The old man was very happy.

Riding a red bicycle to the entrance of Li's training hall, Zhou Yuan looked at Li Feiyong standing at the entrance and greeted him.

"Hey? So early today? What are you doing standing here?"

Li Feiyong looked over and found that it was Zhou Yuan, and was overjoyed.

"You are finally here. I am standing here just waiting for you. My dad pulled me out early in the morning and stood at the door, saying that he wanted me to pick you up. That's ridiculous."

Zhou Yuan didn't know what to say for a moment, he could only say that Uncle Li was indeed a bit funny.

After Li Feiyong entered the training hall, the apprentices who were training inside cast their eyes over, and they could vaguely hear their whispers.

"Why is he here again?"

"We just had a fight yesterday and he's here to fight again today?"

"Wow, he's still as handsome as yesterday, hehe."

Hearing the last sentence, Li Feiyong's face also looked a little embarrassed. These girls in the gym only know how to praise the handsome men outside the gym every day. Is there no handsome man in the gym?

Unwilling to hear these heart-piercing words here again, Li Feiyong took Zhou Yuan and walked quickly through the training ground and walked to the small training ground behind the reception room.

After Zhou Yuan arrived at the small training ground, he found that Li Tao was fighting with his old construction craftsman here.

Li Tao's upper body was naked, showing a strong tendon, and his old construction craftsman also put down the pillar in his hand and fought with his trainer with fists.

The four fists intersected with a bang, and Zhou Yuan did not say a word. He stood outside the field with Li Feiyong and watched them fight.

After playing for more than ten minutes, Li Tao stopped, pulled out a towel from his waist and wiped the sweat, then turned to look at Zhou Yuan outside the court.

"Xiao Yuan is here, have you eaten?"

"Uncle Li, I have."

"Very good, let's get ready to start training," Li Tao said to Zhou Yuan and turned his eyes to Li Feiyong.

"Don't even think about running away, follow me and practice."

"Ah... I think it's better for me to train outside." Li Feiyong was about to sneak away when he saw the situation was not good, but as soon as he turned around, he saw his father's strange strength guarding the door.

Seeing that he could not escape today's training, Li Feiyong's face also fell.

Fell into a slump.JPG

The two took off their shoes and walked into the training ground, which was covered with a layer of soft flooring.

While Li Tao was drinking an energy drink to replenish water, Zhou Yuan scanned the old construction craftsman opposite.

[Old Construction Craftsman]

[Level: Mid-level Gym]

[Features: Perseverance]

[Skills: Slap, Stare, Gather Qi, Endurance, Kick, Rockfall, Wake-up Slap, Gradual Break, Bodybuilding, Rock Slide, Explosive Fist, Ghost Face, Hammer Arm, Stone Attack, Qi Fist, Brute Force, Flame Fist, Lightning Fist, Freeze Fist, Absorb Fist, Continuous Fist, Double Return, Hold On, Power, Sonic Fist, Resurrection, Sober, Block the Way, Hold On, Substitute, Poison]

Zhou Yuan was a little dumbfounded by the series of skills, especially when he saw the last three skills.

I didn't expect that you, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are also a quality player!

After resting for a while, Li Tao stood in front of Li Feiyong and Zhou Yuan.

Li Tao today is different from yesterday. Yesterday, Li Tao looked a little ordinary and even kind, but today, Li Tao on the training ground is more sharp, with bright eyes and a body of tendon meat covered with sweat.

With this body, even if Li Tao is not a trainer, he is more than enough to win a bodybuilding championship.

Looking at the two good guys standing in front of him, Li Tao said:

"Release all your Pokémons, and let them learn from the old craftsman later." He turned his head and looked at the Growlithe released by Zhou Yuan from the Poké Ball.

"Xiao Yuan, since your Growlithe's affinity is not quite consistent with human-type Pokémons, the old craftsman may not be able to teach it much, that is, those more common skills and help Growlithe consolidate the fighting skills it has learned. Don't say that I am hiding my secrets and don't want to teach you."

Hearing this, Zhou Yuan also smiled.

"Uncle Li, don't say that. It's great to be able to learn something."

