The next day, the two days of the festival, the festival was a big success.

In the following two days, August 5 and August 6, Zhou Yuan did not wander around. In addition to feeding Magikarp every day, he let Caterp follow Dahong for special training in the ranch, and at the same time he also returned to the intensive physical training and trainer knowledge learning.

The time came to August 7, which was the day before the start of the Warm Pig Cup.

In the morning, Zhou Yuan went to feed Magikarp as usual. Recently, Magikarp has become closer and closer to him, and will unconsciously approach Zhou Yuan when eating.

If Zhou Yuan chooses to throw the Poké Ball, he can hit Magikarp if he throws it accurately, but Zhou Yuan is a little hesitant. After a few days of emotional cultivation, Zhou Yuan feels that he and Magikarp have established a certain bond.

If you throw the ball to catch it at this time, it may cause the newly established bond to be quietly broken. Zhou Yuan is unwilling to do this. He wants to get along with the elves as partners, not to use the elves as tools.

Every time the Magikarp finishes eating, it no longer swims back to the lake immediately, but floats on the water and looks at Zhou Yuan, and only swims back after Zhou Yuan leaves.

After feeding the fish, Zhou Yuan returned to the ranch.

After throwing the dog out to find its mother for training again, Zhou Yuan came to the kitchen.

After the consumption of these days, there are still 18 pear fruits left, two Hami fruits and lemon fruits each, and one of each of the special tree fruits such as sand scale fruit, litchi fruit, Lansa fruit, and waist fruit.

The consumption of these tree fruits has made the dog fatter and stronger. Although the dog is still in the late stage of the ordinary level in the system's judgment, Zhou Yuan feels that it is not far from the dog's breakthrough. All that is missing is a hearty battle.

But Zhou Yuan had no idea where to find such a battle.

He could only continue to make energy blocks for the dog to see if he could promote qualitative change with quantitative change and directly pile up the dog to a breakthrough through the accumulation of energy.

There is no such thing as an unstable foundation for Pokémon. It mainly depends on the configuration of skills and the command of the trainer. If you have to say it, Pokémon that have experienced more battles are stronger than Pokémon that have been pampered.

Unlike the previous two days, this time Zhou Yuan plans to make purple-quality silver cranberries into energy blocks. After all, the Warm Pig Cup will start tomorrow. He will go to the main urban area of ​​Shuangqing City to play several days of competition. It is unrealistic to come back every day to feed the fish during these days.

He can only make silver cranberries into energy blocks to see if he can accomplish his goal in one battle and directly kidnap Magikarp.

Even if he cannot achieve this goal, it is not a loss to greatly improve Magikarp's favorability by feeding it. At least Magikarp will not forget him when he comes back after playing the Warm Pig Cup.

With all kinds of complicated thoughts, Zhou Yuan is nearing the end of making energy blocks. Since he will start playing the Novice Cup tomorrow, he will definitely not have time to make energy blocks, so he will just make all the remaining shares today.

Except for the peach fruit that can remove the poisoning state, the persimmon fruit that can cure the confusion state, the mystery fruit that can restore health when receiving the excellent move, and the candlewood fruit, lotus fruit, sugar apple fruit, and lantern fruit fruit that cannot be used temporarily, all other tree fruits have become energy blocks under Zhou Yuan's hands.

After finishing nearly 30 tree fruits, Zhou Yuan also felt a little sore in his hands.

With the production of these few days, Zhou Yuan himself has become more and more skilled in making energy blocks. In the past, he needed to use both hands carefully to complete the production, but now he can make an energy block with both hands.

In addition, Zhou Yuan has a deeper grasp of Qi. Although the total amount and quality of Qi have not changed, Zhou Yuan can move Qi to the desired position faster and more accurately.

Zhou Yuan did an experiment. He first let Growlithe use Sparks. After finding that it couldn't even cause a burning sensation, he gradually tried other skills.

Finally, Zhou Yuan came to the conclusion that the system was not exaggerating. At least for now, it was difficult for the dog to cause damage to him. Even if the Flash Charge hit him, it was only affected by a certain driving force.

