After the battle, Yun Duo didn't even look at her opponent, she turned around and hopped towards Zhou Yuan, her high ponytail bouncing behind her head.

"How was it, did I play well?"

Yun Duo asked with a smile.

"You played well, although you didn't stop the opponent's reinforcement in time in the early stage and were hit by a rolling once, but the subsequent reaction was very timely, the command was very appropriate, and the cooperation between you and the elves was also very skillful."

Zhou Yuan was also an honest child, and he said whatever he wanted.

Yun Duo's pink fist was slightly clenched.

"You don't need to say anything after the word 'although', just say but and that's it."

Zhou Yuan touched his head, feeling a little embarrassed. He didn't know what to say, so he simply stopped talking and smiled at Yun Duo.

Yun Duo was a little depressed. Although the man in front of her looked good, he was a little straightforward and always liked to talk about things that were not related to the topic.

But as Zhou Yuan's smile bloomed, Yun Duo felt that it didn't matter if this person was a little straightforward, as long as this face was handsome enough, and she couldn't get angry at all when looking at this face.

Zhou Yuan didn't know why the man in front of him was a little angry just now, but his face turned red in the blink of an eye. He just said one sentence, so it shouldn't be so angry that others' faces turned red, right?

The two of them had their own thoughts, but maybe their thoughts were in different directions, so they seemed a little silent for a while.

In the end, it was Yun Duo who broke the silent atmosphere.

"Zhou Yuan, which match are you in?"

"I'm in the fifth match, I'll have to wait a while, why aren't you leaving?"

Zhou Yuan was a little curious, didn't this guy already finish the fight, why is he still here.

Yun Duo was a little embarrassed by this question, and said that he was going to watch the next match, wanting to see if there were any opponents who could pose a threat to him, so that he could prepare in advance.

Zhou Yuan was even more puzzled, if he wanted to watch the match, he might as well go directly to the big screen in the middle of the ring, and he could still see a lot of things in the selected matches.

But out of some intuition, he still didn't ask this question.

Zhou Yuan didn't say anything else, and Yun Duo didn't ask any more. The two of them sat on the left and right to watch the third match on the stage.

The third match was similar to the first match. Both sides were ordinary-level early elves, one was Long Nose Leaf, and the other was Lotus Hat Child. Both sides were of similar levels, attributes, and even ability values. The battle was more stalemate than the first match.

The two sides went back and forth, it was so lively.

You hit my head with a high five, and I scratched your face, occasionally inserting some skills such as Leaf Blade and Seed Machine Gun.

Since they are both grass-type Pokémon, they have better durability and low power, so both sides are grinding each other's blood to see who can last longer.

But this is only on the surface. Zhou Yuan, who has a system, has already seen the skill tables of both sides and predicted the outcome of this battle in advance.

The two sides fought for a while, and the distance between them was very close. Zhou Yuan knew that now was the time.

The trainer of the Lotus Hat Kid also seized this opportunity, adjusted his glasses, and directed the Lotus Hat Kid to use a skill that could overturn the situation.

"Lotus Hat Kid, use Flame Fist!"

The Long Nose Leaf and its trainer were dumbfounded. Why didn't they use this skill earlier? Why did they save it now?

The Lotus Hat Kid's right fist was covered with a layer of flames, and he swung it heavily at the Long Nose Leaf that was close at hand.

The distance was too close, and it was too late to dodge at this moment. Long Nose Leaf caught the flaming fist with his face, and then fell to the ground with a bang, losing his ability to fight.

The trainers of both sides shook hands, and the trainer of Long Nose Leaf gritted his teeth and said, "You are really Yin Na" and turned to leave the ring.

The next fourth match was not interesting. One side was in a very bad state after the fourth round of fighting. After walking around on the ring, he took the initiative to admit defeat. The next match was the fifth match.

Zhou Yuan stood up, twisted his neck, and walked towards the ring. When he passed the clouds, he heard a word "Come on", smiled lightly, and walked onto the ring.

The one who fought against him was the female player who had stared at him with wide eyes before.

Seeing that she was fighting against this handsome guy, the female player was also a little secretly happy. No matter whether she could win or not, it would not be a loss to look at this face a few more times.

The battle officially began under the command of the referee.

The female player summoned her elf first.

"Go, Mud Donkey!"

[Mud Donkey ♀]

[Level: Mid-level Ordinary]

[Features: Do as I please]


Ability: Throwing mud, playing with mud, plowing, stomping, double kick, trampling, endurance, 100,000 horsepower, repaying a favor, rock blockade, self-sacrifice collision, close combat, stomping, iron head]

'It's a bit difficult to fight...'

Zhou Yuan thought to himself, the opponent's Pokémon is a natural counter to Growlithe, and Growlithe has no skills that can restrain the opponent, which is really a bit difficult to deal with.

But fortunately, the opponent's strength is only in the middle stage of the ordinary level, and the characteristic is not endurance, which is a characteristic that becomes more and more fleshy as it is beaten, otherwise Gyarados can only be sent to the field in this battle.

Gyarados can still hide for another round, and Zhou Yuan raised his hand and threw out the precious ball.

"It's decided to be you, Growlithe."

"Awoo|ू・ω・` )"

Growlithe looked at the opponent, then looked back at his trainer, and then howled a few times.

