring a lot of enhancements, the Caterpie in the late ordinary level or perfect level can directly enter the senior level after using the Fire Stone to evolve, but the future achievements of the elves evolved in this way will also be limited.

While I was still thinking, the suburban bus arrived.

After half an hour of driving, Zhou Yuan got off the bus and looked at Zhou Yuan didn't know how to get into the "Li's Training Hall" that occupied a large area.

Although Uncle Liu had called, he couldn't just go up and knock on the door and say he wanted to challenge the hall. If he did, Li Feiyong's father would throw him out with a slap on his neck.

When Zhou Yuan was standing at the door and hesitating, some students in the training hall had already noticed the stranger standing at the door. Although it was a training hall mainly for fighting, there were still some female students in the hall.

At this time, it was these female students who first noticed the handsome guy standing at the door, and began to chatter in groups of three or two:

"Hey, who do you think this handsome guy is looking for?"

"I don't know, but he looks really handsome."

"I forgot to tell you, this is my boyfriend, he came to accompany me today."

"Hahahaha, you little slut, everyone knows you are single, now you see a handsome guy and say he is your boyfriend, you are not wet, are you? "

"Oh, what are you talking about..."

There was chattering here, and a student pushed open the door and walked out.

Zhou Yuan looked at the man in front of him. He didn't look very old, and he looked gentle and like an academic. How could such a person be in the fighting training hall?

The man spoke in a gentle voice:

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Hello, I'm here to find Li Feiyong. He asked me to come to him yesterday."

"Oh? Are you Zhou Yuan, whom the junior brother mentioned that he met in the battlefield?"

"Do you know me?" Zhou Yuan was a little confused.

"Come in and talk first," the man said as he opened the door for Zhou Yuan. Seeing Zhou Yuan follow in, he continued:

"Yesterday at noon, the junior brother came back and said that he met a trainer who used Caterpie in the battlefield and defeated his Ironbone Earthman. He said he invited him to the training hall as a guest. "Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Zhu Yishan, and I am the master's eldest disciple. Although Feiyong is the master's son, he started learning later, so basically everyone calls him the younger disciple." He then led Zhou Yuan to the reception area and poured him a glass of water. "Wait here for a while, I'll go call my younger brother." Zhou Yuan nodded, and Zhu Yishan turned and walked to the back of the gym. Zhou Yuan looked at the environment of the training hall and found that the structure was actually very similar to the old courtyard, but it was slightly modified. The front was the training hall and a simple reception area. The hall was originally the location of the patio, but now it is

It was changed to an outdoor training ground, and there is also a 400-meter running track.

The left side of the outdoor training ground should be a warehouse, where training props, fighting equipment and the like are stored. The right side looks like a gym through the glass door, and there are quite a few fitness equipment inside.

Going further in from the outdoor training ground, it is probably the formal reception room and conference room, and the accommodation space of Li Feiyong's family should be behind the conference room, which can effectively avoid the intrusion of other people's sight.

Just as Zhou Yuan was looking at the training hall, other students not far away were also looking at him.

In addition to those crazy female students, there are still some male students who are also training. Seeing that the few golden flowers in the training hall are about to be abducted by outsiders, they are of course unhappy. Although they did not deliberately provoke Zhou Yuan in action, they probably knew that this person came to the training hall to spar after listening to Li Feiyong's words about the time yesterday. When they fight, they will beat him hard and let the female students see who is the most handsome.

After waiting for a while, Zhou Yuan heard a familiar voice:

"Zhou Yuan, you're here, so early. I hadn't reacted when the senior brother came to find me."

Following the voice, it was the handsome Li Feiyong who came over.

"Didn't I say yesterday that I would definitely come next time? Isn't he here now?" Zhou Yuan laughed.

"Hahahaha, good, you're here. Today I'll let you beat them all up. Have you eaten? If not, come to the back with me to eat."

"You've already eaten before you came. Should we start the fight right away or follow the procedure?"

"Wow, you're here to challenge the gym today. It's still a little early now, and everyone hasn't arrived yet. Let me introduce you to our training gym first. After the introduction, most people may be here. We can fight then."

Li Feiyong waved at Zhou Yuan, turned around and took him to the inside of the training gym.

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