Grass, a humanoid Pokémon, a super newbie, right?

After packing the energy cubes and affixing the corresponding labels, Zhou Yuan left the kitchen to take a look at the dog being trained.

In the past two days, with the dual efforts of feeding various energy cubes, Dahong and learning devices, the dog has learned and comprehended some new skills by himself, and its combat effectiveness has also been significantly improved. It can be seen from its meat that this piece of meat directly flashes and charges, and the same level is

Even a hundred thousand lives of the restrained elves can't take it.

"System, scan Caterpillar."


[Level: Late Common Level]

[Features: Intimidation]

[Moves: Howl, Flame Wheel, Flame Fang, Ram, Help, High-Speed ​​Movement, Flame Splash, Flash Charge, Crazy Volt, Morning Light, Close Combat, Crunch, Play, Spirit Fang, Lightning Fang, Hold On, Resurrection, Hold On, Will-O-Wil, Substitute]

Compared to before, Gouzi's skill pool is obviously much richer, and he has basically learned all the skills that can be learned from Dahong. Zhou Yuan also gave Gouzi the learning machine of the substitute. It can be said that Gouzi now, playing the Warm Pig Cup is just like playing a baby.

After a day of training with Gouzi, the sun in the distance slowly sank. Zhou Yuan once again tempted Dahong with the energy block to send him to the lake.

After Dahong ran for more than 20 minutes, Zhou Yuan stood by the familiar lake again.

"Oh, this place, I've been here every day recently, I won't be able to see it tomorrow. I'm really not used to it."

Zhou Yuan sighed, but he didn't stop. He crushed an ordinary energy block and threw it into the lake, intending to lure the Magikarp out first, and then feed it the silver cranberry energy block.

As the bubbles floated and burst, the familiar golden crown appeared in front of Zhou Yuan again.


The Magikarp spit bubbles and ate the energy block fragments floating on the lake.

Although I don't know what this person feeds me, these foods contain a lot of energy, and the water plants at the bottom of the lake are completely different from it.

After Zhou Yuan's feeding for a few days, the Magikarp also obviously gained weight. At least when it was in the lake, most of the elves who disliked the Magikarp because of its color could no longer beat it.

Thinking of this, the Magikarp looked at Zhou Yuan with emotion.

Although Magikarp is a very common elf and is weak, it is not ignorant. At least it knows who is good to it.

Zhou Yuan smiled when he saw Magikarp appear. The more he looked at this fathead fish, the cuter it became.

At this time, the system came out to make trouble again.

[Issuing a limited-time task, please tell the Magikarp's illustrated information and evolution method within three minutes]

Although he didn't know why the limited-time task suddenly appeared, Zhou Yuan still repeated it according to his memory.

"Magikarp, a water-attributed fish Pokémon. It is satisfied with just jumping and cannot fight. It is considered very weak, but it is a stubborn elf that will survive no matter how dirty the water is."

"The main characteristics are free swimming, and the hidden characteristics are timidity. The way to evolve in the game is to break through level 20, but in the real world, it should be possible to evolve when it is extremely angry or crosses the dragon gate."

[According to the system's judgment, the host's perfection is 90%, energy points +100]

[Host's current energy points: 5410]

Looking at the system's evaluation, Zhou Yuan also had some doubts. It stands to reason that what he said should not be missing, but the system did not give an answer when he asked. Zhou Yuan did not think about it and continued to feed the fish.

As Zhou Yuan gradually moved the position where he threw the energy block closer to himself, Magikarp slowly approached Zhou Yuan. After all, after these days of getting along, it was getting more and more pleasing to the eye of him, and at least believed that he would not hurt itself.

After Magikarp reached the closest position to him in so many days, Zhou Yuan took out the silver cranberry energy block.

Magikarp smelled a stronger fragrance than before and cast his eyes towards Zhou Yuan's hand. As the fragrance spread, other elves drinking water by the lake also looked up, but in the end they did not move, because almost all of this forest had been beaten by Zhou Yuan and Caterpie.

But deep in the lake, a pair of eyes suddenly opened.