Hearing Zhou Yuan say this, Li Tao smiled even more brightly.

"Very good. I called Yongping yesterday and he told me that your fighting skills are already sufficient. Your physical combat power is not worse than Hao Li who does not use special energy."

Hearing this, Li Feiyong on the side also looked sideways. After all, after so many years of training, he himself

I dare not say that I have a strong fighting power, but my father actually said that the person next to me is stronger than me. Li Feiyong just felt a little incredible.

Li Tao continued:

"But just listening to Yongming, it is difficult for me to have a clear understanding of your specific strength."

"How about this, you two let your elves learn from the old craftsman first, and then you two guys will fight each other, so that I can have a general understanding of Xiao Yuan's strength."

Zhou Yuan certainly had no objection, and Li Feiyong also found it very interesting. After all, his father said that he was very powerful, but he still found it hard to believe, so he simply saw the truth under his hands.

After putting the learning device on Caterpie and letting it learn from the old craftsman, Zhou Yuan also stood on the battlefield, five meters away from Li Feiyong.

Li Feiyong spread his legs forward and backward, turned sideways, stretched his left hand forward and his right hand backward, only the index finger remained upright, and the other four fingers were slightly bent.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yuan knew that Li Feiyong was posing in the stance of Hong Quan.

Hong Quan is a long-bridge, strong and fierce boxing style. There are twelve bridges of Yin-Yang hands, and one of them is called the Central Plains.

Hong Quan is divided into Gongzi Fuhu Quan, Tiexian Quan, Wuxing Quan, Huhe Shuangxing Quan, etc. According to Li Feiyong's stance, he should have learned Gongzi Fuhu Quan.

To deal with the fierce Hong Quan, Tai Chi is more advantageous, provided that the actual combat power of both sides is not much different, otherwise the opponent's punch will come over and this side will not be able to block it, let alone receive and transform it.

While thinking, Zhou Yuan also posed in the Tai Chi stance.

Li Tao saw that the two juniors were ready, and shouted to start!

When Li Feiyong heard the start of the fight, he took the initiative, stepped forward, and forced a right punch to Zhou Yuan's face.

Seeing a punch coming, Zhou Yuan was neither hurried nor slow. He closed the inner circle of his hands, took a step to the right, held Li Feiyong's punch with his left hand and pulled it behind him, and hit Li Feiyong with a single whip with his right hand.

Li Feiyong raised his left hand to catch the single whip, and his right hand moved to the left to Zhou Yuan's throat. Zhou Yuan held Li's left hand with his left hand, took a step forward with his right foot, and punched Li's throat with his right fist. Li leaned back to dodge, and Zhou Yuan quickly bent his right elbow and hit Li Feiyong in the heart with a top elbow.

Li Feiyong was unable to dodge and was hit hard by the elbow. He was directly beaten back several steps, accompanied by a cough with disrupted breath.

After adjusting his breath, Li Feiyong punched Zhou Yuan again. Zhou Yuan raised his left hand to block his left hand, and at the same time, he took a step forward with his right foot, pulling from front to back and left to right. With his right hand, he pressed Li Feiyong's left shoulder and pulled from front to back and left to right. With the help of Li Feiyong's punch, he was directly pushed to the left and back.

Li Feiyong was not panicked when he was pushed out. He turned around and punched Zhou Yuan's back and ribs with both fists. Zhou Yuan heard the wind behind him and dodged to the right. At the same time, he hit his left jaw with his left elbow, and then turned around and hit Li Feiyong's chest and abdomen with his right elbow. Li Feiyong was pushed back several steps after being hit by this elbow.

But Li Feiyong can be said to be relatively strong and durable. He can continue to fight after being hit by two elbows, but he dare not take risks and be aggressive after being hit by two elbows. The two sides began to confront each other.

After a confrontation, Zhou Yuan deliberately exposed a flaw to Li Feiyong. Li Feiyong quickly stepped forward and punched Zhou Yuan in the chest with his right fist. Zhou Yuan pulled his right fist downward and outward with his left hand, and at the same time sent his right palm through the obstruction of his left hand to thrust into Li Feiyong's throat, but stopped when it was about to hit him.