With so much time together, Zhou Yuan could barely understand what Growlithe meant.

What Growlithe said was:

"Are you sure you want me to fight it? Are you sure you don't want to use Dragonite? I think it's easier for you to fight Growlithe than me."

Zhou Yuan wanted to do the last point, but the rules didn't allow it, so he could only nod to Growlithe.

Growlithe saw his trainer nod, so he could only close his eyes resigned to his fate, and when he opened them again, his eyes had turned into the eyes of a lone wolf hunting in the wild.

The Mud Donkey on the opposite side was frightened by this look and felt a little uneasy, and he dug his right front hoof into the ground.

"Don't panic, Mud Donkey! We use rock blockade!"

The other trainer gave the command in time, and Mud Donkey exerted force, and several rocks appeared in the air and smashed towards where Growlithe was.

"Growlithe, use high-speed movement to avoid it! Get close to Mud Donkey!"

Growlithe ran quickly under Zhou Yuan's command, avoiding the rock blockade while also getting close to Mud Donkey.

"Mud Donkey, use Stomp!"

The Stomp skill is very strange. If the last attack did not hit, the damage this time will be doubled. In addition to the attribute restraint, Caterpillar may not be able to withstand it.

Mud Donkey's two front hooves were raised high, covered with earth-yellow energy, and then fell heavily towards Caterpillar, who was rushing in the face with high-speed movement.

To the contestants under the ring, it seemed like Caterpillar itself was crashing into the opponent's skills.

"Caterpillar, use Hold!"

As the command fell, Mud Donkey's hooves also fell on a layer of light green shield, and failed to penetrate it.

Then Zhou Yuan's command came again,

"Caterpillar, use Will-O-Won!"

Caterpillar opened its mouth, and a black spark spit out from its mouth, hitting Mud Donkey directly.

Mud Donkey's body trembled slightly, and then took two steps back. It was burned!

"Fuck, this is also a quality player."

The opponent cursed and commanded Mud Donkey to use stomp again. This time, Growlithe didn't have time to avoid it, and he wanted to use guard but failed!

"Fuck, it's so dark."

Zhou Yuan also cursed. He didn't expect that the two consecutive guards would fail, but he was not worried about Growlithe's safety, because Mud Donkey's attack power would be halved when he was in the burn state, so it would not cause too much damage to Growlithe.

Growlithe was hit hard in the front, which was still a little painful, but he could withstand it. Under Zhou Yuan's command, he used Flash Charge to hit Mud Donkey's head, knocking it staggering, but he also suffered some damage due to the counter-injury of the skill.

At this time, Growlithe's state was already a candle in the wind. The opponent's trainer seized this opportunity in time and commanded Mud Donkey to use 100,000 horsepower to rush forward, trying to knock Growlithe down with one blow.

Then Mud Donkey crashed headfirst into the light green shield brought by Shouzhu.

The opponent's trainer began to get a little anxious. Mud Donkey was in a burned state after all, and his energy would be damaged over time. If the situation dragged on like this, it would only be disadvantageous to him. He must defeat Growlithe as soon as possible while it was in a bad state.

Just as she was thinking this, she saw Growlithe, who had distanced himself under Zhou Yuan's command, standing in the distance and basking in the sun.

Morning light!

Mud Donkey's trainer almost vomited blood. The opponent actually had a recovery skill. This was too much of a cheat.

She didn't dare to let Growlithe recover to full state, otherwise the situation would be reversed, so she commanded Mud Donkey to use 100,000 horsepower to charge and rush to Growlithe before Growlithe's second morning light ended and raised his hooves to use heavy stomping.

The hooves landed with a bang, but what they hit was a doll.


The other trainer felt that his self-restraint was running out, and the national quintessence was about to come out, but for the sake of his image in front of the handsome guy, he swallowed it back.

Then he commanded the mud

Donkey used 100,000 horsepower to hit Growlithe again, but it crashed into the light green shield again.


She couldn't help it in the end, and didn't care about her image. She was really disgusted by this tactic of guarding the fire, and blurted it out directly. The sound was so loud that even Yun Duo, who was sitting in the waiting area, could hear it clearly.

Yun Duo was not unable to understand her. This tactic was indeed disgusting and psychological. If it were her on the field, she would have rolled up her sleeves and fought with Zhou Yuan.

Even though this girl commanded in various ways to break through Growlithe's defense, Zhou Yuan's ability to read and time the timing was too strong. Every time, he could command Growlithe to use guard or substitute before the skills of the clay donkey hit. If he didn't have enough energy, he would move away at high speed and recover from the morning light.

Under Zhou Yuan's flawless command, it took a lot of time, and the clay donkey couldn't withstand the damage caused by the burns after all, and knelt on all fours and lost his ability to fight.

The fifth round of battle was won without any danger.

After the battle, the opponent trainer did not talk to Zhou Yuan, but took the Mud Donkey back into the Poké Ball and hurriedly left the battle area. It was really disgusting.

Zhou Yuan laughed dumbly, took the Caterpie back into the Poké Ball and prepared to leave.

Yun Duo followed him, and the two watched today's exciting game on the big screen for a while, analyzed the opponents who might threaten each other's Pokémon, and then separated at the entrance of the gymnasium and went home.

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