Zhou Yuan was still pinching cubes by the lake, throwing them to Magikarp little by little, and Magikarp was also waiting for Zhou Yuan to feed him with his mouth open.

After throwing a few pieces, Zhou Yuan began to talk to Magikarp.

"Magikarp, I can't come tomorrow. I have things to do in the next few days. I can't come to feed you for the time being. Do you want to come with me?"

Zhou Yuan stopped and waited for Magikarp's reaction.

Hearing Zhou Yuan's words, Magikarp's little head turned quickly.

What did this human say?

He seemed to say that he was leaving?

He also asked me if I wanted to go with him?

Doesn't he think my color is weird?

Just as Magikarp was still thinking about whether to follow the man in front of him, a strong energy surged from the bottom of the lake, heading towards Zhou Yuan, or more precisely, the hand that Zhou Yuan held the energy cube.

The Magikarp in the water keenly felt the energy fluctuations, and also clearly felt that this fluctuation was heading for the human in front of him. For some reason, he seemed a little agitated.

Zhou Yuan looked at the somewhat agitated Magikarp in front of him, wondering if his words made Magikarp feel uneasy?

Just when Zhou Yuan was still thinking about the reason why Magikarp was in this state, the keen perception brought by his fighting proficiency and qigong made him realize that danger was approaching.

Just as he was about to release the big red, he saw the Magikarp in front of him jumped out of the water and blocked in front of him.

"Is this... water splash?"

The next moment after Magikarp jumped up, the lake surface was suddenly broken, and a fist covered with fighting energy hit Magikarp firmly.

Magikarp was hit by this punch and flew straight into the sky, with scales and blood falling from the air.

Zhou Yuan only realized after seeing this scene that a wild Pokémon attacked him, and Magikarp predicted the attack in advance to block the knife for him.

Zhou Yuan hurriedly took two steps back, distanced himself from the wild Pokémons, and caught the Magikarp that fell from the sky.

Seeing that the left side of Magikarp's body had sunk inward, its scales were cracked, and blood was constantly pouring out. Seeing that it was about to die from more outgoing and less incoming air, Zhou Yuan hurriedly took out the vitality block and fed it into Magikarp's mouth, and at the same time sprayed the full recovery medicine on Magikarp, and threw the dog's Poké Ball to deal with the attacker.

It can only be said that the effect of the vitality block and the full recovery medicine is really good. Magikarp opened his eyes not long after using them.

Looking at the person in front of him, Magikarp was also a little confused. It stands to reason that he should have died after receiving such a heavy punch, but now he is still alive. Did this person save him?

Why did he feed himself and save himself?

Magikarp was a little confused.

After seeing that Magikarp had improved, Zhou Yuan gently placed it on the grass to wait for it to recover, and he finally had time to take a look at the results of the system scan.

[Mosquito Repellent Swimmer]

[Level: Senior Early Stage]

[Features: Moisture]

[Skills: Bubble Ray, One More Time, Hold On, Ice Hockey, Mud Shooting, Water Waves, Playing with Water, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Continuous Slaps, Praying for Rain, Mount Tai, Belly Drum, Hell Roll, Ba Toss, Explosive Fist]

This is a senior wild Mosquito Repellent Swimmer. Zhou Yuan has now realized that it is coming for the energy block in his hand. The attraction of silver cranberries to wild elves is too strong. Magikarp has suffered an unprovoked disaster.

But Zhou Yuan was also somewhat moved. Magikarp was injured to block the knife for him, which shows that Magikarp is very important in his heart.

Zhou Yuan looked at the dog and the Mosquito Repellent Swimmer fighting in a group. Due to the difference in level and attributes, the dog was obviously at a disadvantage. He had already suffered a baptism of bubble rays and was in a bad state.

The best solution at the moment is to release Red. With Red's strength, two claws can knock down the scorpion.

But Zhou Yuan also thinks this is a good opportunity to help Growlithe achieve a breakthrough.

The problem is that Growlithe cannot beat the scorpion with its current strength. Even with its own command, its tolerance rate is very low. If it is not careful, it will be seriously injured. Although the system store sells good medicine, it may also affect tomorrow's warm pig cup.