At this point, Li Feiyong knew that he was no match for Zhou Yuan and retracted his hand.

Li Tao, who was standing aside, watched the two men finish their fight, clapped his hands and walked over, saying as he walked:

"Pengbi Jinzhuo, Lushi, Huishenchui, White Snake Tuxin, Xiaoyuan, you are good at this Tai Chi, better than me, the rebellious son, who didn't even touch the corner of your clothes."

Li Feiyong was scolded but didn't dare to say anything. After all, what Li Tao said was true. If Zhou Yuan's traction didn't count, he really didn't even touch the corner of his clothes. Thinking of this, Li Feiyong rubbed his chest again and took a few breaths of cold air. MD Zhou Yuan's attack was quite fierce. If it weren't for his strong body, two elbows would have hit him.

After the group praised each other for a while, Li Tao began to teach Zhou Yuan Hongquan.

Zhou Yuan didn't have a proud mentality. After all, life is learning. Although he has some understanding of Hongquan through fighting proficiency, it is also good to be able to accept everyone's teaching in this regard.

After a day of study, Zhou Yuan had a deeper understanding of Hong Quan. Li Tao was also very satisfied with this limited-time disciple. He could learn everything at once, which was much better than when he taught Li Feiyong.

Watching Zhou Yuan leave, Li Tao looked back at his son beside him. The more he looked at him, the more he looked like a rebellious son. He snorted and turned back to the back room.

Li Feiyong

Yong: ? ? ? Why do I feel like I haven't done anything, but a blood-red word "danger" appears above my head.

The sun gradually sets, and Zhou Yuan rides on Dahong's back and heads straight for the lake. After all, it has been nearly twelve hours since the last feeding, and the brushing of favorability cannot stop. Now that there is time, go and feed again.

Standing by the lake again, Zhou Yuan looks at the lake reflecting the orange-red sunset, and his mood relaxes.

This time, it is no longer the cranberry energy cube that is fed. After all, everything must be done in quantity. Excessive care will only scare the person being cared for. The same is true for cranberries. Excessive cranberries will have the opposite effect.

Zhou Yuan crushed the pear energy cube and threw it into the center of the lake.

After a few bubbles appeared on the lake, the familiar golden crown appeared again.


The Magikarp looked at the man on the shore and was a little confused. Didn't this man come here once earlier? Why did he come again?

But why did the Magikarp think so much?

The Magikarp only knew that he was hungry, and this man brought him delicious food again. This man was a good person.

After eating the energy cube fragments on the lake, the Magikarp did not sink to the bottom, but looked at Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan watched the Magikarp finish the energy cube and was about to leave, but when he saw that the fish did not run away and was still staring at him, he felt a little confused. What happened today?

The man and the fish did not communicate, just looking at each other across the lake.

Until the sun was about to set, Zhou Yuan looked at the Magikarp and saw that he had no intention of moving forward. Throwing the ball like this would definitely not catch it and would alert the snake. He simply waved to the Magikarp and turned to prepare to go back to the ranch.

Magikarp saw the human on the shore waving at him, turned around and left, not knowing what he was thinking, just watching Zhou Yuan go away. After Zhou Yuan completely disappeared from his sight, Magikarp slowly swam to the bottom of the lake, leaving only a few small bubbles on the lake surface.


Zhou Yuan returned to the ranch and returned the big red Poké Ball to Liu Yongming. Liu Yongming said to Zhou Yuan happily:

"I heard that you beat up the kid from the Li family today? Well done, I have wanted to beat up his father for a long time, but it has always been difficult to do it. Today you beat up his son, which can be regarded as fulfilling my little wish."

Hearing Uncle Liu say this, Zhou Yuan was also amused. It was obviously a normal exchange, but when Uncle Liu said it, it felt like kicking the mountain.

After eating and taking a shower, Zhou Yuan returned to the room and opened Station A to take a look at the data.

The two videos uploaded last night have exceeded one million views each, and the number of fans has also increased by 20,000, but as the number of fans increases, the speed of increase in fans has gradually slowed down.

That night, the moon sank like water, and there was no conversation all night.

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