After thinking about it, Zhou Yuan thinks there is only one best solution at the moment.

Zhou Yuan immediately commanded Growlithe.

"Growlithe, use Morning Light!"

Growlithe, who was fighting with the scorpion, heard the trainer's command. Although he didn't know why the trainer said this, out of trust in his trainer, Growlithe left the battle and began to use Morning Light on the spot.

When the scorpion saw that his opponent ignored him and began to recover on the spot, he was furious. He looked down on me, scorpion, take my explosive punch!

Seeing that the fist with full power was about to hit Gorilla's body, a palm covered with white light stretched out from the side and caught the punch steadily.

Mosquito Swimmer: [・_・?]

Magikarp in the distance: [・_・?]

Gorilla: [・_・?]

Gorilla, who was recovering his energy, looked at the trainer who resisted Mosquito Swimmer's attack, and the whole dog was stunned.

You have this ability, and you still let me fight?

Who is the dog between us?

Mosquito Swimmer was also a little stunned. This person can still withstand his punch? Huh? Who is the Pokémon between us?

Magikarp lying on the grass was also a little stunned. This person looked friendly when feeding him, but it turned out to be a pig pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

Zhou Yuan squeezed his hands, making a crackling sound. Although Zhou Yuan looked

Although he looked very impressive, Zhou Yuan also had a clear understanding of his own strength.

Although he had two skills, Qigong and Fighting Mastery, which could take on the attacks of the Mosquito Swimmer to a certain extent, this was the limit. He had no effective means of output to cause damage to the Mosquito Swimmer.

It seemed that he could only limit the output and actions of the Mosquito Swimmer, giving the Caterpillar a good output opportunity.

With this thought, Zhou Yuan stepped forward and attached his Qi to his arms to accept the attacks of the Mosquito Swimmer and restrict its actions.

After recovering his energy, Caterpillar followed the trainer's footsteps and suddenly gave the Mosquito Swimmer a lightning tooth.

Seeing that his attack was difficult to work, and the opponent caused him damage, the Mosquito Swimmer was furious, and threw out a man and a dog with two shots, and then hit his abdomen hard.

The Mosquito Swimmer used the belly drum! The attack power of the Mosquito Swimmer was greatly improved! It was directly increased to the top!

After the strengthening was completed, the Mosquito-repellent swimmer strode towards Zhou Yuan, and after approaching, he punched out with a heavy punch.

This time Zhou Yuan still used Qi to resist, but failed to block the impact force attached to it, and the whole person was knocked out.

Zhou Yuan landed steadily with his agile posture, and caught the dog who was also knocked out by a punch.

"Tsk, the strengthening is full, it's not easy to resist. Even if the special energy can be blocked by Qigong, the attached impact force will still cause a knockback."

The Mosquito-repellent swimmer did not give Zhou Yuan too much time to think, and directly joined hands and punched with both fists. Zhou Yuan could only resist and could not make an effective counterattack. One person and one dog were knocked out many times.

The Carp King not far away watched this battle with a huge difference in strength. It didn't know that Zhou Yuan was training the dog, nor did it know that Zhou Yuan had a big red in his hand. It just thought that Zhou Yuan was protecting himself. After all, according to Zhou Yuan's skills, he could withdraw at any time, but he chose to fight with the Mosquito-repellent swimmer here.

After thinking about it, Magikarp finally came to the conclusion that Zhou Yuan was protecting him.

Magikarp was a little overwhelmed. This was the first time since he was born that he was cared for and loved by someone. This feeling was something he had never experienced before. This person would feed him delicious food, would not look down on him because of his color, and would protect him.

At this moment, Magikarp's favorability was off the charts! And because he thought Zhou Yuan was protecting him, he also wanted to protect the person who protected him.

Driven by a strong desire to protect, the light of evolution burst out!

Under the white light of evolution, Magikarp's body gradually grew larger, thicker, and longer. After the light of evolution dissipated, it was no longer Magikarp that remained, but Gyarados!

Under the orange sunset, Gyarados's red scales shone brightly.

Zhou Yuan was fighting with Mosquito Swimmer in the distance and did not notice this scene. When Mosquito Swimmer's explosive punch came towards Zhou Yuan, Zhou Yuan was just about to use Qi to resist, but a long scarlet tail stretched out from the side to block it, and also threw Mosquito Swimmer out.

Looking up along the tail, a ferocious big head was also staring at him, but Zhou Yuan did not find it scary, and murmured:

"It was cuter when it was a fathead fish."

The thrown Mosquito Swimmer was about to slip away when he saw that the situation was not good, but was discovered by Zhou Yuan.

"Gyarados, stop it, don't let it run away!" Zhou Yuan tried to command Gyarados, but unexpectedly, Gyarados did not have any rebellious emotions after hearing his words, and flew over to block Mosquito Swimmer.

Zhou Yuan was also somewhat relieved to see this scene, and felt like a child had grown up.

Then he said to the beaten Caterpie:

"Dog, let's go together. We must beat it down today!"

Looking at the small fish that had become so big, Gouzi felt a sense of crisis. He felt that his leading position was no longer secure and wanted to improve his strength urgently, so he rushed up with Zhou Yuan, "Awoo, Awoo".

As the saying goes, two fists cannot beat four hands. No matter how strong the Mosquito Swimmer is, he is only at the beginning of the senior level. In the end, he was beaten by a man, a dog, and a dragon, and his eyes turned into circles and he fell to the ground.

[Host wins the battle of a higher level for the first time, energy points +1000]

[Since the host participated in the battle, congratulations to the host for the achievement: Humanoid Pokémon, energy points +500]

[Host's current energy points: 6910]

Zhou Yuan looked at the Mosquito Swimmer and remembered that the ranch was missing a Pokémon to water the grass. It happened that it had the skill of praying for rain, so he took out the Poké Ball to capture it and prepared to give it back to Liu Yongming.

After putting the mosquito-repellent swimmer into the Poké Ball, Zhou Yuan sat down by the lake again, with the dog sitting in his hand.

On the other side, Gyarados also entered the lake.

Only then did Zhou Yuan have time to scan Gyarados.


[Level: Late Common Level]

[Features: Overconfidence]

[Skills: Make a scene, bite, tie, tidal vortex, salt water, ghost face, waterfall climbing, crushing, praying for rain, anger, dragon tail, dragon rage, glare, tornado, frozen teeth, water tail]

The three creatures looked at each other by the lake. Seeing that the sunset was about to completely set, Zhou Yuan stood up and prepared to go back.

Before leaving, he made a final attempt and said to Gyarados:

"Gyarados, are you willing to go with me? We will live, grow and fight together in the future."

After Zhou Yuan said these words, Gyarados had no reaction or movement, only the tentacles shook twice.

Seeing that Gyarados did not respond, Zhou Yuan had to accept the fact that it did not want to go with him, and turned around to leave this sad place.

Just after Zhou Yuan turned around, a tentacle gently tapped his shoulder. Zhou Yuan looked back and found that Gyarados had tapped the Poké Ball on his waist with its tentacles.

Zhou Yuan was a little excited, and his tone became a little trembling.

"You mean, are you willing to follow me?"

Gyarados nodded and stretched out his tentacles to Growlithe, and Growlithe also raised his right paw. In a sense, the dog and the dragon shook hands.

Zhou Yuan took out the healing ball, and Gyarados couldn't help but tilt his head when he looked at the pink and tender ball. Huh?

Zhou Yuan followed Gyarados's gaze and looked at his hand, only to find that he had taken the wrong ball because he was too excited. Just as he was about to take out the ball, Gyarados's tentacles had already pressed the capture button of the healing ball, and the whole dragon turned into a ball of red light and was collected in the ball.

Zhou Yuan looked at the ball in his hand and still felt a little unbelievable, feeling like living in a dream.

But no matter what, after scoring the ball, everyone became a family, and his hard work and efforts were not in vain.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan also laughed, raised Gyarados's Poké Ball above his head with his right hand, and then shouted at the lake:

"Gyarados, Get☆Daze!"

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